November 11, 2006
Thank You Veterans!
Thank You Veterans! Thank you for all you've done, all you do, and all you will do.
These posts say it best...
Proud at Army Wife Toddler Mom.
I watched Mothers kneel to the floor thankful that they get to touch them for real. I watched Dads give sons tough guy hugs, with so many tears held back that these men looked like pain had overcome them.
Veteran's Day 2006 at House of Zathras. I think that has to be the most touching picture I've seen.
Thank YOU at One Happy Dog Speaks.
Hangin' Out With The Boys at Sgt. Hook's. A great video tribute.
Valour-IT Friday Flog at Blackfive. Another great video tribute. Donate to a great cause while you are there.
Leaving... at Straight White Guy. A nice dedication.
A Pittance of Time at Grouchy Old Cripple.
See What's Next... »
Thank you for sharing all those links. I'm about out of tissues after seeing them, however.
Thank you to all our veterans!
posted by
Mrs_Who at November 12, 2006 11:17 AM
... it was great having dinner with you and the gang last night.... thank you so much for making the trip!..
posted by
Eric at November 12, 2006 07:30 PM
« Nevermind
July 31, 2006
Travel IQ Test
I am surprised each time I travel by how much someone's IQ drops when they are boarding a plane.
Why is it necessary to be talking on your cell phone while BOARDING the plane? And I mean holding the phone, dragging two carry on bags and having a full blown conversation with someone. Those 5 minutes on the phone are not going to save the world, get off!
Why bring a full size pillow on the plane. I would consider leaving this one alone if we were going to, say, EUROPE on a 14 hour flight. But we're not. We are flying 2 flippin' hours, in the middle of the day. I think you can live without your slobber stained pillow for that short duration.
Do not get mad at the stewardess when she tells you that you cannot hold your kid in your lap in the exit row. I swear, if your kid gets in the way of me exiting the plane when plummeting to our death.... Stop arguing and pass the kid up to the woman that couldn't keep her legs closed 2 years ago. A matter of fact, why aren't you sitting up there with her? Go help the woman out. You obviously weren't scared to be next to her 2 years ago.
When in a large group, it is not a contest to see who got closest to the 50lb checked bag limit without going over. After your bag has been tagged, do not proceed to put your bag back up on the scale to see your score.
I'm cool with there being 1st class...I have no problems with that. I've never sat in first class, but I really don't care. I don't even care that they board first even though they are at the front of the plane. But can we wait to serve them drinks until everyone boards or before all the coach people board. This is why flights are always delayed. It takes forever to board because the stewardess' are in the aisle pouring drinks for everyone in first class while we seek our seat from the distance.
And those that think if they run to the baggage carousel will get their luggage first....Guess What??? Our baggage all flew over on the same fricken plane! And for running me over when hurdling to the baggage terminal...I hope your luggage is still at your departure city, in a whole other city, or at least the last fricken bag that had water steadily leaking on it.
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I like the folks who as soon as you land have to get stand in the isle. Like they are departing any faster. I realize the tall folks need to stretch but most of the people are just impatient.
posted by Morrigan at August 1, 2006 08:55 AM
Don't forget the folks who upon landing turn on their phones check and reply to messages while waiting to deplane. If they're so fucking important why are they flying coach.
posted by
spurs at August 2, 2006 02:50 PM
Even better are the ones that not only have to stand up as soon as the plane lands and gets to the gate but the ones that stand up and proceed to move forward past their seat - I don't care if you have a screaming baby hanging off of your hip - you aren't getting in front of me to get off the damn plane! Wow, I don't miss traveling at all....
posted by
Napster at August 2, 2006 04:11 PM
We are looking forward (?) to a flight in November with a newborn and a 2 year old. Other than boarding first to get the car seat strapped in- and leaving daddy out in the lobby to board last so the little one can expend her energy- I like to think we are courteous fliers. We exit last because we have all the stuff and we stand back from the luggage carousel because I don't want the little one getting trampled by people who "must have their bags NOW!!"
posted by
Jody at August 7, 2006 07:22 PM
« Nevermind
I hate AOL with a fucking passion! I wouldn't use AOL if it were the last ISP on Earth! I am addicted to the internet and can't go a day without using it and if AOL was the only way I could access the internet, I would quit cold turkey. I would rather stick pins under my fingernails then talk to one of their ignorant, non-English speaking, shit-for-brains agents. If AOL was a country, I would say bomb them. If they were a bug, exterminate them. But they are a company and I will be sure to never, ever use them for as long as I, my spawn and theirs, shall live.
