June 20, 2007
Are You The Right Match For A Billionaire?
My dad bought a subscription to Money Magazine for both my sister and me.
It's a pretty easy read despite the sometimes difficult topic. However, today's has an article titled How to Marry a Billionaire. Of course, that's the page I turned to first. It is there I also find the following quiz:
Are You The Right Match For A Billionaire
1) What type of relationship are you looking for?
a. Friendship
b. Friendship with benefits
c. Marriage
d. Meal Ticket
2) Where do you go when you want a little snack?
a. My fridge for carrot sticks
b. McDonald's for fries
c. La Grenouille for quenelles of pike Lyonnaise
d. My room at the Georges V in Paris for beluga caviar (banned in the U.S.)
3) Where's your favorite place to shop?
a. Thrift store for vintage T-shirts
b. Mall of America for imitation vintage T-shirts
c. Prada Epicenter Store in L.A.
d. My living room when Zac Posen comes to fit me
4) What do you like to read?
a. Anything Oprah recommends
b. What the New Yorker recommends
c. Hedge Funds for Dummies
d. Real estate listings for villas on the Cote d'Azur
5) What's your ideal pet?
a. I am not into pets; they could ruin my Nain rug
b. Goldfish (gold-get it?)
c. A stable of Arabians
d. The wild Bactrian camel
6) What's your favorite physical activity?
a. Skiing in Gstaad (St. Moritz is just too crowded)
b. Eighteen holes at St. Andrews Golf Club
c. Weight lifting in my 2,000 square-foot home gym with Jamie, my personal trainer
d. Tantric yoga
7) What do you see as a perfect date?
a. A candlelight dinner on the terrace of a seaside restaurant
b. A baseball or football game
c. Lunch at the Four Seasons, followed by a stroll around Christie's or Sotheby's
d. A flight to New York City aboard a private jet to attend La Traviata
Answers Below...
Read More "Are You The Right Match For A Billionaire?" »
1) c. You want commitment. The big money lies in marriage - ask any divorce lawyer.
2) a. You are a simple, down-to-earth girl (or boy), plusyou will never have a weight problem.
3) a. No way you can keep up with the clothing budget of the regulars on the billionaire circuit. Go for boho chic instead.
4) b. Brains are definitely in. Also good: phrases like "During my internship at the Institute of Advanced Study..."
5) d. Show your philanthropic side with your affection for these two-humped Mongolian natives, an endangered species.
6) d. Let your billionaire imagine the possibilities.
7) b. A billionaire usually owns the team.
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As a Billionaire, I resent these condescending questions. The only thing that matters is boobies. Heh...
posted by
spurs at June 21, 2007 04:27 PM
Does this mean you are marrying a Billionaire?
posted by
Contagion at June 21, 2007 06:41 PM
« Nevermind
June 18, 2007
As I was growing up, my mom wasn't much of a girly girl. The idea of hair, make up or fashion were far from her mind.
Hence why I have a picture of me going to prom in hose and open toed shoes.
And why I thought blue eyeliner was cool.
I'm still a bit clueless in that department. Like walking into my training class, training for about an hour or so and noticing a seam down my arm. I felt behind my neck to find my tag sticking out.
Or like walking into a client meeting the other day and having my size sticker on the back of my shirt.
Or walking out with my hair and make-up done in my work shirt and my pj bottoms.
I think this is all evidence enough that the work day starts way to fricken early!
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On the bright side, you can always claim it's a fashion statement.
It's a brave new world
posted by
Harvey at June 19, 2007 11:09 AM
Wait a minute...am I to understand that you showed up at work in your pajama bottoms?! Fo' real? Or did you just leave the house like that and then realize your mistake? Either way, Just Damn!
posted by
zonker at June 19, 2007 11:21 PM
Once I walked outside and felt the cold on my legs, I realized what I had done.
posted by
Sissy at June 20, 2007 06:27 AM
You and Ktreva have something in common.
posted by
Contagion at June 20, 2007 12:13 PM
open toed shoes and hose is a bad thing?
posted by
Bou at June 21, 2007 09:37 PM
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BLUE EYELINER. It happens to be one of my favorites.
let's see if this link will work:
posted by
wRitErsbLock at June 25, 2007 01:42 PM
« Nevermind
Pregnancy Scare Update
Two years ago, I wrote the following post about a girlfriend of mine from college.
I got an odd, panicky call tonight from a good friend of mine.
She got married almost a year ago and is quite naive to anything that has to deal with sex.
Well, she called me, panicking, because she was very "late" and had been throwing up. You would think this is the first sign of pregnancy....but not for this girl. She is allergic to everything, constantly nauseous....I don't think she's ever had a clean bill of normal health.
So, she was flipping out and was scared to take a pregnancy test. She actually asked if I would fly to visit her and and be there when she took the test because she didn't know what she was doing. As much as I would love to take a couple of days off of work to make fun of my friend peeing on a stick, I find that unrealistic and hella expensive!
She talked me into doing this over the phone. No, I'm not talking just talking her through it on the phone, I mean step by step doing it with her. After her negative response to my question of her sobriety, I agreed to do this with her. I figured it'd be great laughs, something to tell her kids in the future, and even blog about.
So, on the phone, we both drive to an Eckerds (had to be the same drug store) and go down the the feminine mile. She asks me which test to choose. The hell if I know!! I start reading the packages to see which ones you can use soonest and at any time, and we ended up choosing e.p.t Digital. I told her to buy the dual pack as I knew she would find a way to screw this up!
Still on the phone, we go to the cashier and purchase our experiment.
We get to our homes, I open the box and read the instructions as she is asking all these stupid questions. I ignore her questions and continue my reading until I hear, "I have to stick this inside me????"
Holy shit! No wonder she wanted someone to do this with her!
So I am walking her through my version of Pregnancy Tests for Dummies and she keeps repeating that she doesn't think she can do this. Meanwhile, I am freaking amazed by how advance these things have gotten, as this particular test looks like a digital themometer!
I will spare you the next 5 minutes of commentary.
Haha, I knew my chance to get her real good....
I remain silent. "S, are you there? Should I do it again?"
I do my best imitation of shock and tears (a scaled down version of shock and awe) "Fucking A! Oh no oh no oh no! Nooooooo! I.can't.be.pregnant!"
She starts to flip out with me and gets into the "I'll be there for you, we'll get through this, you'll be a great mom!"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't keep it in any longer!
"Girl, I'm not pregnant....I couldn't get nailed in a hammer factory right now!"
And that is how you take care of a friend that is freaked out about being pregnant!
She emailed me today to say that she was "late" again and went to Eckerd to buy the same e.p.t digital. When taking the test, she said it reminded her that she needed to email me as we haven't talked in awhile.
Dear God, is she going to be "reminded" of me each time she has to take a pregnancy test? That is just odd on so many levels.
See What's Next... »
June 17, 2007
Banned from Disney?
If you like Denny's Saturday Boobage...
Read More "Banned from Disney?" »
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I like the old man with her... hope they are both having a 'good time'. baw hahaha.
posted by
vw bug at June 18, 2007 11:32 AM
« Nevermind
June 12, 2007
Exceeds Capacity
How do you know when your brain has reached full capacity? I think I might be close.
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no clue, but if you figure it out, let me know... vw
posted by at June 13, 2007 02:52 PM
When information starts dripping out your nose... you're full.
posted by
Contagion at June 13, 2007 05:19 PM
« Nevermind
June 03, 2007
Killer Karaoke
Man shot dead for bad singing in Philippine karaoke bar
MANILA (AFP) - A jobless man was shot dead by a security guard for singing out of tune in a Philippine karaoke bar, police said Thursday.
Romy Baligula, 29, was halfway through his song on Tuesday night in a bar in San Mateo town, east of Manila, when 43-year-old security guard Robilito Ortega yelled that he was out of tune.
As Baligula ignored his comments and continued singing, Ortega pulled out his revolver and shot him in the chest.
Senior Superintendent Felipe Rojas said Baligula died instantly.
The security guard was detained by an off-duty policeman shortly after the shooting.
Deaths and violence are not uncommon in Philippine karaoke bars.
The popular Frank Sinatra song "My Way" has been taken off many karaoke bars in Manila after it was found to be the cause of fights and even deaths when patrons sang out of tune.
I guess American Idol won't be going to the Philippines.
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Don't let Spurs go there!
posted by Morrigan at June 4, 2007 08:23 PM
I wonder if William Hung has a bodyguard now...
posted by
zonker at June 7, 2007 11:40 AM
« Nevermind
June 02, 2007
Red Bull a Plenty
I can tell you one thing, a 1 day weekend is not long enough! I got home from Oklahoma last night. I was exhausted.
Today I ran errands and spent time with Kiki. It's now almost 11pm and I still have not washed clothes, cleaned house, showered or packed for my trip to Phoenix tomorrow.
I have to leave for the airport at 9am tomorrow. I am dreading this flight and this trip. The 4 hours to Phoenix on a packed flight is not the way I want to spend my Sunday. To top it off, I leave here at 11am but get to Phoenix at 12pm their time. Once I get there, I have to meet with our client at the Biltmore (okay, that part isn't so bad) and rehearse for a big production we are supposed to put on for this client. And I believe there is a client dinner Sunday evening as well. Ugh!
Throughout the week I will be in meetings and trainings, both facilitating and listening. And of course there will be client dinners in the evenings.
That's a problem. I need my time away from people to rejuvinate.
Thursday night is the gala and right afterward, I am jumping on the 11:30 red eye home to Atlanta, where I will arrive at 5:30am. I will then jump in the truck and drive 500 miles to North Carolina to attend my friend's daughter's graduation that evening. I'll spend the weekend there and leave early Sunday to drive home.
Please let there be enough Red Bull to get me through the next 7 days!
See What's Next... »
Ouch. That is a tough schedule. However, having spent quite a bit of time at the Biltmore in Pheonix, that will ease the pain a little.
Have a safe trip!
posted by
Tammi at June 3, 2007 05:55 AM
« Nevermind
May 20, 2007
What Hell Might Be Like
I believe hell may consist of a Wal-Mart with 30 lanes, only 5 open with lines back to electronics and self-checkout stations with lines of people with carts of groceries that are obviously missing the barcode, along with a stack of coupons that must insist with the only person serving all 6 self-checkouts that the price of their 2 liter bottle of Dr. Thunder is wrong.
