October 27, 2006
Bad Fucking Timing!!
Let me explain how pissed I am, and then we'll celebrate!
Tonight I had plans to go out with a friend of mine. I told her as long as I could see the game; I'd be a happy gal.
So I get all beautified for a night on the town and head out to the bar. We start watching the game and I'm trying to text message others on how the Cardinals are going to kick the Tigers ass. I have a few bets riding on this game.
So, since my text messages aren't going through, I power cycle my phone (take the battery out and put it back in). Once I put the battery back in, the phone just keeps going through the boot mode, and never 100% powers on. It's fried! I hate this phone.
I am addicted to my phone. Seriously, once it started doing this, I went through immediate withdrawal!! I start messing with the phone (I have wireless experience) trying every trick I know to get it to work.
Mind you, I only know a few numbers by heart. For some reason, I know My friend B's, the Bipolar's and Morrigan's. I have no one else's number written down...they are all in my phone. I know, I used to work for a wireless company, very stupid of me!
At this point, I am pissed off. My friend is laughing, talking, having a good time and I am all pissed about my phone. Total withdrawal! Very sad!!
It never ended up working. My Cardinals won the fucking World Series!! I know I have at least 10 messages of people either congratulating me or ragging on me! Fuck! Tomorrow, I will go and port my number to another carrier, that's the only way I will get service quickly (since the phone is through work). But I'm pissed. In the big scheme of things, this isn't that big of a deal. But I am leaving for Kansas City in 12 hours, my Cards just won the World Series, and my phone is fucking fried!
I swear, I can't stand this withdrawal. I am addicted to my phone.
(Side note: I don't have a home phone. My cell is my only means of communication)
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I'm not sure how I got to your blog, but I'm still laughing -- only because I've been there. I'm an old man whos tied to his cell. We hav a home phone which I hardly use. Everyone calls me on my cell. If it goes down or if I misplace it or I leave it on the dresser....I'm a wreck.
And I'm thrilled about the Cardinals.
posted by
Michael Solomon at October 29, 2006 06:43 PM
« Nevermind
September 17, 2006
Drowning in a Puddle of Raid
Can anyone tell me what the hell this is?
Whatever it is, it scared the everloving shit out of me! It is now dead in a puddle of Raid. Not quite sure how I'm going to clean it up yet as it is huge!! Bleh! That'll keep me out of the kitchen for a little while.
While talking with Morrigan about this creature that still is on my kitchen floor, she decides to google centipedes as that's what she thinks it is. She then would insist I look at each picture. I guess the real one wasn't enough...
If I have nightmares tonight, I'm so giving her a wakeup call at like 5am.
Here are some of the pictures....
And out of care and respect for those of you that our squeamish, I have put them in the extended entry.
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It's... a bug. A very dead bug. so do you think he drowned? And what the hell is that off to the right? Did part of his body fall off whilst drowning? Blech!Gah!Ick!
posted by
Bou at September 17, 2006 09:18 PM
My vote- centepede. CalTech girl may have to chime in here though.
posted by Morrigan at September 17, 2006 09:56 PM
Excellent costume I must say!
posted by Morrigan at September 17, 2006 10:05 PM
Looks like a centipede to me. It's not shaped right for a millipede....
Welcome to the South
Where the only thing bigger than the bugs is nothing!
posted by
caltechgirl at September 17, 2006 11:07 PM
I hate it when I think of something to write and see it in a comment already... worse when it's bou. Geeze woman, quit reading my mind!
yaa. big dead bug. good thing you killed it. Hope it didn't have babies. (Just Joking!!!)
posted by
vw bug at September 18, 2006 06:39 AM
They are house centipedes ...I blogged about them a while back. http://aswiftkick.mu.nu/archives/185148.html
They completely and totally freak me out with their ugly creepiness.
They apparently like moisture, so keeping the humidity down at your place should help keep them at bay at least a little bit. I haven't seen any since our massive rains stopped.
posted by
Princess Cat at September 18, 2006 12:55 PM
EWWWW!!!! See, if you kept your place at 50 degrees like Spurs does you wouldn't have to worry about bugs, it's too cold for them in here
posted by Napster at September 18, 2006 12:59 PM
The only place I've seen these ugly little fockers was in Atlanta. I ran into a door one night when I flipped on the light to get a drink of water and saw that little bastard...had to replace the door...
posted by
spurs at September 18, 2006 02:42 PM
We have them up north too. I hate them. They are the one bug that totally creeps me out. I'll have nightmares about them tonight for sure!
posted by
oddybobo at September 19, 2006 01:57 PM
« Nevermind
August 30, 2005
Online High Schools???