5 years go, I did use AOL. That's when AIM was cool, AOL was cheap and easy. I quit after a few months, while still in my free trial. Sissy2124 has ALWAYS been my screen name. For 8 years now, that's what I have used.
So, a couple of years later, I download AIM because that's all one of my friends would use. A few months later, I receive a bill for $14.95, urging that I pay immediately or they will come for my organs. Of course, there is no phone number on the bill to call. So, I go to to find a few numbers. After 45 minutes of calling different numbers, I get some bucket head that seems to think that I should pay them $15 a month to use my screenname. Fuck that! I promptly told him he could shove the screenname up his ass and that would be the last $14.95 they would get from me!
Fast forward a few more years to today. My mom is receiving my mail right now and she tells me I have something from a collection agency. WHAT?!? I am in the process of buying a house and am watching my credit report like a hawk! I ask her to open it and she says it's for $14.95 for AOL; no date, no explanation, just $14.95. Now, I have refreshed my credit report twice in the past 5 days and there has been no mention of AOL or $14.95.
So she gives me the phone number, and I call. And a recording says for better service, to call another number. So I do. And it rings....but a weird ring like when calling overseas. Then, it sounds like an alarm going off and after about 2 minutes, it just hangs up. I call the first number again to make sure I wrote down the 2nd number correctly. I call the 2nd number where Ha-fucking-beeb answers. I tell him about the letter and he looks it up. He says I had an account from 2001-2004 and I owed $14.95. It took everything I had right there not to put my hand through the phone and strangle the ever loving life out of him. He asks if I would like to make the payment.
I said no. I don't think I owe it. But I will, because I don't want you all trying to put that shit on my report. So I give him my card number where he repeats it back wrong 3 times. He finally gets it and asks if a certain address is my address. No, it's my moms. Which, I'm not sure how he got because I only have my stuff forwarded there, but haven't changed my address to that address. I start to spell out my new address. I kid you not, this takes 10 minutes. He would think I said "D" after a "T" and weird crap like that. Finally I told him to stop and listen and spelled it out with an example of each letter. He still got it wrong.
We finally get it finished and he says he is going to charge $14.95 plus a $5 payment fee to my card. You've got to be fucking kidding me! He then transfers me to his supervisor who also repeats my card number and address to be sure it is correct and lets me know of the $14.95 plus $5 that will be charged to my card.
It took 30 minutes to make this payment, that I didn't even fucking owe...and that was with no hold time!
And I'm a little paranoid, which is unlike me. They asked for my 3 digit security number on the back of my card. Now, I know online they will often ask for that, but I have never been asked for it over the phone. To be safe, I have transferred all of that money to a different account because I am in fact, paranoid of the AOL Nazis.
And that is just one reason why, not even if my life depended on it, I would not ever use AOL.
See What's Next... »
Yikes. I have enough problem with identity theft from 4 years ago. Not going to go there here... but I hope you got it straightened out. Though, the collection agency after me was all American. You are smart to be worried. You might want to consider monitoring all activity on that credit card.
posted by
vw bug at August 1, 2006 06:33 AM
Dammit, dammit, dammit. I wish I had read this BEFORE you paid. I used to work with this type of stuff. Anything under $50 WILL NOT keep you from qualifying for any credit. You could have written a letter stating your dispute, and kept a copy of that to show anyone who questioned it. If it was still a problem, then pay for it. At least you can take satisfaction that a collection agency gets 50% of what they collect, so AOL *spit* would only get half. Better yet, offer a settlement for half the amount, and then AOL would have gotten even less. For future reference, ask them to send you a written agreement about any transactions BEFORE you okay the money.
posted by
Mrs_Who at August 1, 2006 07:18 PM
I wouldn't feel too comfortable about that right now either - make sure you check that account often - and it's true - anything with that small of an amount usually doesn't even show up on your credit report.
posted by Napster at August 2, 2006 04:18 PM
« Nevermind
June 14, 2006
I got this via email and thought some of you might find interest in this:
Dear Lejeune Brat,
"BRATS: Our Journey Home" is now available on DVD at...
It's the first-ever documentary about us -- about growing up "BRAT" -- and how that has profoundly shaped our lives and our struggle to belong.
Help us spread the word.
I'm Tim Wurtz, Ankara American High School class of 1969. I co-produced
"BRATS: Our Journey Home." It's written and directed by Army Brat Donna Musil and narrated by Air Force Brat Kris Kristofferson. We need your support to let other Brats know about this movie. Here's what people are saying...