See What's Next... »
Yep - that's enough to keep me on the straight and narrow... LOL.
posted by
Teresa at May 20, 2007 04:22 PM
You left off that it's the first day of the month so all the welfare people are there.
posted by
Contagion at May 21, 2007 05:24 PM
Me, I always figured it was a woman with a grocery cart FULL of clothes.
Don't know why, but clothes just take forever to get rung up.
posted by
Harvey at May 22, 2007 10:01 AM
« Nevermind
May 15, 2007
Tattoo Remover
Have a tattoo you'd like removed?
See What's Next... »
Holy crap! That's hysterical!
posted by
Bou at May 15, 2007 09:26 PM
I'm buying a franchise & selling this stuff.
posted by
Harvey at May 16, 2007 09:53 AM
I recall watching this when it aired on SNL, too funny! EGADS, if I'd had a tatoo on my back when I was young...hate to think what it would look like now. Ahhh, but when you're young you're bullet proof and obviously have skin that will be youthful forever ...baa haa haa!!!
posted by
h~ at May 16, 2007 01:20 PM
Every young girl who is contemplating a tattoo should watch that first.
That's hysterical.
posted by
sticks at May 16, 2007 05:28 PM
« Nevermind
May 10, 2007
Childhood Injuries
A friend and I were walking out of the office today to the parking lot to leave to the Braves game where other co-workers were for tailgating and a great game.
As we came around the corner, a guy jumped out and struggled with her for her purse. I dove at his knees and tackled him to the ground while she grabbed her purse and beat the crap out of him.
Well, that's at least what I told everyone when I got to the game and everyone asked me about my knee.
What really happened....I couldn't remember where I parked (must be hereditary, huh Bou). So when I realized we were in the wrong aisle, I turned and immediately walked to the next aisle and walked right into one of those concrete parking stopper thingy's, tripped, fell forward, skinned my knee and toe nails and then rolled.
I laughed. She was worried and proceeded to go after everything that spilled out of my purse.
I got to thinking and I think the last time I skinned my knee must have been in junior high on my skateboard. Let me tell you, it is a more difficult fall as an adult.
And all I kept thinking today was to keep bending my knee as I remember my knee getting stiff when I was younger and it really sucking!
See What's Next... »
OK, so this is what I want to know, since I've not had one in 30 years as well... do you still freak out when its time to pull off the bandaid? I always thought that was the worst part!
As for losing the car... i have three little boys who tell me where I parked now. WTF am I going to do when they leave home? Taking teh bus may be an option...
posted by
Bou at May 10, 2007 09:11 PM
Owwww! Of course when I walk into one of those things I just break a toe... *sigh* Hope it doesn't get too stiff on you.
Losing the car is a primary fear of mine. I don't go too many new places. So the places I go often I always park in the same spot if I can. Naturally I find a place far from the door (always bound to be spots far out)... but at games and stuff... Help!
posted by
Teresa at May 11, 2007 08:18 AM
Are you sure you didn't bump your head, too? I mean, that's one explanation for posting this story three times...
The other explanation involves a bit of early-onset senility. ;P
posted by
zonker at May 12, 2007 06:31 PM
Yeah... stick with the first story...
posted by
Harvey at May 16, 2007 09:55 AM
My mom has a bubble wrap suit I'm sure she would loan you. We made her one after she tripped over one of those same thingies and ended up with a blackeye (we made her a bubblewrap hat too).
posted by
sticks at May 16, 2007 05:35 PM
« Nevermind
May 09, 2007
The past 3 days have been spent in Oklahoma running from storms. Six hours of driving a soccer mom van with 5 of us in it, in 2 days. In the pouring rain and tornado warnings. But we made it safely to each of our destinations.
However, we did arrive on Monday to OKC to some sad news. A woman that I have only talked to through email that develops training for our call centers died of a heart attack on Friday. One of the girls on our trip talked with her on a daily basis. Andrea was 36.
We all were a little surprised by the news as well as seeing Tropical Storm Andrea on the coast of Georgia today. Just a bit odd.
The next storm name is Barry. Oh boy, do I have some stories about Barry. Barry has done enough damage....let him dissipate off shore.
See What's Next... »
Oh my Lord! She was only 36?! I'm so sorry!
posted by
Bou at May 9, 2007 09:12 PM
Oh man - I'm so sorry. That's just so awful.
posted by
Teresa at May 9, 2007 09:29 PM
« Nevermind
May 02, 2007
Have You Ever?
Have you ever left the house and come home to realize you left the candle burning?
Have you ever taken the keys out of the ignition while your car was still in drive?
Have you ever parked in your garage, grabbed all of your bags, gone inside, and realized that you left the car running?
Have you ever done all of these in the same day?
I think I left my brain in Pensacola.
See What's Next... »
How much did you drink?
posted by
That 1 Guy at May 2, 2007 10:48 PM
That was my question!
posted by
caltechgirl at May 3, 2007 12:28 AM
Unfortunately, absolutely nothing.
Wait, 2 of these things happened after a very weak margarita. But that was it!
posted by
Sissy at May 3, 2007 06:53 AM
I'm trying to figure out how you got your keys out of the ignition while your car was still in drive... most cars won't let you take out the keys until it's set in park. Is it an old car?
What I forget most often: I park the car in the garage, go inside and remember 2 hours later that I have groceries in the trunk and I forgot all about them. And yes, that's when I have specifically gone to the grocery store to shop. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at May 3, 2007 10:10 PM
Sissy...on top of all this you've got a 'spam jerk' as your last comment on the blog below.
posted by
h~ at May 7, 2007 09:02 AM
I can lay claim to the first two. I have a note on my door asking if I blew out the candles because I have left them burning more than once.
And yes, I can get my keys out of the ignition while it is in drive too.
posted by
sticks at May 7, 2007 05:54 PM
Used to have one of those "keyless ignition" cars. Kinda liked it
posted by
Harvey at May 7, 2007 11:42 PM
« Nevermind
May 01, 2007
Here Comes the....
Imagine standing on the beach at sunset amongst 100 others that have all traveled to celebrate a joyous day. Imagine awing over how great everyone looks, sharing stories about the bride and the groom, and talking about your own wedding, either in past or future tense.
Imagine hearing the bagpipes play as you anxiously await for each person to walk onto the sand and to join those of us waiting. And then knowing that next is Bou to walk down, and then Morrigan.
And instead of seeing one of these two lovely ladies, you see....the Wedding Crasher!
A man in denim shorts and baggy shirt, holding a 6 pack in one hand and a beer in the other, stumbling down the "aisle". As he approaches the sand, he takes a look at what's going on, and slowly makes his way back up the aisle.

See What's Next... »
Holy shit! I"m LMAO! I don't remember him!
He looks like he's trying to hide behind that bush. "If I stand right here and think small, maybe they won't see me..."
posted by
Bou at May 1, 2007 09:32 PM
Now that's a part of the wedding we won't soon forget. hahahaha
posted by Morrigan at May 1, 2007 09:37 PM
ROFLMAO!!! Excellent! That's the good stuff that makes the wedding worth remembering. Perfection is not memorable, beautiful yes, memorable no. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at May 1, 2007 10:10 PM
O...M...G...! I never saw him. What the heck did he think was going on?!? There was a camera man and a bagpiper. Did he think there was a concert on the beach? One thing that's hard to recognize is it's still a ways to the shore. Love to find out where this dude came from...does anyone recognize him? Could it be a phantom blogger? Memories are made of this. He didn't take anything away from the wedding. He just added a speck of the unexpected.
posted by
h~ at May 1, 2007 10:31 PM
Wasn't me. I swear!
posted by
zonker at May 2, 2007 05:14 AM
Every wedding needs a good wedding crasher! Excellent!!
posted by
oddybobo at May 2, 2007 07:53 AM
hahaha. What great memories are made of. I'm glad you got the picture!!!
posted by
vw bug at May 2, 2007 10:24 AM
That's awesome!
posted by
caltechgirl at May 2, 2007 12:10 PM
oh, and be sure to stick that in Mo's wedding album!
posted by
caltechgirl at May 2, 2007 12:10 PM
I remember seeing him and commenting to my hubby...too funny and also saw the remnants of the empty six pack on one of the tables as we entered the reception...at least I didn't see him in there...as he had probably stumbled off somewhere...It was great to see you sissy. Next event will probably be the baby shower...:o)
posted by
Tally5-0 at May 2, 2007 05:44 PM
When Mo told me about this I laughed my ass off. I totally agree that these are the highlights you always remember from your wedding. Sorry I missed it... It could have been Spurs if we had been there..
posted by Napster at May 2, 2007 06:38 PM
champaign fled into the castles at theapproach of some plundering
closed eyelids and vanished away and came again and again
posted by
bvjwb at May 6, 2007 03:19 AM
« Nevermind
April 14, 2007
Suicide Squirrels
The other day I turned into my complex to find a dead squirrel in the middle of the road and another squirrel standing there starring at it, sad. I slowed down as I approached the squirrel in mourning, and he wouldn't move.
I slowing rolled toward him, and he wouldn't move.
Finally, I had to stop right in front of the street funeral because this damn squirrel would not leave his fellow squirrel's side.
I backed up, and got as far to the right as I could as not to disturb the moment; or get squirrel guts on my car.
Since then, I have turned into my complex many other times and there have been two other instances where a squirrel jets into the middle of the road as I approach the spot of the vehicular squirrel slaughter. If the squirrels could make a little cross with flowers and a picture to put there, I'm sure they would.
This morning, I almost ran over one of them. For a moment, I thought I did and actually had to stop, open my door and check to see if I had.
I'm not quite sure why the squirrels in my complex aren't happy. But they need to stop running out in front of my car!
See What's Next... »
Squirrels... I dislike them, but I dislike squirrel guts on my car even more. LOL.
posted by
Teresa at April 14, 2007 07:09 PM
Bah...the only good squirrel is a dead squirrel.
posted by
Mrs. Who at April 14, 2007 07:29 PM
It's the GEICO squirrels!
posted by
sticks at April 15, 2007 06:40 AM
... this time of year, that squirrel was probably trying to figure out if he could mate with the "stationary" one....
... trust me, those nasty bastards' depravity knows no bounds....