I got an email from my school tonight that said the following:
Tuition Discount for New Online High School Program
Apollo Group has contracted with Lutheran High School of Orange County (LHSOC) to manage the online delivery of their high school curriculum. Established in 1973, LHSOC is a comprehensive, college preparatory high school with a national reputation for outstanding academic excellence. Students will be enrolled at Lutheran High School of Orange County and will be taught by LHSOC faculty. Through this innovative program, Orange Lutheran Online now offers a proven, highly-successful form of education to high school students across the country and around the world.
Historically, students at LHSOC have graduated with GPAs and SAT scores that are significantly higher than the national average. In fact, recent surveys reveal a vast majority of graduates (93%) successfully continue their education at community colleges, state universities, and some of the nation's most prestigious institutions. Through this unique outsourcing agreement LHSOC has agreed to extend a one-time tuition discount to Apollo Group alumni, students, faculty and staff. University of Phoenix and Axia College students are eligible for a 10% discount off of the already competitively-priced tuition rate, for both its online diploma-seeking and single-course enrollment, if your child begins classes before the end of this calendar year.
Orange Lutheran High School would be honored to welcome your son or daughter into Orange Lutheran Online. To speak with a counselor about the program and curriculum, or complete the application process, call 1-800-651-3432… or visit our website at www.orangelhs.org/offer1.
You've got to be kidding me! Now, I've already taken enough flack for going to college online. There are points I agree with, but for the most part, I know I (me, maybe not everyone, but me!) am getting a good education, it fits my learning style, my schedule, etc.
But for high school kids? Why? I realize this "advanced" school wants to make money. But what type of parents would send their kids to high school online? Hell, most of the stuff I learned in high school was about relationships, conflict, people, etc. I learned just as much in my extra curricular activities as I did in the classroom. I would not return to high school....no thank you! But knowing what I know now, I would not wish to go to an online high school.
Am I missing something? When would this be a good option for a teenager?
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You've just made my point, Sis. Lots of the stuff I learned in college was about relationships, conflict, people, etc. College is the adult version. It's not all about the degree, it's about broadening your horizons. I'm glad that you will be attending classes when you get to AZ.
posted by Morrigan at August 30, 2005 11:25 PM
I completely disagree. We need more antisocial people who are lacking in math and science skills which fall far behind those of competing foreign countries.
We need students who only have social skills when it involves someone they've known for their entire life. Like a parent or a pet.
Hell, don't even let these kids leave their houses, get them electric collars....Sh*t, get rid of their parents and substitute robots.
Ok, I'm leaving now. *slinks away*
posted by
Anathematized1 at August 31, 2005 04:47 AM
BTW, online colleges are what you make of it...COLLEGE is what you make of it.
Congrats on getting a degree, furthering your education, and attempting to make yourself a more knowledgeable and productive person!
Ok, NOW I am leaving.
posted by
Anathematized1 at August 31, 2005 04:49 AM
I agree with you... High School is a lot about social skills. Ugh.
posted by
vw bug at August 31, 2005 07:09 AM
It's a great opportunity for kids who need to pick up an extra class here or there. It's also great for homeschoolers, because they will actually earn a diploma and not just get a GED at the end.
posted by at September 6, 2005 01:35 AM
I actually go to this school, and the online classes were originally started so we could free up campus space as the student population greatly increased with the incoming freshmen and transfers.
Though with the recent hurricanes, many high school students are left missing months of schooling. This being the case, I suppose they decided, "Why not open up the online classes to others as well?" Though, I believe the hurricane victims are getting the classes at an incredibly low [or nonexistent] price.