"I saw this beautiful film at the Newport Beach Film Festival... it is very, very well made and is a must for each and every person who ever lived under these circumstances... this is not an easy topic... the filmmakers have done an excellent job of laying out the major issues... we should all support this film in the most aggressive way possible..."
-John Hardy, Air Force Brat, London Central '66 - Producer, "Sex, Lies and Videotape" "Erin Brokovich" "Ocean's 11" "Ocean's 12"...
"Thanks for letting us become validated. You're doing a tremendous service and will touch lives you don't even know about for years to come."
-Liz Cain, Brat, Bitburg American High School
"I can't believe the changes in my life it's brought about already."
-Ginger Cole Turner, DOD teacher's daughter
"I am completely overwhelmed. I thought I had covered this waterfront both intellectually and emotionally, but how wrong I was. I was sobbing."
-Sarah Bird, Military Brat, author, "The Yokota Officers Club"
Watch this movie and help us inform BRAT NATION. Please forward this e-mail to every brat you know, including your brothers and sisters, and to the parents of every brat you know.
Visit the web site -
Festivals and screenings: [I deleted this for space, you can see it at their website]
Thank-you for your support.
This looks very interesting and I'm looking forward to checking it out.
And I have to share the quote on their website by my favorite author, Pat Conroy:
As author and Marine Corps brat Pat Conroy says so eloquently in his introduction to Mary Wertsch's book, Military Brats: Legacies of Childhood Inside the Fortress:
I thought I was singular in all this, one of a kind. From Mary's book I discover that I speak in the multitongued, deep-throated voice of my tribe. ...[I]t's a language I was not even aware I spoke... a secret family I did not know I had. ... Military brats, my lost tribe, spent their entire youth in service to this country, and no one even knew we were there.
See What's Next... »
I'm pretty sure that Navy Brat is the same. The life ofa military brat in general... what a different life we led.
posted by
Bou at June 15, 2006 11:11 AM
Damn... I saw "Brats," and thought you'd found some kick ass bratwurst...
Now I'm hungry...
posted by
that 1 guy at June 15, 2006 05:37 PM
« Nevermind
February 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Morrigan
Happy Birthday Morrigan
I hope you have a wonderful birthday WEEKEND!
And hopefully the clan will be out there soon enough to where we can celebrate right!
Happy Birthday!!
See What's Next... »
Thanks Sissy. I'm looking forward to the visit. I will limit the number of margarita pitchers to ONE!
posted by
Morrigan at February 10, 2006 03:54 PM
I was just coming over to tell you!
posted by
Bou at February 10, 2006 04:20 PM
We definitely like Morrigan and, therefore, wish her a happy birthday.
posted by
Jim - PRS at February 11, 2006 03:39 AM
.. many happy returns, Morrigan...
posted by
Eric at February 11, 2006 07:45 AM
« Nevermind
September 27, 2005
Poor Grieving Cindy...
Tough Life. . . . . . .camping outside Bush's Ranch!
See What's Next... »
August 30, 2005
Another Logic Puzzle
Here's another Logic Puzzle from my class. Since some liked the last one I posted (and I don't have much time to post anything else), here ya go.
On Halloween We're Going As ...
Last Saturday, the first five couples to visit Jack O'Lantern's Halloween Shop rented costumes to wear for the night of October 31. Each husband and wife picked a different costume based on a real or fictional person. Given the clues below, will you get tricked or get a treat by finding the first and last names of each couple (one husband is Mark and one wife Erica), the costume each rented for Halloween, and the order 1st-5th in which the couples paid for their selections?
1. All five women and four of the men picked costumes of "appropriate" gender; one of the husbands, however, thought it would be funny to dress as a female character on Halloween.
2. Nick had wanted to go as Elvis Presley or Uncle Sam but found both costumes had been rented to husbands who were in Jack O'Lantern's earlier than he was Saturday.
3. Angela and her husband, who didn't pick the Babe Ruth outfit, picked costumes at the store before the woman who chose Madonna and her spouse did.
4. Mrs. Poe, who isn't the person who rented the Littlest Mermaid costume or the one who chose the Wicked Witch outfit, and her husband picked their costumes immediately ahead of Lou and his wife.
5. In consecutive order first-to-last, Cynthia and her husband, the woman who is going as Catwoman and her husband, and the man dressing as Capt. Hook and his wife rented costumes at Jack O'Lantern's.
6. Nick, who isn't Belinda's husband, and Mr. Hitchcock both decided they were too tall for the Yoda costume, which no one rented on Saturday.