... and yeah, I second what Mrs. Who said....
posted by
Eric at April 15, 2007 12:35 PM
I suspect now that the squirrels were blown away by Ivan, and TGOO and Mom have been stuck with... rabbits, that TGOO may hate rabbits more. I don't think he actually MISSES the squirrels... oh no no no... but bunnies are ranking right up there... I suspect.
posted by
Bou at April 15, 2007 10:04 PM
« Nevermind
April 06, 2007
I Would Just Like to Say...
If you can't park it....
...don't drive it!
See What's Next... »
And if they can't drive it...
posted by
zonker at April 6, 2007 12:16 PM
...take the bus!
posted by
Sissy at April 6, 2007 01:19 PM
AS they say in the south...Zonker got goton.
posted by
Yabu at April 7, 2007 10:02 AM
I shouldn't drive at all. I cannot park...
posted by
Bou at April 9, 2007 08:33 PM
Does crashing count as parking?
posted by
Harvey at April 10, 2007 01:30 PM
if you f*** like you park.....
posted by
caltechgirl at April 11, 2007 12:06 AM
« Nevermind
April 01, 2007
Travel Woes
I was sitting in the Atlanta Airport Wednesday, about 15 minutes before our scheduled time to board our flight. The plane had already arrived, passengers had already exited the plane when one of the employees gets on the intercom and says,
"Ladies and gentlemen! Flight ### to Milwaukee has a 30 minute delay. Mechanics are working on the hydraulics and will let us know when the plane is ready for flying"
You know what, just tell me there is a delay. I don't need to know why. I consider any type of mechanical issue with the plane too much information. I am not knowledgeable enough on the mechanics of planes to not jump to crazy scenarios and conclusions.
30 minutes later, we hear the same message, except this time, he says it's an additional 30 minute delay, or longer. However, he does say that if we didn't check any bags, we can go all the way to the other end of the terminal and catch a different flight to Milwaukee that is currently boarding. I took it. Not to get to Milwaukee quicker, but if given a choice between a plane that has just had issues and is being worked on, and one that has not (as far as I knew)....my decision is obvious.
I also made a rookie mistake on my trip to Milwaukee. The weather in Atlanta has been in the 70's. I packed 70's weather business clothes for my trip.
Anyone want to take a guess on what the temperature was like in Milwaukee last Wednesday and Thursday?
Not 70's! 40's and 50's. Windy. I'm not too bright sometimes!
See What's Next... »
Um... ROFLMAO!!! Darlin' you haven't been up north for a while have you. It could be like that in mid-summer... especially if you're down by the lake.
posted by
Teresa at April 2, 2007 08:46 AM
I know, it's even worse when you board the plane and sit in the plane at the gate for like an hour and they tell you there are electrical issues they are working on. Wha? Hello, I don't want to be on a plane that has any issues!
posted by Napster at April 2, 2007 06:01 PM
Sheeeeesh, will you relax already?! There was nothing wrong with the hydraulics. They were just waiting for the glue to completely dry on both wings.
ps: I'm flying this weekend. Wish me luck!
posted by
zonker at April 4, 2007 04:40 PM
I would have changed plans as well... only because it would have taken forever on the other plane. vw bug
posted by at April 5, 2007 05:41 AM
« Nevermind
March 27, 2007
The score is now 5 to 3. And they are chigger bites, not mosquito bites.
Also, don't waste the $6.99 on Chigarid. Although it works, it's basically clear fingernail polish.
See What's Next... »
Does it taste the same?
posted by
That 1 Guy at March 27, 2007 09:38 PM
Adolf's meat tenderizer... make a paste, slap it on. Good luck!
posted by
Teresa at March 27, 2007 09:41 PM
Vasaline works just as good, but if you scratched it is to late. The damage is done.
posted by
Amy at April 1, 2007 07:23 PM
« Nevermind
March 25, 2007
As pretty as spring time is, and as great as it is that the temperature is not freaking freezing anymore, I think there are a few things that area already driving some people crazy.
Such as the the necessity of Off.
Or the pollen covered car contest that Napster is running.
I think I'm going to have a contest of my own, all by myself. Which side of my body to mosquitos like more; the left, or the right.
So far, the left is winning 3-1. This is only from about 2 hours outside last night. It's going to be a loooong Spring/Summer season!
See What's Next... »
Umm... Spring? What's that? We had more snow here on Saturday night. *grin* Of course it's supposed to be in the 40's today I think.
posted by
Teresa at March 26, 2007 08:33 AM
I'm going with the right side! I always like hte underdogs. *grin*
posted by
oddybobo at March 26, 2007 08:43 AM
« Nevermind
March 23, 2007
Poor Memory
Have you ever thought of something to blog about and thought to yourself, "I should write that down or email that to myself. Ah, I'll remember it."
And then come home and realize you thought of 3-4 things to write about and can't remember even one of them?
Yea...just wondering...
See What's Next... »
All the time. *sigh*
posted by
Teresa at March 23, 2007 08:50 PM
I think I did that once...
posted by
That 1 Guy at March 23, 2007 11:11 PM
The worst part is I can remember that I wanted to remember something.... But just can's remember what!
posted by
jck at March 24, 2007 07:31 AM
oh yeah, I write it on my hand now, I think.
posted by
holder at March 24, 2007 07:58 AM
Constantly. It's a sign of age...
posted by
Richard at March 24, 2007 09:48 PM
Which is why I carry a pen and paper with me everywhere I go.
Never know when an idea will strike.
posted by
Harvey at March 26, 2007 08:44 PM
« Nevermind
March 21, 2007
Fun with Cats
Time to grab the neighbor's cat and take up art! Photos below the fold...
The email book these came from said some of the paint jobs cost $15,000 and had to be repeated every 3 months as the cat's hair grows out. Must be nice to have $60,000 a year just to keep your
cat painted!
Read More "Fun with Cats" »
See What's Next... »
They didn't have my favorite paint scheme... Roadkill.
posted by
That 1 Guy at March 21, 2007 10:36 PM
that's just not right.
posted by
wRitErsbLock at March 22, 2007 07:43 AM
I loved the plaid one.
posted by
caltechgirl at March 22, 2007 11:08 AM
how'd thy get those felines to sit still?
posted by
holder at March 22, 2007 04:18 PM
I was gonna do a Jackson Pollack-style design on mine but paintball guns are DAMN expensive these days.
posted by
zonker at March 23, 2007 11:06 AM
... this is one of the most disturbing posts that I have ever read... ever... anywhere..... some of those cats are just plain creepy....
posted by
Eric at March 25, 2007 08:58 AM
Snopes says photoshop:
posted by
Harvey at March 26, 2007 08:48 PM
« Nevermind
March 19, 2007
Cube Intruder Strikes Again
The Cube Intruder has caught the hint. Well, just about.
Now, instead of waiting until I leave to take my Treo off the charger and taking the charger to his desk, he waits until I leave to take my Treo off the charger and put his on, at my desk. So I get to hear his phone go off throughout the day.
However, he did share his Gummy Techno Bears (from World Market).
I'm thinking of writing a book of cube etiquette....'cause I have many more cube assholes on my floor!
See What's Next... »
The office is full of CA's...
What really gets my goat is answering your phone, only to hear that tell tale sound of being on a speakerphone on the other end... and not knowing exactly who's listening to what you say...
Are Treo chargers that hard to come by? You could have some real fun with his phone if he leaves it at your desk... I'm just sayin'...
posted by
RedNeck at March 19, 2007 06:20 PM
Ya, put a password on his Treo - GetYourOwnCharger
posted by
Amy at March 20, 2007 08:10 PM
« Nevermind
March 13, 2007
Cube Intruder
When starting at my new company 2 months ago, I was issued my electronic leash, the Treo.
As much as I hate having to carry one around, it is needed. And the have installed it with a pretty cool program, Good Link that is constantly connected to email, calendar, contacts, intranet, etc.
In addition to Good Link, I have installed an Instant Messenger so I can entertain myself during conference calls.
So, my battery runs down constantly. So I have this thing constantly plugged in at my desk.
Well, about a week ago I came into work to find my charger gone. I check with the two girls that I am friends with that sit next to me and they didn't grab it. After awhile, I'm starting to get pissed - one because I need to charge my damn phone and two because someone is an ass and thinks it's cool to just swipe stuff off people's desks.
Finally, one of the girls next to me yells back 3 cubes to her boss to see if he swiped my charger. He says, "Yea, I have it" like it was no big deal. Now, I've probably said less than 10 words to him since I started. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't know my name. But he found it okay to swipe my charger. And didn't return it right away, apologize, thank me, or anything. A few hours later, I found it back on my desk.
Since then, I have locked the charger up when I leave for the day.
Yesterday, I was at my desk all day. I left for just a couple of minutes just to run to the restroom. I came back, and my treo had been taken off my charger, and the charger was gone. I about flipped my lid right then.
Well, the girls were gone, so there was only one suspected culprit, the same guy as last time.
So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
He walked by my desk a couple of times, and said nothing.
Finally, toward the end of the day, he is talking to the guy that sits next to me and I finally speak up, "Hey John. Do you have my charger?"
He laughs and said he does and that he meant to tell me he grabbed it. I told him I needed it to take it home and he said okay. He goes back to his desk; I wait an hour, and still nothing.
I finally go to him, and tell him that I'm leaving for the day and need my charger. He laughs and says he needs to get the admin to order him one.
This guy is weird in general. But it pissed me off that someone had the balls to invade my space and take something without leaving a note or letting me know when I return. I had my iPod out on my desk along with my digital picture frame. Next thing, they will be gone too. Fucker!
See What's Next... »
Okay - that's just downright wrong. I guess short of taking the charger with you whenever you leave your cube... I don't know what you can do.
However, it sounds like you may have to be more direct with this guy. Like, "sorry I need my charger back now". If you give him any leeway - he's going to take everything he can. Sheesh!
posted by
Teresa at March 13, 2007 10:08 PM
that would piss me right off.
posted by
wRitErsbLock at March 14, 2007 07:15 PM
I had an iPod stolen at work. I hate working in a cube farm. I lock *everything* up now.
posted by
zonker at March 15, 2007 07:47 AM
« Nevermind
March 08, 2007
Grand Canyon Skywalk
Get ready to see the Grand Canyon in a whole new way. The Skywalk, a horseshoe-shaped glass walkway, will offer you a straight-down view from more than 4,000 feet above the Grand Canyon floor. The Skywalk will extend 70 feet from the canyon rim.