And of course the school wants money, but what school doesn't? Don't all public schools push for more funding and whatnot as well?
posted by
Jenn at October 16, 2005 01:02 AM
i GO to LHSOC and i know a lot of people who take courses online. They make it so thatyou are still able to come to school and you have some classes on ampus. It's just that some classes you have are online. It actually is a very good program so you shouldn't talk about what you don't know
posted by
notgiven at October 23, 2005 07:19 PM
« Nevermind
August 21, 2005
The Purple Skittle
The rental car I have to drive for a fricken week?
A damn piece of shit Kia!
I did not know they still made cars without power windows and power locks!
Seriously, I have to manually pull or push the lock on the door FOR EACH DOOR if I want it locked or unlocked.
Call me lazy...I don't care. But it's a little in-con-fricken-venient when everyone is used to power locks!
Ok, I can handle that...I'll get used to it for 4 days. But what I won't get used to is the 4 cylinder mouse engine that is pushing that thing! I know some damn semi is going to ram into me trying to get into traffic! Those things should be illegal...they are not safe!
The alignment is WAY off! The steering wheel, when driving straight, is actually off by about 45+ degrees!
And then, after driving it long enough to get the damn thing up to 85 mph, it felt like it was going to quit right there! And it made this loud abnoxious noise from the wind like the window wasn't all the way up. But it's not like I could try to roll it up...at least not until I stopped and could lean over and roll it up manually.
(Which I later found out WASN'T the problem)
I was the person on the highway that I'm usually cussing at from my truck!
Not to mention it looks like I'm driving a purple skittle!
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Sometimes your the skittle, sometimes your the truck!
posted by
Susan at August 21, 2005 09:52 PM
LOL, Susan!!
Hey, you could be driving a company vehicle painted with the company logo... ;-)
posted by
Bou at August 21, 2005 10:00 PM
do not turn on air conditioner, radio, and try and accelerate at the same time....could explode.
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at August 21, 2005 10:55 PM
Manual Windows and Locks. LOL! You are sooo much younger than I am. ;-) You do know you can exchange your car for another one? Tell them about the steering wheel and 'complain'. They will trade you out. Hopefully for a better car.
posted by
VW Bug at August 22, 2005 06:55 AM
« Nevermind
July 21, 2005
I Could Spit Fire
This was on our local news a few months ago:
(Columbia) March 29, 2005 - A Columbia woman says she thought she was doing the right thing when she found an injured dog, but now she feels responsible for its death.
Michelle McFadden took her dog Wimper in after she found her wandering in the middle of a busy road, "I could never find her owners and I took it as she was meant to be mine."
It's the tale of another dog that crossed her path that's hitting Michelle really hard, "I know now that I messed up by calling Animal Control."
Michelle was driving on a road in Orangeburg Easter Sunday when she saw a dog hit by a car, but alive. After a number of phone calls, and miscommunication she says Animal Control picked the dog up seven hours later and put it to sleep that night it was indeed.
Officer Eddie Haigler says that's policy for injured animals, "Yes it was. Any injured animal we get is euthanized."
If it's hurt at all, Animal Control doesn't consider getting it treated or healed, they just automatically put it to sleep.
Last year, Orangburg Animal Control took in 7,000 strays and 90 percent of them were put down, injured or not, "Just because we do euthanize animals, don't think it doesn't get to us. That's a high stress level."
With only 30-odd kennels and a limited budget, Officer Haigler says it's the only way, "We try to do the best we can with what we got, and what we have to work with what we have, unfortunately."
Michelle says, when she found out they were going to kill it, "I said I'd get in the car and come right now."
But Animal Control says they only release animals to owners, with no exceptions.
It's a lesson Michelle says she learned the hard way, and one she won't forget, "I learned don't call Animal Control and I learned to make sure your dog has some kind of ID."
I hate it! I hate that they won't try and find homes for these animals. To kill a dog after one night of being there? I understand there is money and budgets, etc....but this next part is what has me spitting fire!
As I was watching the news tonight, there was a woman that was wanting to take 2 dogs from Animal Control to keep them from being euthanized. She already had 1 dog, had a huge yard for them to play in, no kids. They told her they only release dogs to their owners. And after 5 days, the dog is euthanized.
WTF? You are telling me you will kill a dog before letting it be adopted? What's the harm in letting someone take the dog. They are the ones bitching they don't have enough money to support these stray dogs and they don't have enough room to house them. So.....LET THEM GO HOME WITH A FAMILY!
