December 21, 2006
Proud Parent
So, I have been disowned by my blog children.
You must go read each of their answers to the Christmas Meme.
*wipes tear* I'm proud! And in tears I'm laughing so hard!
See What's Next... »
November 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Spurs
Today is my blogson, Spurs' birthday.
I figured I'd get him what I got him last year...
In addition to a few other gifts...


Oops, sorry, I must have got that last one for me!
Happy Birthday!
See What's Next... »
Thanks Sissy. Now go get your car washed...
posted by
spurs at November 30, 2006 05:23 PM
« Nevermind
July 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Napster
Today is my dear friend, Napster's birthday!
I feel kinda guilty because Spurs and Napster celebrated my birthday for about 10 days!! So, I guess I must do the same...
...bring on the vodka!!
Happy Birthday Napster! I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day full of Lynkin pooping outside, Spurs keeping the gas to a minimum and plenty of beer in the fridge!
See What's Next... »
Thanks Sissy! So far it's been a great birthday - I'm looking forward to many cocktails tonight
Wish you were here....
posted by
Napster at July 29, 2006 01:45 PM
Happy Birthday Napster!
posted by
caltechgirl at July 29, 2006 07:47 PM
« Nevermind
July 09, 2006
Happy Birthday T1G
T1G is one of my favorite dudes and he's having a birthday today!
The celebration is here, but I left his gift below.
Happy Birthday T1G!
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See What's Next... »
OOOO, I forgot her . . .
posted by
oddybobo at July 8, 2006 11:56 PM
You're just suckin' up.......
posted by
Tammi at July 9, 2006 05:58 AM
You are a nice gift giver! -vw
posted by
VW Bug at July 9, 2006 05:58 PM
You rock, Sissy! Thank you!!!
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 9, 2006 11:12 PM
« Nevermind
January 31, 2006
I Want To Join the Bad Example Clan Because
I like posts with long titles
I'm a follower
I LOVE updating my freaking sidebars with more blogrolls and pictures
A lot of things rhyme with Clan
There are still just a few more Bad Example men that don't wear kilts...might as well get them all!
it more than sounds dirty, it IS dirty!
Think I've lost my mind? Go see my Blogpa for an explanation of my corruption.
See What's Next... »
January 25, 2006
Proud of the Fart Ninja
A few days ago, blogson Spurs posted here the following:
Here is the quote of the week from the house of Spurs and Napster - guess who said it....
"Why would I get out of a perfectly warm bed just to fart in a cold bathroom?"
You must check out the comments, very funny!
But then there is a follow up from the Fart Ninja herself!
What I got out of it was that you know you are with the right one when you can fart in front of them.....
...maybe that's why I'm single??
See What's Next... »
Fortunately, my wife & I have dogs to blame our farts on
posted by
Harvey at January 26, 2006 11:27 AM
And that's what kids are for too! And boys love taking the blame for anything like that. Really.
posted by
Bou at January 26, 2006 05:22 PM
Actually single or married - men just don't like a girl who farts in front of them - geez, like they have so many fine attributes.
posted by
Napster at February 1, 2006 05:33 PM
« Nevermind
November 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Spurs!!
Today is my blogson's birthday!
Napster wrote a great post about him here. And it's all true!
Spurs is an all around great guy! If we could ever get him to a blogmeet, he'd be the life of the party. This is the kind of guy that could make yard work fun!
I'm lucky to have Spurs as a friend! So go on and wish him a Happy Birthday and have some drinks for him!
His present is below....
Read More "Happy Birthday Spurs!!" »
See What's Next... »
Ahh, you know Spurs too well Sissy
Thanks for posting this today and we can't wait until New Years and many, many vodka and red bull induced good times
posted by
Napster at November 29, 2005 01:26 PM
Heading over...
posted by
Harvey at December 2, 2005 06:53 PM
« Nevermind
September 14, 2005
Happy Birthday Harvey!!!
It's Harvey's Birthday!!
He has requested something in particular:
I want pictures of partially-to-completely nude human female breasts.
Oh, and he has beads!!!!!
So, I've been searching all day to figure out what to get him!!
I searched for "rack" and ended up with this...

I searched for "knockers" and got this...

I searched for "boob" and got this...

So finally, I wised up and searched for "chest" and found...