The Skywalk is located in an area owned and operated by the Hualapai Tribe. It is set to open to the public on March 28th.
Entrance to The Skywalk will cost $25 per person, in addition to the cost of a Grand Canyon West entrance package. Admittance is first come, first serve for walk up visitors, but people will be allowed to make reservations. A total of 120 people will be allowed on the bridge at one time.
For more information on The Skywalk, go to http://www.grandcanyonskywalk.com.

Would you do it?
See What's Next... »
posted by
PrimoDonna at March 8, 2007 08:44 PM
My curiosity says, yes. However, surrounded by such beauty, I think it looks hideous! What won't we do?
Mother Nature provides us grandeur and we turn it into a Disney adventure. The tribe that owns it needs money, but that thing cost a fortune. Would rather they bought out some casino with their funds.
posted by
h~ at March 8, 2007 10:36 PM
To answer my own question, I would like to say that I would, but I can't guarantee that I wouldn't change my mind once I was standing there.
However, I am with you h~. I think they've just added something gaudy to something beautiful. I don't care if they need money or not....this wasn't the way to go about it. But, it's their reservation I suppose....
posted by
Sissy at March 8, 2007 11:02 PM
Yeah, it will mar the natural beauty. And I wonder if you have to sign a "I will not sue if I or a family member should fall to a terrifying death if said skywalk should fall" disclaimer before they'll allow you on.
posted by
Mrs. Who at March 9, 2007 11:09 PM
I would do it. I think it would be cool to fly. Partly because of the views. This would satisfy that. Way COOL!!!!
posted by
Amy at March 10, 2007 07:15 PM
"Not I"
posted by morrigan at March 11, 2007 04:42 PM
Oh HELL yeah!
Hope they start offering bungee jumping soon
posted by
Harvey at March 13, 2007 08:59 AM
« Nevermind
March 07, 2007
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have a movie coming out.
Are they seriously back in again? I watched the cartoon, had the movie, had the video game as well as the figurines. That was like 20 years ago. And they are back?
I just thought it was funny to see a TMNT movie preview.
See What's Next... »
I took my son to see the original movie. *grin* He was a big fan of TMNT.
posted by
Teresa at March 8, 2007 06:10 PM
It is still popular with little boys. We went to a party last month and the boy got TMNT toys. They had plates, a cake, and napkins with TMNT on it. I think the cartoon is still on.
posted by
Amy at March 10, 2007 07:31 PM
« Nevermind
March 03, 2007
24 Drinking Game
I found this at Grouchy Old Cripple. I wish I would have known about this a month ago when I started catching up on all the seasons.
It's a Drinking Game while watching 24. Go check it out.
I just spent the last month watching every season of 24. I have 8 hours left of season 5. Damn, I wish I would have known about this game sooner!
Morrigan and Bou....it looks like there is something to add to our Monday night tradition ;-)
See What's Next... »
LOL - I added one to his list... ;-)
posted by
Teresa at March 3, 2007 11:37 PM
Another reason not to watch 24...I'd puke.
posted by
h~ at March 5, 2007 08:38 PM
« Nevermind
24 Moles
I'm watching the 5th season of 24. After this, I will be all caught up.
It's a great show. It's had me on edge since beginning season 1.
But I must tell you, I am sick and tired of their being a mole in CTU in every freaking season.
It just doesn't make sense. You would think after the first several times, they would have figured out how to screen people, how to eliminate cell phones at the door, how to monitor what people do inside. I just don't get it!!
See What's Next... »
Since it appears everyone and their brother can walk in and out of CTU with impunity. I'm not at all surprised they can't find moles. *grin* It's supposed to be one of the most secure places in the country... but it seems that everyone except the people who work there can stroll on in without even a challenge. It's one of the things that really bugs me about the show.
However, Jack kicking ass... makes up for soooo much.
posted by
Teresa at March 3, 2007 06:14 PM
OH yeah, hence every season, one of the first things Mo and I say is "OK. Who's the mole?"
posted by
Bou at March 3, 2007 10:33 PM
« Nevermind
February 16, 2007
Fit Handyman
Craigslist has become one of my new addictions. I have bought and sold stuff with ease.
They have an area you can look for services. I was looking for someone that could fix the piss poor paint job I did in the kitchen (TIP: Don't paint when you are drunk).
While searching, I came across the following ad:
wht 49 y/o fit clean handyman can help you out.
Alittle Plumbing.
Alittle Electrical.
Alittle Woodworking.
Even alittle of you.
If it needs fixing or servicing let me know. I can take care of most any issue you have.
In your e-mail to me type in the subject line Handyman. Also give me an idea as to what you need done.
Wow, what a deal.
"Hello there. I have about a weekend's worth of work that needs to be done. Oh, and I also need a lightbulb changed. What are your rates?"
Too funny!
See What's Next... »
So I guess plumbing is his specialty?
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:00 PM
I just thought of a new use for that Spanx hole I just posted on... Heh. Plumbing.
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:01 PM
Is he a "handyman" or a "handSYman".
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:02 PM
I take it he brings his own wood...
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:02 PM
"Is that a hammer in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:03 PM
So for electrical... will he jump start your heart?
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:04 PM
Excuse me, can you check the springs on my bed please?
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:07 PM
"Do you work with Small appliances?"
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:07 PM
"Do you know how to tie a slip knot?
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:09 PM
"Excuse me, I can't seem to get this ball gag to fit, will you help me?"
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:09 PM
"My headboard seems to be making a lot of noise lately. Here let me show you."
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:11 PM
"Can you increase the pressure in this flexible shower nozzle?"
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:12 PM
Haven't I seen you in the movie....Drill Me, Hammer Me, Tie Me Down?
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:16 PM
"Do you do body painting? How about with chocolate?"
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:19 PM
How much for the "happy ending"?
posted by morrigan at February 17, 2007 08:19 PM
posted by
Bou at February 17, 2007 08:19 PM
OMG! You have me cracking up!!! How about we ask if he knows how to 'plug a hole'? Or 'fix a wet spot'?
posted by
vw bug at February 17, 2007 09:34 PM
Bou and Mo! Behave yourselves!
posted by
Denny at February 18, 2007 09:40 PM
The man to call when your drain needs a good snaking...
posted by
Harvey at February 20, 2007 12:48 AM
« Nevermind
February 11, 2007
I am on 24 overtime. While watching the sixth season, I have also been watching the 1st and 2nd season...onto the 3rd this week.
I have found two things funny about this whole thing...
First, it makes me paranoid. I was working out the other morning and was watching music videos. There was a scene of a guy that was bringing flowers to his girlfriend's house. They show the girlfriend opening the door, then the camera turns to the view from the door, looking at the boyfriend. In the background, I see a white, unmarked van drive by and stop in front of the house. In the back of my head, I'm thinking, "Oh shit, they're going to kill him."
Yea, paranoid.
Secondly, I found thissite on my friend's MySpace page. It's a MySpace profile for Jack Bauer and has as his "friends" profiles for all the characters. It's quite funny.
What I found most funny, in the profile, under income it says $100,000-$150,000.
Damn, that just sucks!
See What's Next... »
And you do know that tomorrow it starts an hour earlier because there are 2 hours... holy crap I hate when they do that. One hour is sufficient for the week.
posted by
Teresa at February 12, 2007 12:51 AM
I've missed several episodes this year. Clicked it on last evening, knowing Bou and Mo would no doubt be talking about it when I see them next. However, no longer will I be among the 24 group. When a thug threaten to drill a guy's shoulder with huge electric screw driver and then preceded to do so...that was it...my limit had been met and then some. Yes,it's all fake but knowing there are weirdos who may get ideas from this sort of crap heebes me out.
posted by
h~ at February 13, 2007 02:19 PM
Sissy... you and my Mom will get along GREAT!!! ;-)
posted by
Bou at February 13, 2007 10:45 PM
« Nevermind
Not Your Hallmark Holiday
I have noticed an increase of KY Jelly commercials in the past week or so. The most recent is KY Jelly - Intrigue, The longest lasting lubricant, suggesting it as an idea for Valentine's Day.
I have given KY as a gift before. A PRANK gift. So, if on Valentine's Day, I received KY from someone I was seeing, I would not be able to keep a straight face. Not sure that's the gift to say, "I love you."
I suppose Valentine's Day is not just a Hallmark holiday anymore.
See What's Next... »
Ummm... Bwahahahahahaha!!! That would be my response. *grin*
posted by
Teresa at February 11, 2007 12:48 PM
Well, it's DEFINITELY a good thing to give along with a gift of V!@gr@
posted by
Harvey at February 13, 2007 01:19 AM
I suppose it cleans up easier than baby oil. Not that I know this from personal experience or anything.
posted by
Richard at February 15, 2007 05:01 AM
« Nevermind
January 29, 2007
Burning Calories
I've been using this site Calorie Counter to track my calorie intake and expenditure. It's very cool. You can either look up foods or enter nutritional information for food (such as calories, fat, fiber, cholesterol, etc). It grades the food you intake (A through F) and it grades you for the day. It also tracks your weight each time you enter it into the system. There is also a toolbar you can download that gives you quick access to their site, allows you to search for foods, and gives you a visual "eat meter" to show you how you are doing for the day.
I'm having a lot of fun with this site. The most fun is the different activities that are listed and how many calories they burn.
Such as:
Sexual Activity, Passive - Light Effort, Kissing, Hugging - 108 calories an hour
Sexual Activity, General - Moderate Effort - 140 calories an hour
Sexual Activity, Active - Vigorous Effort- 162 calories an hour
Quiet Standing Quietly (Standing in a Line) - 130 calories an hour
Quiet Sitting Quietly and Watching Television - 108 calories an hour
Cooking Indian Bread On An Outside Stove - 325 calories an hour
Playing a woodwind - 218 calories an hour
Sitting in Meetings - 162 calories an hour
Sitting on the toilet - 108 calories an hour
Driving - 216 calories an hour
Walking to and from an Outhouse - 271 calories an hour
Knitting or Wrapping Presents - 162 calories an hour
Butchering Animals - 650 calories and hour
So there you go....