I can't think of any reason for this. No reason at all! Supposedly this law is being questioned with our mayor. What do I need to do? Who do I need to write to? Who do I need to bitch at to get such a stupid law changed?
I'm going to my mom's this weekend. All I want to do is hold Kiki and let her know she is loved. She was a stray and the thought that animal control could have just killed her because she was a stray just makes me want to throw up!
It's just sick!
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Another reason to get your dog microchipped. So if they are lost without their tags the vet/humane society can scan them and find their owners.
It cost us $40 per dog and they put it in through a needle.
Well worth it as if our dogs are lost anywhere in the country they can find us.
posted by
Machelle at July 22, 2005 08:23 AM
In my county, if you buy adopt a pet fromt he shelter they microchip it as part of the processing fee, which is minimal.
As for not letting someone adopt the dogs, I'm not sure what's behind that. I wonder if there is a logical explination.
posted by
Contagion at July 22, 2005 08:50 AM
The shelter I'm looking at microchips already.
I don't get this 'nobody can adopt the dog' thing. That's terrible.
posted by
Bou at July 22, 2005 10:22 AM
They microchiped (is that a word?) Stella before we took her home from the shelter but I've read several news reports that most shelters either have no scanner or the wrong scanner to detect the microchip. PetSmart got into lots of trouble for that. They were implanting microchips for a fee and no scanners anywhere in the US could read those microchips so a lot of people lost their pets because they couldn't be identified when they got lost. So be sure to tag and microchip your pets. As for animal control doing this, yep, it was common practice in rural Georgia where I used to live so when we had nuisance animals running around which we had a lot of since it was in the country I would always take them to the local animal shelter because they had a chance to be adopted instead of calling animal control to pick them up.
posted by
Napster at July 22, 2005 10:26 AM
Both my dogs are chipped.
Some shelters are like that; it differs from one to another. City and county are different, also.
Some are "no-kill". Some "kill as quickly as possible".
Some work closely with breed rescue and if a badly injured dog comes in -if they can ID it as a specific breed- they call the contact for pick up, and after that the dog and its injuries are rescue's problem.
Education and budget are usually the two deciding factors between kill and no-kill.
posted by
pam at July 22, 2005 10:28 AM
« Nevermind
July 11, 2005
The Bug Debate
My sister and I were having a debate this weekend.
I asked her, if we could choose one type of bug to no longer exist, what would it be?
My obvious choice was the roach! They're the only things that won't die!
My sister said mosquitos. Mosquitos?? Hmph! I can deal with a mosquito bite ANY day (as I avoid the temptation of scratching 1 of 5 bites on my legs)
Her thought...roaches don't bite, mosquitos do.
I don't give a sh*t. Roaches are gross, evil creatures!
So, we will open the question up to everyone else.
If you could choose any bug to no longer exist, what would it be?
See What's Next... »
roaches and earwhigs. ick!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 11, 2005 12:25 PM
Fire ants. Mosquitos a close second, then roaches.
I could be convinced that Mosquitos should go in the first spot. Blood suckin' bastridges, they're almost as bad as modern Democrats.
posted by
Peter at July 11, 2005 01:07 PM
Mosquitos definatly. Cause they can bite you and transmit diseases like Lyme and Bird flu and that other one that is recent.
posted by
Machelle at July 11, 2005 01:18 PM
Ugliest things on earth, and the only things that have the temerity to invade our house.
posted by
Harvey at July 11, 2005 01:51 PM
Definately mosquitoes. Roaches and fire ants are easy to handle with the right pesticides.
posted by
Mike at July 11, 2005 03:17 PM
Butterflies... they creep me out with their smug "I can fly around and look pretty, and you can't" looks. Bastards.
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 11, 2005 08:44 PM
No doubt about it: those evil bugs that Kahn used in Star Trek that burrowed into your ear and gave him control of your mind.
posted by
Ogre at July 12, 2005 07:05 AM
Cockroaches! Double yuck!
posted by
PrimoDonna at July 12, 2005 08:19 AM
MoveON.org members.
Nastiest filth spewing insects I can think of.
posted by
Graumagus at July 12, 2005 03:43 PM
Definitely roaches!
posted by
Susan at July 13, 2005 09:14 AM
Did T1G really really put butterflies? LOL!