7. Ken and Mr. Chaney and their wives were picking costumes to wear to the Ocean City Marina Floating Halloween Party on October 31.
8. The Kings paid for their rentals, then the couple who had the Old Mother Hubbard and another costume paid for theirs.
9. The man going as Elvis Presley on Halloween, who isn't Cynthia's husband, isn't the one whose wife is going as Barbie.
10. The Hitchcocks were the last of the five couples to choose their costumes.
11. Jim and his wife got their outfits earlier than Mr. & Mrs. Chaney.
12. The wife of the man going as Uncle Sam didn't pick the Old Mother Hubbard costume because she thought it would be too heavy to wear all evening.
13. Belinda and her husband paid for their costumes immediately after the man going as Babe Ruth and his wife paid for theirs and immediately before the woman going as Barbie and her husband rented theirs.
14. Cynthia isn't the woman masquerading as Madonna on Halloween.
15. Nick, whose wife isn't going as Barbie, and Deborah's spouse went to a party last Halloween disguised as George Bush and Al Gore, costumes none of the men selected on Saturday.
16. Belinda, who didn't choose the Catwoman outfit, isn't the woman whose husband is going as Elvis Presley.
17. The Littlest Mermaid costume isn't the one Mrs. Lugosi rented.
# |
Husband |
Wife |
Last Name |
Husband's Costume |
Wife's Costume |
Order |
1 |
??? |
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Read More "Another Logic Puzzle" »
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Husband |
Wife |
Last Name |
Husband's Costume |
Wife's Costume |
Order |
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« Hide "Another Logic Puzzle"
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August 09, 2005
Critical Thinking
It irritates me when an instructor tells us to do an assignment but that it's not graded. I don't have time for crap that isn't going to be graded. Yes, I know I am responsible for my own learning and anything I do is going to benefit me. But it's still a pain in the ass....
This is the assignment that is worth our thought, but not a grade. Anyone else care to take a stab at it? I'll even give you a grade at the end!
And no, I am not cheating, I've already turned in the assignment. I've even posted my answer in the extended entry!
In the document, give the solution, time it took you to solve the puzzle, and any comments. Be honest! If you can't solve the puzzle in 10 - 15 min, let it not bother you. Puzzles are just one sort of Problems and one has to develop the techniques to solve them. That is not the goal of our course - it is a logical activity, that will (should) get you started thinking, step by step.
Cuckoo Clocks
Three members of the Boston Horology Society have just returned from a holiday in Switzerland where they each purchased a handmade cuckoo clock.
Can you work out where each person bought their clock, the name of the clockmaker and how much each clock cost, $100, $120, $150?
1. Gloria Greene didn't buy the cheapest clock and it wasn't the one manufactured by Franz Geisser.
2. The clock bought in Geneva was manufactured by Hans Bruckner and was
cheaper than the one bought by Wilbur Watson.
3. Trudie Tipler didn't buy her cuckoo clock in Zurich.
4. The most expensive clock was purchased in Zermatt but wasn't the one
manufactured by Herman Finkel.
Name |
Place |
Clock Maker |
Price |
Gloria Green |
??? |
??? |
??? |
Wilbur Watson |
??? |
??? |
??? |
Trudie Tipler |
??? |
??? |
??? |
(Damn I hope I'm right or this will be really embrassing)
Read More "Critical Thinking" »
Name |
Place |
Clock Maker |
Price |
Gloria Green |
Zurich |
Herman Finkel |
$120 |
Wilbur Watson |
Zermatt |
Franz Geisser |
$150 |
Trudie Tipler |
Geneva |
Hans Bruckner |
$100 |
It took me 8 minutes. Doesn't mean it's right...but that's how long I felt was enough to spend on it.
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Took me about four minutes, and I got Gloria and Wilber in opposite places from yours. After checking your deductions, I went back for another four minutes checking our answers, and I've found that we're both right. Neither placement goes against anything that was in the "rules".
Thanks, That was fun.
posted by
Johnny - Oh at August 10, 2005 12:04 AM
4 minutes and I got the same result that you got. (I'll be shocked if that's not right.) LOL
posted by
Mike at August 10, 2005 01:34 AM
Johnny-Oh, you were right on your first assumption. It only works both ways if you make a non-logical leap with statement 1.
Statement 1 says that GG didn't buy the cheapest clock. It also says that "it" -- the cheapest clock -- wasn't manufactured by Franz. However, statement 1 does NOT say that the clock bought by GG wasn't manufactured by Franz.
posted by
Ogre at August 10, 2005 07:52 AM
4 minutes, yay
(And I agreed with you)
posted by
Tilesey at August 10, 2005 10:56 AM
I didn't time myself, but got what you got. I know it was under 5 minutes. It didn't take long.