See What's Next... »
So if you have active sex on an outside stove whilst eating indian bread after going to the outhouse you can "burn" a whopping 596 calories (minus however many you get from eating the bread. Sounds like a weekend plan.
Or having active sex while butchering animals might be fun as long as you aren't having sex WITH them. 812 calories, plus what you burn running from the law afterward.
posted by
Richard at January 29, 2007 09:44 PM
Who goes to the bathroom for an hour? Does that upgrade it to vigorous shitting?
posted by Morrigan at January 29, 2007 10:55 PM
It has to be a man that came up with it. Someone with a big newspaper.
posted by
Richard at January 30, 2007 04:39 AM
Morrigan - the men in my office. Good lord they're always in there, and for such a long time. The magazines aren't that interesting.
posted by
wRitErsbLock at January 30, 2007 10:23 AM
Rachel- are you sure they're going to the bathroom?! ;-)
posted by
Bou at January 30, 2007 09:27 PM
BTW, who in the hell walks to and from an outhouse for an hour? "To shit or not to shit, that is the question."
posted by
Bou at January 30, 2007 09:28 PM
Bou, well, there is a seat heater on that toilet, so maybe on the cool days they're in there warming their tooshies. But I don't think that's what you meant either!
posted by
wRitErsbLock at January 31, 2007 10:08 AM
WTH?? Driving burns more calories than 'vigorous sex'?
So is that why it seems it's always fat, bald, divorced guys driving Corvettes? It's a daggum weight loss plan?!
Screw Jenny Craig! (Oh wait - at only 140-162 calories? Not even as an 'appetizer.' Bring on the Ford GT, baby!)
Oh, and Richard - about the sex while butchering animals? Um... no way to be 'delicate' about this: you need help!
posted by
Bitterroot at January 31, 2007 06:27 PM
I'm disappointed. I have DietPower and it just has biking, walking and the like. Yours is much better!!!
posted by vw bug at January 31, 2007 08:37 PM
« Nevermind
January 24, 2007
Dog Beer
Will this be Contagion's next beer review?
From ABC News.
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Jan 24, 2007 (AP)— After a long day hunting, there's nothing like wrapping your paw around a cold bottle of beer. So Terrie Berenden, a pet shop owner in the southern Dutch town of Zelhem, created a beer for her Weimaraners made from beef extract and malt.
"Once a year we go to Austria to hunt with our dogs, and at the end of the day we sit on the verandah and drink a beer. So we thought, my dog also has earned it," she said.
Berenden consigned a local brewery to make and bottle the nonalcoholic beer, branded as Kwispelbier. It was introduced to the market last week and advertised it as "a beer for your best friend."
"Kwispel" is the Dutch word for wagging a tail.
The beer is fit for human consumption, Berenden said. But at euro1.65 ($2.14) a bottle, it's about four times more expensive than a Heineken.
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Damn, Cody would have been in Dog Heaven!!
And you know I would have bought it for him...
posted by
Tammi at January 24, 2007 08:31 PM
Proof positive that the Dutch - like us Americans - have too frickin' much disposable income.
posted by
Elisson at January 25, 2007 10:47 AM
Typical MSM reporting. First they say that the beer is nonalcoholic. Then they say it's fit for human consumption. Which is it?!
posted by
zonker at January 26, 2007 01:26 AM
Gah! NO!!!
posted by
Contagion at January 29, 2007 07:05 PM
« Nevermind
January 21, 2007
Klepto Creature
I wonder if the same creature that steals socks out of the dryer is the one that steals the lids to my tupperware?
See What's Next... »
*I've* got your Tupperware lids.
posted by
Harvey at January 23, 2007 09:14 AM
... that is a totally different monster... just there is a different monster that opens the mayo jar after I've closed the fridge....
posted by
Eric at January 23, 2007 12:57 PM
The Mayo Monster and Sock Creature are actually Cousins to the Tupperware Snitch.
I've got to much time on my hands. I just sit in the dark and wait for them to strike.
posted by
Tammi at January 23, 2007 02:23 PM
« Nevermind
January 18, 2007
No TV For You
Has anyone not seen or at least heard of the Seinfeld scene about the "Soup Nazi?"
I mean, I don't even watch Seinfeld and I know about this scene!
While heading out to lunch today, we were discussing something, and someone said "No ______ for you” I can't even remember what the actual topic was. But anyway, at that point, I asked if they were the "_____ nazi" The girl that had made statement cracked up...understanding where that came from.
The other girl with us gave me the meanest look ever. Now, I'm pretty certain she's not of any religion that would take a deep personal offense to that statement, and even so....the guy that was with us was Jewish and he laughed.
I immediately attempted to explain myself, asking her if she had ever seen the episode. She said no, she never watched the show. I said, still, you have to know of this scene. It's like one of the top 100 scenes from television. She had no clue.
Now, this girl is extremely smart. She's really into fashion, culture, fitness, etc. However, when it came to television or music, naive isn't the word to describe her.
I don't think she was mad, I think it caught her off guard. Throughout lunch we had a good time, laughed and what not. I just find it extremely funny that she has no idea what we were talking about.
So tell me, are there people, despite how little TV they watch, that don't know of some of the top scenes in television?
See What's Next... »
I had never hear of the scene either, not that that means anything. Most of my entertainment comes from music and the internet, along with a handful of TV shows, but very no (or very few) sitcoms.
posted by
Richard at January 20, 2007 10:31 AM
I know the scene as I used to watch Seinfeld and we use that phrase all the time in this house.
However, I fall in that realm of people who are clueless about famous TV stuff. Last week we were at a planning meeeting for our school festival where they came up with a new game... it is off of some TV show where you do something with suitcases. one of the guys looked at the women who run the prizes and said, "Are you going to present the suitcases?" and I said, "Suitcases? Why suitcases?" and someone said, "Come on, Bou, you know... Howey Mandel?" and I just stared.
So yes, we exist.
posted by
Bou at January 21, 2007 08:56 AM
Well, I didn't know about 'soup Nazis'...but I did know about the suitcases (probably because they involve $$$$!!)
posted by
Mrs_Who at January 21, 2007 08:17 PM
« Nevermind
January 16, 2007
Funny Shit
Got this via email, thought it was pretty funny...
I had a date the other night at my place. On the phone the day before, the girl asked me to "Cook her something she's never had before" for dinner. After many minutes of scratching my head over what to make, I finally settled on something she has DEFINITELY never eaten. I got out my trusty case of military MREs... Meal, Ready-to-Eat. Field rations that, when eaten in their entirety, contain 3000+ calories.
Here's what I made: I took three of the Ham Slices out of their plastic packets, took out three of the Pork Chops, three packets of Chicken-a-la-King, and eight packets of dehydrated butter noodles and some dehydrated/rehydrated rice. I cooked the Ham Slices and Pork Chops in one pan, sautéed in shaved garlic and olive oil.
In another pot, I blended the Chicken a-la-king, noodles, and rice together to make a sort of mush that looked suspiciously like succotash. I added some spices, and blended everything together in a glass pan that I then cooked in the oven for about 35 minutes at 450 degrees. When I took it out, it looked like, well, ham slices, pork chops, and a bed of yellow poop. I covered the tops of the meat with the MRE cheese (Kind of like Velveeta) and added some green sprinkly thingies from one of my spice cans (hey, if it's got green sprinkly thingies on it, it looks fancy right?)
For dessert, I took four MRE Pound Cakes, mashed 'em up, added five packets of cocoa powder, powdered coffee cream, and some water. I heated it up and stirred it until it looked like a sort of chunky gelatinous organism, and I sprinkled powdered sugar on top of it. Voila --- Ranger Pudding.
For alcoholic drinks, I took the rest of my bottle of Military Special Vodka (yes, they DO make a type of liquor named "Military Special"--it sells for $4.35 per fifth at the Class Six ) and mixed in four packets of "Electrolytes - 1 each - Cherry flavored" (I swear, the packet says that). It looked like an eerie kool-aid with sparkles in it (that was the electrolytes I guess... could've been leftover sand from Egypt).
I lit two candles, put a vase of wildflowers in the middle, and set the table with my best set of Ralph Lauren Academy-series China (that shit is EXPENSIVE... my set of 8 place settings cost me over $600 on sale at the Camp Lejeune PX ), and put the alcoholic rink in a crystal wine decanter. She came over, and I had some appetizers already made of MRE spaghetti-with-meatballs set in small cups.
She saw the dinner, saw the food, and said "This looks INCREDIBLE!!!" We dug in, and she was loving the food. Throughout the meal, she kept asking me how long it took me to make it, and kept remarking that I obviously knew a thing or two about cooking fine meals. She kind of balked at the makeshift "wine" I had set out, but after she tried it I guess she liked it because she drank four glasses during dinner.
At the end of the main course, when I served the dessert, she squealed with delight at the "Chocolate mousse" I had made. Huh? Chocolate what? Okay... yeah... it's Chocolate Moose. Took me HOURS to make... yup.
Later on, as we were watching a movie, she excused herself to use my restroom. While she was in there, I heard her say softly to herself "uh oh" and a resounding but petite fart punctuated her utterance of dismay. Let the games begin. She sprayed about half a can of air freshener (Air Freshener, 1 each, Orange scent. Yup. The military even makes smellgood) and returned to the couch, this time with an obvious pained look.
After 10 more minutes she excused herself again, and retreated to the bathroom for the second time, I could hear her say "What the hell is WRONG with me???" as she again sent flatulent shockwaves into the porcelain bowl. This time, they sounded kinda wet, and I heard the toilet paper roll being employed, and again, LOTS more air freshener.
Back to the couch. She smiles meekly as she decides to sit on the chair instead of next to me. She sits on my chair, knees pulled up to her chest, kind of rocking back and forth slightly.
Suddenly, without a word, she ROCKETED up and FLEW to the bathroom, slammed the door, and didn't come out for 30 minutes. I turned the movie up because I didn't want her to hear me laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my cheeks.
She came out with a slightly gray pallor to her face, and said "I am SOOOOOO sorry. I have NO idea what is wrong with me. I am so embarrassed, I can't believe I keep running to your bathroom!!" I gave her an Imodium AD, and she finally settled down and relaxed.