It's a toss up from roaches and fire ants. Both are hard to get rid of. Fire ants can kill you though...
posted by
Bou at July 13, 2005 11:11 PM
I'm torn between VWBugs and Loony Left Moonbugs.
After consideration, I choose.... Loony Left Moonbugs. Roaches are patzers in nasty compared to LLMBs.
posted by
David at July 14, 2005 10:28 PM
« Nevermind
Bugs Bugs Bugs!
They are coming from everywhere! I have tons of dead little bugs by my front door, live ones are popping up from my baseboards.
A couple of nights ago, a HUGE waterbug/palmetto bug/cockroach fell from my ceiling fan onto my floor and freaked me the f*ck out! Seriously, I was almost in tears...
I jumped up from the sofa, put on shoes (but wouldn't step on something this huge) and grabbed the bug spray. I grabbed my phone to call my mom and meanwhile, Monsoon Raid is coming down on the piece of sh*t! Everytime it moved I screamed! Finally, it ran underneath my sofa. I sprayed all around the sofa creating a fog of death around the sucker. I moved the sofa later, used a broom to go under and never found the thing.
Meanwhile, I'm giving my mom the play by play on the phone, panicking. I couldn't find it. I refused to sit on the sofa as I was scared it crawled up in there.
I was scared to go to bed that night as I have a ceiling fan over my bed. I didn't sleep well that night!
I keep my house clean! No food is left out, no dirty dishes, counters are clean, laundry is stored in the hamper, etc. I AM.NOT a dirty person! Where the hell are these things coming from?
I live in a decent apartment. I would hope that the people next to me or above me are not breeding these things!
Mind you, I just had the place sprayed three weeks ago!
Then last night, when I got home from my moms, I went to jump in the shower and saw a regular sized roach between my shower curtain and liner. I jump out of the shower dripping wet, go and put on shoes, grab the spray. I shake the curtain from the outside until he falls out and stomp the hell out of him and then drown him in spray just in case he was trying to take a last breath!
I can't take this! Isn't there something in the lease about living in a bug free environment??? I'm going to have them bomb the place while I'm in Denver this week! If it's not better when I get back, I'm living in my truck!
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The palmetto's are just a part of life. Not because of dirt or anything - but the spraying should keep them out. From now on if you buy potato or onion bags - open them outside. Biggest "vehicle" for the buggers to travel in.
As to the other. Maybe coming from the neighbors thru the walls. Make Them Come Spray Again. You should not have to bomb!!!
I'm so sorry - that's like living in hell!!
posted by
Tammi at July 11, 2005 06:37 PM
Where's the pictures? We want pictures...
Seriously, though, just toss a few motels under the sinks and you should be fine...but you might want to get someone ELSE to throw them away in a few months...
posted by
Ogre at July 12, 2005 07:02 AM
« Nevermind
July 06, 2005
Public Toilet
Here's a picture of a public toilet in REEDSPORT OREGON...
Now let's take a look at the inside...
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That's made entirely out of one-way glass. No one can see you in there.
But when you are inside, it looks like you're sitting in a clear glass box.
Would you / could you use it ???
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Unfortunately, many will use it -- many sickos and wanna be exhibitionists who will only feed their sicknesses. Very sad.
posted by
Ogre at July 7, 2005 07:10 AM
No way. I'd be terrified!
posted by
Sally at July 7, 2005 07:59 AM
I would so use it! Man, when you gotta go . . .
posted by
Oddybobo at July 7, 2005 09:43 AM
I think Ogre's right. This could only stoke their fire...
posted by
spurs at July 7, 2005 10:15 AM
I'm with OddyBobo.
It may be a bit uncomfortable, but it's less uncomfortable than crapping your pants.
On a side note, how many of you had the same thought that I did that it would be really funny to walk by this and point at it laughing while someone is in it so they think you can see them?
posted by
Graumagus at July 7, 2005 01:23 PM
OMG! Grau's comments had me ROFLOL! I couldn't stop laughing for 5 min. I really needed that today! Thanks!
posted by
michele at July 7, 2005 08:19 PM
I'd have to be really desperate.