Mmmm...I like this one....but I don't think Harvey will...
As a last resort, I tried "breasts", and wound up with this...
Read More "Happy Birthday Harvey!!!" »
See What's Next... »
September 13, 2005
Where's Tammi???
Tammi is DSL-less tonight! They told her 24-48 hours! She's going crazy. I've spent the past hour talking her off the roof of the house ;-)
But man, you should be excited when she comes back online! She's got some stories for you! Let's just say the neighbors and Cody are at it again!!
Stay tuned and cross your fingers for a quick recovery of her DSL!!
See What's Next... »
Something very bad happened to me yesterday that I've not been able to blog on. So she called me today to share her story. I was LMAO. Cody needs to meet my boys.
posted by
Bou at September 13, 2005 10:35 PM
« Nevermind
September 08, 2005
Happy Birthday Bou!
Today, is my blog mom's 40th birthday! Go wish her a happy birthday!! She deserves the best. can take a peek at what I got her in the extended entry...
Read More "Happy Birthday Bou!" »
See What's Next... »
Where do we leave the presents?
posted by
Ogre at September 8, 2005 07:50 AM
LOL! Hey. I married him dark. I got myself a nice looking Italian boy!
posted by
Bou at September 8, 2005 10:29 PM
« Nevermind
August 31, 2005
I Say Call Johnny-Oh!!
Here's another tough one from class! However, this really happened to my instructor. My response to this was, "Call the elevator repair man"
So, Johnny-Oh, what do we do??
I had ordered a large magnet from Sweden for my research work. One fine morning, the crate arrived and it was about 5 X 5 X 5 feet and weighed 5000 lbs. My group was so excited to open the crate and look at the magnet that they did not do all the Critical Thinking. They directed the crate to the service elevator, since my lab was on the First floor. The crate barely fit the elevator (capacity 5000 lbs) and the operator pushed the button. To his and our surprise, the elevator instead of going up - went down and hit the stopper - about 3 ft. below the ground level. Now it was stuck in that weird position - not going anywhere!
I had to think of something before the Lab director arrived. It was a brand new building and me and my crew had blocked the service elevator! May be ruined it! And my key equipment was stuck in the elevator! I knew, I was in hot water.
What do you think I did to get out of that mess?
See What's Next... »
Then again, that's my answer for everything
posted by
Harvey at August 31, 2005 10:35 PM
Simple. Take the crate apart and get all the wood off the car. Just take up the magnet and the pallet it sits on.
(Of course, I don't have all the information about the particulars of this elevator, or the dynamics of the magnet crate, and so forth, so this is a "from the hip" answer.)
posted by
Johnny - Oh at September 1, 2005 05:20 PM
« Nevermind
July 31, 2005
Hangin' with my Spawn
Didn't see much of Spurs, Napster, or myself last night?
That's because we were out drinking it up in the belly button of America!
Ended up at a country bar. Napster got me on the dance floor....that means I was drunk.
"Sissy is drunk" verb/ = 1. Sissy is dancing. 2. Sissy is singing. 3. Sissy is talking/flirting with random people. 4. Sissy is telling stuff about herself that she really shouldn't.
The definitions go on!
I tell ya, you can't have more fun then hanging out with these two! Had Morrigan to the picture, and you are having the time of your life!
All I can say is I wish I would have been a little less drunk to borrow TNT's quote pen! Oh the things these kids come up with! I'm so proud! You know you have good blogspawn when they make you a to-go cup for the ride!
See What's Next... »
Now I'm starting to think I should've done the 'crawl from Texas...
posted by
Harvey at August 1, 2005 12:22 PM
LOL Sissy! You remind me my friend, and yes, she was thirty when she sang, danced, and flirted with random people last time we went out.
In her case, it was on a subway station platform, and she was singing and dancing along to a busker. That was all well and good, but when she started appealing to shocked passengers to "give him money, he's an artist!", I was only slightly less amused than when she snogged the face off him.
Long may bad behaviour continue!
posted by
Sally at August 1, 2005 04:32 PM
« Nevermind
July 29, 2005
Happy Birthday Napster!!!
Happy Birthday Napster!!!
Today is Spur's wife and my great friend, Napster's birthday!
Although I can't be with her today, (and after this post I DON'T WANNA BE THERE!! ;-) ), I decided I'd post one of her birthday presents below!

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!
See What's Next... »
Hahahaha! Thanks girl! This is great. I really need the snoring off button to work and the buy me all of the above button wouldn't hurt either
posted by
Napster at July 29, 2005 12:08 PM
So THAT'S how my wife does it...
posted by
Harvey at July 29, 2005 12:50 PM
Great gift! LOL!
posted by
Susan at July 29, 2005 09:45 PM
I thought I was doing all of this stuff of my own free will...
posted by
spurs at July 30, 2005 12:53 AM
« Nevermind
July 28, 2005
Happy Birthday Tammi!!!