Later on, she asked me again what I had made for dinner, because she had enjoyed it so much. I calmly took her into the kitchen and showed her all the used MRE bags and packets in the trash can. After explaining to her that she had eaten roughly 9,000 calories of "Marine Corps Field Rations" she turned stark white, looked at me incredulously, and said "I ate 9,000 calories of dehydrated food that was made 3 years ago?"
After I concurred, she grabbed her coat and keys, and took off without a word. She called me yesterday. Seems she didn't have a bowel movement for 5 days, and when she finally did, the smell was so bad, her roommate could smell it from down the hall. She also told me she had been working out nonstop to combat the high caloric intake, and that she never wanted me to cook dinner for her again, unless she was PERSONALLY there to inspect the food beforehand.
It was a fun date. She laughed about it eventually and said that was the first time she'd ever crapped at guy's house on a date. She'd been so upset by it she was in tears in the bathroom while I had been in tears on> the couch. I know ... I'm an Asshole, but it was still a funny night.
See What's Next... »
LMAO! That is just too funny.
posted by
sticks at January 17, 2007 05:23 PM
Sounds like a fun date...aside from the half hour intermission. heehee
posted by Morrigan at January 17, 2007 10:44 PM
« Nevermind
January 15, 2007
Girl Scout Marketing
It's that time again. Girl Scout Cookie Time.
My sister is already hitting me up! As well as all my friends. Hey, my stepmom is even going to deliver them to Atlanta for the ones that order from me. Now that's some service ;-)
So anyway...Lil sis made the following. A future in marketing?

See What's Next... »
That's GREAT!
posted by
Bou at January 15, 2007 10:05 PM
I need to find a girl scout...
... for cookies...
posted by
Harvey at January 16, 2007 07:31 AM
I'm all about the Thin Mints!
posted by
Sh at January 16, 2007 11:20 AM
Does she want a job? I'm lookin' for a marketing rep in that area....
posted by
Tammi at January 16, 2007 10:29 PM
« Nevermind
January 11, 2007
Tequila Furniture
After much searching (and by much, I mean months of searching within a 350 mile radius) for a hutch for my dining room, I found one at World Market. It was a little more than I wanted to pay...until a coupon came out for 40% off 1 item.
Well, this particular piece of furniture comes in 2 separate pieces. So, I brought one coupon to one World Market to buy the bottom part. Then I brought another coupon to a different World Market and bought the top part.
Each piece was about 150 lbs, boxed. I somehow slid the pieces out of my truck and finagled them into the house. I opened them up downstairs, scooted, flopped and turned to get it to the stairs and then took about 30 minutes each trying to push them up the stairs. It probably wasn't the smartest idea. There were a few times I thought for sure the piece was going to push me back down the stairs.
However, while pushing these large pieces of wood up the stairs, my face was buried into them.....and I thought for sure I was going to hurl on the stairs. The wood reeked of tequila. I thought for sure the wood was made of tequila some how. Just the slight smell of it brought me back to New Years, and ramming my head into the car door via the fire hydrant. It was like seeing the drunkest parts of my life flash before my eyes.
I'm not sure how to get the smell out. I'm sure I need to wipe the thing down with something. Otherwise, every time I walk past the thing....I'm going to have terrible flashbacks!
See What's Next... »
Karma is a bitch, huh?
posted by
caltechgirl at January 12, 2007 12:17 AM
Personally, I wouldn't fight it. Just find a furniture cleaner with the lime smell and make it part of the "ambiance".
Adds a bit of "you" to the mix....
posted by
Tammi at January 12, 2007 10:19 AM
« Nevermind
January 08, 2007
Foot Cheese
Last year, for my birthday, Morrigan, Bou and her boys and I had a little fondue party. It was also my first time having fondue.
I saved room for the chocolate fondue. The cheese fondue didn't do it much for me. Too much of a wine taste for me.
Well, as an appetizer last night, Napster wanted to fix up some cheese fondue with her new, nifty fondue maker. I told her about the wine incident and she only used half of what the recipe called for.
And I still couldn't do it. Spurs showed me the expensive cheese the stuff is made with, and it smelled like feet. I tried a couple of bites, and it still wasn't appetizing. Spurs agreed with me, so we tried to "fix it".
So, after throwing in 4 slices of Kraft Singles, some Julio's seasoning and some salsa.....it still tasted like foot cheese!
There's a recipe in the book for monterey jack and cheddar. That's the kind I will be making with the fondue maker I got for Christmas (which seemed to be a hot item this Christmas). I will be making the poor girl's, ghetto fondue!
See What's Next... »
Mom has a great cheese fondue that uses plain swiss cheese and very little alcohol. I'll get it for you. You have tastebuds of a grade schooler. ;-)
posted by Morrigan at January 8, 2007 10:41 PM
Oh I LOVE my Mom's recipe. It is GREAT. It calls for cheap swiss cheese and is wonderful. I make it every time my husband goes out of town. Remember how my boys hated Mo's fondue? They request this one.
posted by
Bou at January 8, 2007 11:53 PM
I'll admit I won't be making it that way a whole lot, maybe only for entertaining because the Gruyere and Ementhaler cheese along with the white wine and kirsch are quite expensive - now I know why those restaurants like the Melting Pot charge so much.
posted by
Napster at January 9, 2007 08:45 AM
So... that would be ghetdue?
posted by
Harvey at January 9, 2007 10:43 AM
I love Chocolate Fondue. One of my fondest memories of Christmas was having a fondue dinner with some friends of mine. It was a yearly thing for them, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
posted by
Richard at January 9, 2007 07:12 PM
You gonna put in some Colt 45 in place of the wine?
posted by
zonker at January 10, 2007 12:28 AM
Everything goes in circles. We still have the fondue pot that we bought in the early '70s. I have a good cheese fondue recipe that has cream cheese and Parmesan cheese (and no wine), but your monterey jack and cheddar recipe sounds good too. I love chocolate fondue the best!
posted by
PrimoDonna at January 11, 2007 09:07 AM
« Nevermind
January 07, 2007
From Experience
Hey Spurs!
Does dog shampoo burn your scalp?
Just wonderin'
See What's Next... »
No not really and it keeps my coat soft and shiney.
posted by
spurs at January 8, 2007 10:19 AM
« Nevermind
I have broken down and purchased a Wii....
It's SO worth it!
I don't care how fancy or good the graphics are on an XBox or Playstation 19, the Wii is FUN!
I brought it straight to my family's house where we stayed up until 2am playing tennis, baseball, bowling, golf and boxing. I am freaking sore. It's just sad. But we all were! It still didn't keep us from playing it again the next day.
I then brought it to Spurs and Napster's place where we did the same. We tried a few of the other games that I have purchased. Napster's specialty seems to be Monkey Ball.
I've been surprised with how accurate the system picks up movements with the wireless controller. Hell, it even picks up my bad curves when bowling!
I haven't had the opportunity to really sit down with it at home and play with all the in's and out's. However, two of the things I'm really looking forward to is the fact that it plays Gamecube games (which are pretty cheap, and fun) and that you can go online with this thing and buy old games such as Mario Brothers and Donkey Kong.
So, if anyone has been interested...it is well worth the $250! (go ahead and pick up the extra controllers and nunchucks if you see them....you'll need them!)
Now excuse me while I go beat the crap out of Spurs in boxing! ;-)
See What's Next... »
I was wondering what the limitation on games would be... you answered my question!
posted by vww bug at January 8, 2007 07:40 AM
we played in the new year with Frank J. and SarahK. I didn't realize I needed a Wii until then. Now I want one.
posted by
wRitErsbLock at January 8, 2007 01:09 PM
We had Wii good time
Thanks for coming to visit. Hopefully next time I will figure out how to hold that darn controller correctly.
posted by Napster at January 8, 2007 01:13 PM
« Nevermind
December 07, 2006
He Will Only Do It Doggy Style -- Help?!
Blogmom Bou and I had the following coversation this morning on messenger:
Bou: Some sexpert for the elderly named Sue Johanson is showing up on my msn flicker.
Sissy: Actually...she's not for the elderly. A lot of young people call her, it's quite funny.
Bou: Wow. She's like that troll woman used to be...I can't remember her name....Dr. Ruth!
The conversation went on about how old Dr. Ruth is (she was born in 1928) and how nothing was ever off limits or "bad" to her. As we dug deeper, we found that Dr. Ruth has a website.
One of the questions:
My Boyfriend of 5 years, always wants to have sex doggie style. we did for about 5-6 months. I got tired of it. I want him to make love to me. I’ll ask him why he won't and his answer is “I don't know.” Now we haven't had sex for about a month because I refuse to unless he makes love to me. It seems to me he’d rather not have sex at all. Can you please help me? It’s driving me nuts.
Dr. Ruth's Answer:
I can’t tell you what’s going through his mind, but I could take a guess. Perhaps he’s gay, but can’t admit it to anyone, and having sex this way allows him to fantasize that he’s having sex with a man rather than with a woman. That’s not the only explanation. It could be that he failed, i.e. lost his erection, having sex in other positions and now he’s afraid to try other positions again in case he’d have another failure. Or maybe he has stronger orgasms in this position. Or maybe you have bad breath and he can’t get up the courage to tell you. As you can see, my first guess isn’t the only possibility, but it’s still my number one choice. Are there any other signs of this? Is there any x-rated material on your computer that is linked to male sites? Gay magazines hidden in his closet? Since you’ve invested five years together, you definitely need to get to the bottom of this. I would recommend that you see a sex therapist. If he goes along, great, if not, you’ll get some help anyway. He’s never going to not prefer this position, but perhaps with the right help, he’d agree to make love to you the way you want to, and then perhaps finish off with sex in his favorite position. Or to some other compromise. But you do need to find out what his answer is, because “I don’t know” is just his way of hiding the truth from you as I’m certain he knows the reason.
She's ugly, she looks like his mother, he wants to watch Sports Center, he makes weird sex faces, his breath smells....
...the list could go on. Poor girl...
See What's Next... »
I love Sue Johansen. She kicks ass.
Not to mention that she pulls no punches.
posted by
caltechgirl at December 7, 2006 04:38 PM
That whole thing was so damn funny. I was scared to death when we started IM'ing that Dr. Ruth was really 41 or so when I saw her in the mid 80s. That would have sucked.
posted by
Bou at December 7, 2006 08:41 PM
I am soooo out of the loop. Guess I need to do some research and get my head out of the ground.
posted by
vw bug at December 10, 2006 06:49 AM
Or maybe he just likes doggy-style because it's a dominating position.