That's not to say desperation wouldn't happen fairly regularly, however.
Once I got it through my head that it was really, truly one-way glass, I think I'd be OK with it.
posted by
songstress7 at July 8, 2005 02:22 AM
The public loo was an art installment in London, then Switzerland, not Oregon.
Do your homework.
posted by
tommy at July 22, 2005 12:32 PM
ya that's right tommy!in London!
posted by at August 26, 2005 10:04 AM
my group is doing a research on uses of 1-way mirrors, this toilet idea is a good example! if any of you guys out there, have more information about this toilet thingy mail me ya..!
posted by
nasa at August 26, 2005 10:08 AM
« Nevermind
July 05, 2005
My Alarm Clock is Messed Up
In bed, I opened my eyes wide awake. I had been dreaming a lot and think I just finally gave up on sleep. I hadn't fallen asleep unit 1:30am so I figured it must be time to work, although, I hadn't heard my alarm yet.
I rollover and see this:
What is this? I've never seen this before. I think it has something to do with the sun not being up yet.
Well, now there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for me to not go work out this morning. I think I just had to get an early start on my week.
Look, I felt sorry for VW and ArmyWife. Really, I did. But in no way did I want to feel sleep sympathy pains!
So I'm taking bets....what time will I absolutely just crash today? (Considering I normally get 8 hours of sleep every day)
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That's a REALLY weird number to see in the morning.
At least after you've been sleeping
posted by
Harvey at July 5, 2005 08:19 AM
You'll get the draggies around 3PM. You'll get a second wind and then you'll be up until your normal time... that's my guess. ;-)
posted by
Bou at July 5, 2005 02:39 PM
"sympathy waking"....unusual.
Maybe it is your bodies way of saying
"Hey girley have 7 babies"
Only joking.
Go home and go to bed.
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 5, 2005 03:15 PM
There is something nice about being awake in the early morning. It does pall, though, when it is accompanied by constant demands and Disney films.
It was much better when it was a case of being a teenager who had run out of cigarettes the night before, sprinting to the first tobacco-selling place that opened.
posted by Sally at July 5, 2005 05:38 PM
Yea, it's almost 7:30 and I'm just now dragging. If I can just make it until 10.
posted by
Sissy at July 5, 2005 07:22 PM
If I see that number I'm in trouble. I over slept!!
No sympathy for YOU! LOL
I go with Bou...(even though you already posted a comment tonite - I didn't want to cheat)
posted by
Tammi at July 5, 2005 08:30 PM
« Nevermind
July 04, 2005
Meat in the South
My mom made me Taco Rice yesterday. Oh so yummy! I don't know what she does to make it taste better than mine...but I could live off hers!
So we are sitting on the couch eating and I'm telling her how good it is. And her reply -
"Eh...I can tell a difference in the taste of the meat down here than up in Chicago"
WTF? A different taste in hamburger???
Am I totally off my rocker or are there different tastes to hamburger according to where you are and buy it?
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I don't know about hamburger but Napster and I can tell a difference in the cut meats in TLTTF.
One plus about being in cattle country. The meat is superb.
posted by
spurs at July 4, 2005 04:22 PM
yes, there is a difference in meat. Meat down south is a lot better than meat in the north, another thing is that BBQ in the south (especially in texas, where it can't be matched) is the best.
posted by
Andrew (Aris Ravencroft) at July 4, 2005 08:30 PM
You couldn't tell it by me. Cow is cow!
posted by
Boudicca at July 5, 2005 01:04 AM
Nebraska beef beats all. Seriously.
Back home we would get beef from "farm cattle" from family. YUM......
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 5, 2005 03:17 PM
oh...and I used to by chickens and eggs from Amish women, inexpensive and TASTED like chicken.....
Anyone know where I can find some Amish ladies down here?
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 5, 2005 03:18 PM
I had some burgers not too long ago that were walking around as a cow the week before.
Have to say that the meat was definately better.
posted by
Graumagus at July 5, 2005 04:24 PM
There is even a difference in meat from the grocery store vs. an actual meat market. Like night and day. I can't even stand the smell of grocery store beef. It is like spam for me. It is well worth the extra money for good beef.
posted by
Amy at July 5, 2005 10:11 PM
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