I tripled the candles on the cake so we could get the firemen over here for you! You get first dibs!
I hope you have an absolutely WONDERFUL birthday!! You deserve the very best!
See What's Next... »
That's what I love about you - always thinkin' ahead!!
Thank you sweetie. You put a smile on my face today!
posted by
Tammi at July 28, 2005 08:36 AM
Wait... we need a Marine... or two... or three in that picture!
posted by
Bou at July 28, 2005 07:50 PM
« Nevermind
July 18, 2005
Blogmom Bou is considering getting the boys a dog.
Everyone is leaving their advice in her comments. I had to make mine a seperate post.
Adopt vs. Buy
I've always been one to adopt. There are so many dogs out there that have been left without a home. Good dogs! Especially since the war started, dogs are just being let go to survive on their own or brought to an animal shelter. There is an animal shelter in Hinesville, GA (big Army base) that if they find a dog without a collar, it only get's to stay for 3 days. If the dog has a collar, 10 days. Otherwise, they are euthanzied. It's very sad.
I adopted Kiki. She was 2 months old and was found on the side of a highway. There *are* good dogs at the shelter.
From what I've read and experienced, mixed dogs/mutts are better behaved and have less health problems.
Female vs. Male. For years, we always got male dogs because of what we had heard about females being more aggressive. My issue with male dogs? I get grossed out when they get "excited" and their thingy pokes out. Female dogs...get them spayed as soon as you can (6 weeks old). Then you don't have to put up with them being in heat and they don't get the chance to be aggressive.
Small dog vs. Big dog. I always had medium/large dogs growing up. I thought the small little dogs were obnoxious! I still agree with that to a point. I lucked out big time with Kiki. She thinks she's a big dog but fits in your lap! She likes to play and she likes to be loved. No bitchiness. So keep in mind whether it's going to be an indoor/outdoor dog (and then don't tell me if you are going to leave it outside 24/7). Depends on the size of your home.
If I could have more dogs, I would. I hate the fact that there are great dogs sitting at the shelter that would be loyal family members that may die if someone doesn't come along within 3-10 days!
For Bou and fam, my first suggestion is a Golden Retriever like dog. My dad has one. He is great with my little sister and all the other kids, was very easy to train and is all about giving love. In my experience, they don't get really hyper like some other dogs. Downside? They are large dogs that shed. They need to be walked and/or have plenty of room to run in a yard.
So it all depends on the family dynamic, what kind of "personality" traits you want, and what size poop you are willing to pick up!
I'll have to write a whole other post on bringing the puppy/dog home and starting training.
To anyone else considering getting a dog or more dogs. All I can say is ADOPT ADOPT ADOPT!!!
See What's Next... »
I agree. We adopted our French Mastiff. Loved every moment of it.
posted by
VW Bug at July 19, 2005 08:44 AM
TOTALLY AGREE!! There are such good dogs at the shelters. PetSmart usually showcases them on the weekends outside of their stores and in their stores during the week sometimes. And if you are looking for a pure breed you would be surprised at how many the pound has. Lots of georgeous pure breds and cutie pie mixed breeds
Not to mention the pure bred rescue societies that try to place these dogs in loving homes when people can no longer take care of them like "Golden Retreiver Rescue" would be something you would search for on the internet to see if there are any in your area. So please ADOPT!
posted by
napster at July 19, 2005 10:02 AM
We have some research to do. Part of my issues with the shelters is I don't know what's happened to the dogs. I don't have a lot of room for chance here as I have kids who are phobic. I need to do the puppy thing as they are SO terrified of adult dogs. Until you see it, you can't understand how petrified they are. It borders between horrific to see such a young person so terrified and funny... as its unbelievable.
So I'm searching. I need a low maintenance dog as I don't have time in my life with three boys for a lot of grooming. I need one that is medium sized as big will bowl them over and too small could be dangerous for the dog.
Machelle sent me link to look and it said to get a whippet?
What the heck? Sounds like something a Bad Example family member should get. *grin*
So I am researching. If it was just me and my spouse or if our kids were not phobic, we would adopt in a heart beat from a shelter. I am more inclined to adopt from a breeder... as an adult dog from a breeder.
This should be interesting.
posted by
Bou at July 19, 2005 05:55 PM
Shelters have puppies! Lots of them. Just look, you never know when you'll find the diamond in the rough!
posted by
Sissy at July 19, 2005 08:17 PM
Go big so that when the boys try to ride it like a pony, the dog won't be damaged
posted by
Harvey at July 20, 2005 07:41 AM
« Nevermind
July 13, 2005
ArmyWife's Birthday
I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day!
I tried to get you some "fun" presents to post for your birthday, but I'm on a business trip and only have my work laptop....I'm in internet jail!
Happy Birthday my fellow Cancer!!
Everyone, go wish ArmyWife a Happy Birthday
See What's Next... »
June 25, 2005
A Celebration - Bad Example Style
Let the celebration commence!! Spurs' place is ready for their return!
Go on and take the tour!
See What's Next... »
I like the pink... but you gotta find a way to put some flowers on it. ;-) Maybe in the pigs mouth?
posted by
VW Bug at June 25, 2005 07:56 PM
That is hysterical! Flowers...and maybe some fairies and rainbows.
posted by
Sally at June 26, 2005 08:38 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
06:52 PM
Comments (2)
June 24, 2005
So I thought I would do something nice for my dear son Spurs while he's away getting hitched. A wedding present from his blog family.
But, this won't come without some torture first!
I'm going to be working on his site to help him with blogrolling, a banner, and anything else you all might thing would be nice to add. He's been wanting stuff and I've been a lazy blog mom!
I'll save the template so he can have it when he get's back. However, the published template will be a different story! Some others have already left some comments at his place of how we should redecorate.
Machelle has suggested pink curtains and a gay weather pixie. Do you mean more gay than the one he already has up there?
Harvey has suggested a background color that's sure to shock.
So, here's your mission, if you choose to accept it! Leave comments here or there on what we should do to the joint.
We'll consider this like tying cans to the back of his car, writing stuff in soap, condoms on the gear shift and toilet paper wrapping his car.
See What's Next... »
Posted by Sissy at
03:43 PM
Comments (1)
June 23, 2005
Spurs & Napster Wedding Update
Check out the Spurs & Napster Wedding Update #1 at Pull My Finger!!
See What's Next... »
Posted by Sissy at
11:59 PM
Comments (0)
June 21, 2005
Toys for Harvey
Bloggrandpa Harvey is celebrating his 2 year blogiversary and asked for toys!
Happy Blogiversary Harvey!
I'm sure Harvey is on some toy of the month club, so I was having a hard time finding something he didn't have.
I kept the receipts Harvey....but they've gotta be unused!
Unwrap 'em...
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A Sit N Spin for future comment parties!