Time to explore some S & M options, I say.
posted by
Harvey at December 12, 2006 08:37 PM
« Nevermind
November 18, 2006
Car Wash
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. My car needed washing again. I went to the car wash downtown and had to have them re-wash the car three times. They kept missing spots.....so if you don't hear from me for a week or so, you'll know where I'm at.
Read More "Car Wash" »
See What's Next... »
Jesis Effin Christ! A word of warning, please!
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 18, 2006 12:36 PM
H-E-L-L-O! That is fabulous. Where is this car wash? I'll pay double...yikes!
posted by Morrigan at November 18, 2006 01:21 PM
double? I'll take it out in trade...
posted by
Bou at November 18, 2006 01:34 PM
Nice. Next time I'm in town you HAVE to take me
posted by
caltechgirl at November 18, 2006 01:40 PM
I had a feeling what it was as soon as I saw the title.
Can I TELL you have much you made my day?!?!?!?!?
posted by
Tammi at November 18, 2006 07:56 PM
I think I see the problem.
That guy by the mirror keeps standing too close & leaving weenie marks on your door.
posted by
Harvey at November 21, 2006 10:40 AM
Well, if I worked at that car wash, you'd probably be asking for damages cos of the insult to your eyes... *heh*
posted by
David at November 21, 2006 07:33 PM
Mo would have the cleanest car in the Atlanta Metro area. Bunch o' freaks...
posted by
spurs at November 22, 2006 12:03 PM
Spurs- I'm sure it is a fundraiser and therefore very important to give...A LOT.
posted by Morrigan at November 22, 2006 09:52 PM
My car needs washing...I'm on my way!
posted by
sticks at November 25, 2006 04:43 PM
« Nevermind
November 17, 2006
Redneck Mole Killer
My mom is into her yard work. She loves to plant, garden, all of that stuff.
She has been introduced to the southern mole in South Carolina. They tear up the yard, yank out her plants, and are a general nuisance.
Finally, she reverted to playing her own live game of Mole Killer with this...

This has been responsible for the death of 8 moles.
However, mom was ready for something stronger, more deadly. So, she asked my uncle to make her one.
He put one together, sent it via UPS.
Here is her new weapon of choice.

All I can say is...
See What's Next... »
Ok this is too funny, my Father spends 50% of his summer in his garden chasing moles...poking pitchforks in the dirt, flooding them out, and cursing under his breath
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 18, 2006 11:54 PM
... that thing looks mean..
posted by
Eric at November 21, 2006 05:09 PM
« Nevermind
November 14, 2006
Exit Strategy
Ever been fired? Laid Off? Left a job because you were miserable, mistreated, underpaid, undervalued?
Go get some ideas from Spurs & Napster on your "exit strategy". Share your own ideas!
See What's Next... »
On your last day, send out an e-vite to eveyone saying their's going to be a going away pizza party. Order 100 pizzas in your boss's name and then split...
posted by
spurs at November 14, 2006 03:44 PM
And take your Swingline stapler...
posted by
spurs at November 14, 2006 05:18 PM
And burn the place down.
Sadly, I didn't get the chance to pull any shenanigans between my "exit interview" and when I left the premises.
posted by
Harvey at November 14, 2006 05:25 PM
Oh you KNOW I have an exit strategy or nine. Oh yes I do - now I just gotta check the statute of limitations to see if I can tell you about any of them. ;-)
posted by
Tammi at November 14, 2006 08:12 PM
And take your Swingline stapler...
The red one.
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 14, 2006 08:22 PM
Change all of your passwords before you steal the stapler.
posted by
Yabu at November 16, 2006 01:20 PM
« Nevermind
November 13, 2006
When i was recovering from surgery, Morrigan did a little low fat/no fat grocery shopping for me. She is one of the only people that can have fun doing low fat/no fat grocery shopping.
She also happens to know my picky eating habits. So it was a quest of low fat/no fat food that Sissy would actually eat.
She did happen to get one of my favorites. Apple sauce. Even my favorite brand, White House.
So, today, I take one out for dessert. I start eating it, and it taste great, as usual. And then, I taste paper. Paper in the apple sauce. I pull the paper out of my mouth to see that it's not paper, but an apple peel. Huh! Never seen that before.
I keep eating. And then find 2 seeds. Just strange.
Until I look at the cover of the container and see "chunky" apple sauce. Chunky? I've never heard of chunky apple sauce.
I've come to the conclusion that chunky = lazy. As in too lazy to peel the apple and pick out the seeds.
Who knows...maybe the chunky apple sauce is less fat then the non-chunky.
See What's Next... »
Shopping with Morrigan for ANYTHING is a riot. Good Grief. She should have her own sitcom.
posted by
Bou at November 13, 2006 10:47 PM
Not a fan of the chunky applesauce. It needs to be smooth. I can't even have orange juice with pulp in it - freaks me out. I feel like I'm eating/drinking bits of bugs.
posted by Napster at November 14, 2006 09:56 AM
LOL - less fat in chunky applesauce...
You're right - that's just lazy on their part or very poor processing. I'd think twice before eating more of it - maybe even email the company. If they let seeds through, who knows what else might be in it... yuck!
posted by
Teresa at November 14, 2006 03:31 PM
Chunky applesauce is just fine with me, but hunks of skin, core, and seeds falls outside the standard definition of "chunky." Perhaps Morrigan picked up the "Crappy" applesauce by mistake.
posted by
Elisson at November 15, 2006 03:01 PM
« Nevermind
November 12, 2006
Panda Addiction
You can thank Morrigan for this. An addiction to the Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam. It's like animal reality tv.
I'm dying to see this panda for real though. I love going to the zoo and taking pictures. Some of my favorite pictures I've taken have come from my trip to the zoo in Columbia, SC.
So, in the interest of trying to keep busy, I'm going to attempt to make it to the zoo next weekend. I would have gone today if some certain bloggers didn't have me out until 1am. But hey, it was worth it.
See What's Next... »
TGOO placed a Panda Cam icon on our desk top. Now I just click on the icon. Dang, just plain adorable! And folks don't forget to click on the screen so you get 'full' screen picture.
posted by
h~ at November 12, 2006 07:30 PM
Really- you can thank my Mom...she's the dealer here.
posted by Morrigan at November 12, 2006 10:11 PM
I just posted on this as well. My Mom and Morrigan are a horrible influence. We're constantly checking on that damn panda. I think we'll have to go see it this summer...
posted by
Bou at November 12, 2006 10:57 PM
The Panda's are the best. It's a great exhibit, you should go check it out. I need to go to the Columbia zoo - maybe next time you visit
posted by Napster at November 13, 2006 09:55 AM
Until I hit the 57 second mark, I was thinking, "What's the great fuss about a Panda corpse?" Then it moved its leg.
Do they show it attacking zoo patrons who are stupid enough to lean against the bars?
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 13, 2006 07:41 PM
« Nevermind
November 10, 2006
Panic! The 80's Are Coming Back!
The concert last night was awesome. A great "theatrical" show.
We were probably the oldest ones there that weren't there as a chaperone.
As we walked in, I headed straight to the margarita stand that happen to be sponsored by a local band boosters.
I go up to order my margarita while Morrigan heads to a different stand for beer. The lady cards me, I dig out my license and she says, "wow, you one of the older ones here."
Haha, my response?
"Well, you should talk to my friend over there getting a beer."
During the concert, they played Killer Queen by Queen and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles. Um, yea....Morrigan and I were about the only ones singing along. The kids had no idea what they were listening too.
We were also frightened to discover that the 80's are back and with a vengeance. Seriously, girls, think of the worst 80's outfit you wore or saw back then, and it was at this concert. It was frightening.
Oh, the nice thing was all these guys had a curfew; the concert was out by 9:30. So, we headed straight for the bar. Back to the land of no wristbands, Journey on the jukebox, and straight leg jeans.
It was a good time.
See What's Next... »
So it was a good concert? I'm laughing. I think I still have 80s clothes in my closet... but none of the hideous stuff. I have this cute little white skirt I wore in 1987 that I want so bad to fit back into... but, well, three kids and its not going to happen. Dammit.
posted by
Bou at November 11, 2006 08:39 AM
Bou- the little skirts are back in with the leggins. We even saw leg warmers. uhhh, gag me with a spoon!
Good time had by all, even if we were considered old. sigh
posted by Morrigan at November 11, 2006 05:29 PM
I saw leg warmers and fingerless gloves at the airport yesturday...several thick belts,,,
oh my
I am glad I am too old to participate
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 12, 2006 12:06 AM
I must agree, the 80s are deffidentally coming back. I see school kids dressing completely like we did in the '80s. Leggings, belts over the long shirt thing, boots with heels, so much more! It's kind of cool, in fact, it's really cool. The 80s were the best time ever! And now its the renissance (can't spell that word) of our ol' time. It's cool.
posted by
Colby at November 13, 2006 11:33 PM
« Nevermind
November 03, 2006
How Many Licks Does It Take To Get To The Tootsie Roll Center of a Tootsie Pop?
After a failed attempt to get in my truck and go to the grocery store, Morrigan was kind enough to make a trip for me. She produced different fun varieties of fat free food!
One of the fun foods she brought....Tootsie Pops.
So after a Vegetable Beef Soup and crackers dinner, I figured I had the time to answer the age old question, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?" Between that and the drugs...could be fun.
(A little trivia, the 70's commercial with the Owl is the longest running commercial of all time)
As I opened the Tootsie Pop, I found myself looking at the wrapper for the star. Does anyone else remember the old myth about the star on the Tootsie Pop wrapper? If you got a wrapper with a star on it, you got a free Tootsie Pop.
Mine had one, and I had to laugh.
I checked and there was never such a promotion. 30% of the wrappers have said star and the rumor has been going since the 30's.
Thank you for your interest in our Tootsie Pop wrappers. We are pleased to have an opportunity to tell the true story about our Tootsie Pop wrappers.
Many years ago, a rumor surfaced that said if the wrapper of a Tootsie Pop with a star was found and returned to the company, a free Tootsie Pop, or any number of things would be sent to the lucky person. We truly don't know why or where this rumor started, as our records do not indicate that our company ever sponsored any type of promotion surrounding images on the wrapper.