I love logic puzzles. I buy books of them. I know... I'm a geek.
posted by
Boudicca at August 10, 2005 10:56 PM
Yeah Ogre, you're right. I just fixated on the "cheapest clock", and let the other part of the sentance roll right by.
cut me some slack though, if you check the timestamp there, you'll see it was quite late. I usully start drinking around 6Pm or so. ;^)
posted by
Johnny - Oh at August 10, 2005 11:14 PM
Oh, you didn't say that! There's completely different answers to this questions when drinking!
posted by
Ogre at August 16, 2005 07:50 AM
« Nevermind
July 30, 2005
A Woman's Razor!
Okay Ladies!
The new Schick Quattro for Women is definitely worth the purchase!
The four blades make it easy to shave, not having to go over the same place twice. The razor feels heavy and durable. The handle is a better shape and makes it an easier angle to shave.
Definitely the best I've used! There's a deal at Target right now with the razor and 4 additional cartridges for $8.00.
Or, GO HERE and try one for free.
See What's Next... »
Did you catch the part about getting future mail? I still signed up. Thanks!
posted by
VW Bug at July 30, 2005 11:43 AM
After I signed up it said: "Thank You Now your leg hairs' days are numbered." LOL
posted by
Amy at July 30, 2005 01:10 PM
Did it. You know what irritates me about these new razors is how damn expensive the cartridges are... it makes me wonder if it's more economical to do the disposables, but the shaves aren't as nice.
Oh to be a European Woman... No shaving required...
posted by
Bou at July 30, 2005 05:19 PM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
12:22 AM
Comments (3)
TrackBack (1)
Bad Example links with:
July 22, 2005
F is for...
LONDON (Reuters) - The word "fail" should be banned from use in British classrooms and replaced with the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils, a group of teachers has proposed.
Members of the Professional Association of Teachers (PAT) argue that telling pupils they have failed can put them off learning for life.
A spokesman for the group said it wanted to avoid labeling children. "We recognize that children do not necessarily achieve success first time," he said.
"But I recognize that we can't just strike a word from the dictionary," he said.
The PAT said it would debate the proposal at a conference next week.
In 50 years, they will be banning the phrase "deferred success" to avoid demoralizing pupils.
See What's Next... »
I saw that. Fortunately, crazy people make news, not policy. Imagine congratulating Thursday's bombers on their "deferred success"!
I'm sure there is an Evil Glenn joke in that phrase...
posted by
Sally at July 23, 2005 08:05 AM
« Nevermind
July 18, 2005
The Chocolate Factory!

| VS. |  |
I love Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! So needless to say, I was anxiously awaiting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory since I saw the previews last year!
It is hard to compare the two. They are really two different movies. The same, but different!
Is the new one worth seeing? Yes. Is it better than the first? In my opinion, no.
Willy Wonka, played by Johnny Depp, reminded me of a mix of Christopher Lloyd's character in Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Judge Doom) and Michael Jackson. He played the creepy part well, but couldn't do what Gene Wilder did in the original.
The kids? They picked well. Although I'm still partial to the original Charlie.
The factory? Can't beat the original factory. I don't care how high tech we are these days.
The Oompa Loompa? Again, I prefer the first. Although, Deep Roy (sounds like a porn star) did do a good job!
The Soundtrack? The new one! I was impressed. I caught myself tapping my foot several times!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory does give you resolution though. It's nice to know what happens to the kids and the family.
Although I was weirded out by Wonka as a kid in his head gear.
Anyways...If you liked Willie Wonka and the Chocolate factory, go see Charlie and the Chocolate factory. If you weren't a big fan, go see the matinee!
See What's Next... »
June 28, 2005
Support Our Troops
Contagion is rallying up support for our troops.
Go over and leave comments that Contagion will forward to them. Leave a donation for items to be sent to the troops. Leave ideas of things to send.
Or, send your own care package. You can contact your local military base public relations contact, a recruiting office, USO office, or local Military Veterans groups.
To see a list of suggest items to send and not to send, go here or here. Includes stuff like:
Baby wipes
Mouth Wash
Eye Drops
Phone cards
Foam balls
Playing Cards
Go see Contagion and be a part of a great cause.
See What's Next... »
Great to see support as always. The bad example family, is setting a good example in this case.
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at June 29, 2005 10:21 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
11:30 PM
Comments (1)