A life time supply of Halls!

Another toy for the comment parties!

And finally, you need somewhere to keep all your new toys! A TOY CHEST!

« Hide "Toys for Harvey"
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Now to figure out how to use them all at once...
posted by
Harvey at June 21, 2005 08:31 PM
That was PERFECT!!!!!!
posted by
Tammi at June 21, 2005 09:10 PM
What in the heck is that octopus thing?
posted by
Bou at June 21, 2005 10:43 PM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
08:17 PM
Comments (3)
June 16, 2005
They Grow Up So Fast!!
Blogson Spurs and one of my dearest friends, Napster, are going to Vegas next weekend to get hitched by Elvis.
I'm so jealous! I'm jealous that they are going to have a great time and so many memories. I'm jealous that they are going to be in Vegas. I'm jealous that Spurs doesn't have to come to work for a couple of days. I'm jealous that there is a slight possibility that they may hit the mega jackpot where Spurs may start doing this at work!
And most of all, I'm jealous that they have found two of the most wonderful people in each other that I have ever met.
Ok, cut all the seriously...
If you could see Spurs and Napster together, they are a great example of what love is. You can tell just how much they enjoy just being around eachother...even in Kill Me, TX!
I love Spurs' way of to live, don't live to work. He's dedicated to making Napster very happy! And she, the same!
And on a less serious note, I'm impressed that Napster is dedicated to put up with all of Spur's crazy antics...which is why she has set up ground rules for their trip to Texas.
I'm sure we'll see video floating around the internet!
So go over and wish Spurs and Napster fun, luck, love and happiness and I'm taking bets on how many of her rules for Vegas Spurs will break!
See What's Next... »
Thank you so much Sissy! This was very sweet and we are so excited but wish all of our dear friends could be their with us. We will be sure to come back with lots of pictures, memories, funny ass stories, and hopefully no video evidence
posted by
Napster at June 19, 2005 05:39 PM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
09:03 PM
Comments (1)
May 27, 2005
A Baby Boy is Born
Born and kicked out of the house!
Spurs found a great place at Pull My Finger. *Sniffle-tear* I'm so proud!
Spurs conned Napster into creating the place and putting all the cool stuff on there. So the place will still be in the middle of renovation this weekend, but he will now be living out of his own home!
He's even done some cat blogging already - with pictures! And Haloscan is coming this weekend! My son is special!
So go welcome him like the rowdy Bad Example Family & Neighbors you are!
See What's Next... »
Posted by Sissy at
04:00 PM
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