We hope we have been able to clarify this matter for you and we thank you for contacting us.
See What's Next... »
Sigh... that would have been cool... or better yet, they only had that promotion 30 years ago and you ate a 30 year old Tootsie Pop. ;-)
posted by at November 3, 2006 09:19 PM
Frick'n A... that comment was by me... vw bug
posted by at November 3, 2006 09:19 PM
Sooo... how many lick did it take?
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 4, 2006 09:26 AM
Lick... damnit... licks!
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 4, 2006 09:27 AM
I don't know..I got impatient. All I know is it takes 30 minutes of sucking.
posted by
Sissy at November 4, 2006 10:13 AM
30 min of sucking....nice, very nice.
posted by Morrigan at November 4, 2006 01:18 PM
Thanks, Mo... I felt badly for not hopping on that, earlier! All I could do was sit here and grin...
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 4, 2006 09:07 PM
Whoa! Reading the above comment now... talk about something that can be jumped on.
posted by
That 1 Guy at November 5, 2006 10:23 AM
Holy crap. Teh comments sometimes are really the icing on the cake. Heh.
posted by
Bou at November 5, 2006 10:18 PM
posted by
Harvey at November 7, 2006 08:01 PM
« Nevermind
November 01, 2006
Picture Contest
What do you think this is?
See What's Next... »
Vacuum cleaner bag
Shower cap for small headed people
Giant blue condom
Friendly rodent trap bag
New Fresh Seal bag from Zip-Loc for cucumbers and carrots only
Weiner sack for male strippers
posted by
Spurs at November 1, 2006 04:06 PM
A diaphragm for a horse?
posted by
Bou at November 1, 2006 08:00 PM
pool strainer
one ear muff for a rabbit
posted by Morrigan at November 1, 2006 08:21 PM
Is that a disposable ice pack?
posted by
Bou at November 1, 2006 09:07 PM
I hear once you go Smurf, you never go back.
posted by
zonker at November 2, 2006 12:15 AM
Please don't tell me that's what you (A) had to pee in or (B) had to poop in while in bed.
posted by Napster at November 2, 2006 12:22 PM
The snarky answer (cf. Zonker) is that it's Papa Smurf's Giant-Economy-Sized condom. More likely it's a medical air-filter of some sort.
posted by
Elisson at November 3, 2006 09:25 AM
Half a bra?
posted by at November 3, 2006 09:31 AM
How are you feeling?
Checking in for at least the second time today!!
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at November 3, 2006 10:05 AM
yaaaa knooooow, i wrote some damn good poetry when I was on my drugs. I even blogged it. I'm still waiting for yours!!
posted by
bou at November 3, 2006 11:50 AM
Uhhh,,,given the drugs, do we really want to know?
posted by
Mrs_Who at November 3, 2006 05:26 PM
posted by
Velociman at November 3, 2006 11:00 PM
« Nevermind
October 24, 2006
A Gift for my Blog Mom
A Lexus that parallel parks on it's own for my blog mom Bou who has freely admitted her issues with reverse and parallel marking.
At the touch of a button, the available Advanced Parking Guidance System [1] can parallel park the LS or back into a parking space (not shown) with just a little brake work by the driver. First, position the LS in front of the parking space, then use the navigation screen to select the parallel park icon. After pressing the OK button on the screen, simply remove your hands from the steering wheel and regulate the vehicle’s speed by using the brake. [2]
See What's Next... »
Holy crap! I need one of those on my asexual Mom-mobile!!!
posted by
Bou at October 25, 2006 07:28 PM
« Nevermind
September 24, 2006
Those IT Guys Can't Handle Their Booze!
One of my discussion questions in class this week was:
What are some of the personality traits that IT personnel are said to
Some of the answers are accurate, some funny, and some odd...
I've known several IT personnel in my day. They are thinkers. They like to know everything and have a tendency to get frustrated when they don't know it. They have patience only when figuring something out, a low alcohol tolerance, and a hard time with the opposite sex. (personal experience only) Many IT personnel are open, kind and helpful when it comes to them showing off their expertise and will deny not knowing what they are doing until they have figured it out.
One of the many reasons I'm so ready to be done with school.
Oh, and by the way, the class is Human Factors in Technology 401.
See What's Next... »
August 30, 2006
Three $2 Bills
On the subject of dreams and theories....I had an odd one last night/this morning.
I was somewhere...maybe a store, a gas station, I dunno. But someone was giving me change for a purchase and gave me 3 $2 bills. They placed them on the counter and pushed them over to me almost as if they were trying to be descrete.
I looked for meaning in the dream dictionary and had no luck in deciphering the message.
See What's Next... »
Frued and Jung thought of money as a symbol for libido. However they used 'coins' in their example. Modern psychoanalysts use money as a symbol of creative power. As for numbers Jung believed the answer was getting the total. The number 6 is usually a symbol of sexuality.
Only "you" know the key to unlock your dreams.
posted by
h~ at August 30, 2006 01:54 PM
And as good luck would have it, I had a dream last night and looked it up in your dream dictionary and it said I was afraid of aging and losing my virility. Lovely. Nothing like waking up and being thankful that the 4 inch swath of missing hair down the middle of your head was truly a dream and not reality.
posted by
Bou at August 30, 2006 10:10 PM
So, at least you told us so it doesn't come true ;-)
posted by
Sissy at August 30, 2006 10:29 PM
posted by
Bou at August 31, 2006 10:15 PM
« Nevermind
August 13, 2006
License Plate Contest Results
Everyone had some great ideas for the License Plate Contest and now I can't decide what I want!
So view the extended entry for all of the submissions and leave your favorite in the comments.
Read More "License Plate Contest Results" »
See What's Next... »
Well, if I can't pick one of mine, I liked HOBAG1.. got a nice ring to it.
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 14, 2006 12:15 AM
Was your Dad's suggestion for Marine Daughter or Marine Dater? Hahahahaha!!!
posted by Napster at August 14, 2006 09:47 AM
Put them in a hat and pull one out. They are all hilarious.
posted by
vw bug at August 14, 2006 12:16 PM
You could show your support for a little known Idian Tribe...
posted by
spurs at August 14, 2006 03:30 PM
Don't you dare pick HOBAG1!!! Ack!
My vote is for your Dad's...
posted by
Bou at August 14, 2006 04:05 PM
You never did say if it was Marine Daughter or Marine Dater.
Hmmmmm....how can I spell biscuits and gravy in 7 letters....
posted by
spurs at August 14, 2006 04:42 PM
I am sure my dad would take it back if he knew it was being interpreted as Marine Dater.
....I think it's fitting!
Speaking of which...I might be having Marine withdraw here in ATL.
posted by
Sissy at August 14, 2006 05:16 PM
... I read that as "Marry n' Date Her"...
posted by
Eric at August 15, 2006 08:08 AM
I like I blog...
posted by at August 15, 2006 08:24 PM
Don't print your name or give an impression you wouldn't want. GOT THAT?
Just say'n what mom's say
posted by
h~ at August 15, 2006 10:05 PM
Yes ma'am...
I remember what it was like to be followed around in the "work" car with all the graphics. The last thing I want to do is draw more attention to myself!
posted by
Sissy at August 16, 2006 09:23 AM
What about DUMELA ???
(I would Hope you know what that is, being a DMB fan and all)
posted by
Rave at August 16, 2006 09:56 AM
Or even CRASH
posted by
Rave at August 16, 2006 09:58 AM
Great ones Rave!
However, Crash may have a different meaning with me. I may have to find the post on it for you.
posted by
Sissy at August 16, 2006 10:03 AM
« Nevermind
August 10, 2006
Home Remedies
The latest mosquito chigger bite count? 37....yep, 37 (gave up count) more than 40 red, dry, itchy bites...mainly on my legs. It's completely miserable.
The only relief is Asorbine Jr...but that only last for a couple of hours and makes them more dry.
My friend told me to put lemon on them. But hell, she puts lemon on everything.
So, I'm asking for any home remedies you all might have for being attacked by a large family of mosquitoschiggers!
See What's Next... »
Toothpaste (really!! Just try it!)
Or my most effective remedy (I'm very allergic to mosquito bites) is to take 1/2 a Benadryl tablet right after I get the bites, and then 1/2 every two-three hours after that. It keeps the itch and redness away, but w/o the sleepiness from taking a full dose of Benadryl.
posted by
Mrs_Who at August 10, 2006 10:02 PM
Just drink a shitload of beer and forget about it... repeat until gone.
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 10, 2006 11:14 PM
Not a home remedy but..there is a product called Chigger Rid, out there. Not very expensive, and it works well. Clear fingernail polish will do in a pinch.
posted by
imp at August 11, 2006 10:23 AM
Use Avon Skin So Soft spray on your legs and arms when you are outdoors and you won't get bit - I believe they sell it in stores now or a knock off version of it. Welcome to the South
posted by Napster at August 11, 2006 11:08 AM
I think you're supposed to suffocate them. Fingernail polish? Vaseline? I can't remember. Try googling it. And remember, if you google it and you get my site, don't come over. I'll only post another "Just ask Bou" post and single you out! HEH!
posted by
Bou at August 11, 2006 10:47 PM
Yup...Skin So Soft for prevention, and if it's chiggers, then clear nail polish.
posted by
Mrs_Who at August 12, 2006 06:46 PM
« Nevermind
June 23, 2006
Screening Customers
Most people screen calls, but I have to screen customers!
I don't mind coming out of my office to take care of a customer at all. But I have to watch out for the ones that just like to chat with me or ask for me just because I'm the manager and they want the hook up.
Today, one my employees came into my office and the following conversation took place:
Employee: "Jay is here to see you."
Me: "Did he ask for me by name or the manager?"
Employee: "He asked for you. He said he hasn't seen you in a really long time."
I couldn't think of Jay that I knew...I don't know many people here.
Me: "What does he look like?"
Employee: "He came up on a motorcycle and is wearing a backpack like he just got out of school. He's white, a little chubby, young."
Me: "What color hair?"
Employee: "Short black hair."
Me: "Are you sure his name isn't Steve?" (Steve being the only guy that I know that hasn't seen me in a long time, with short black hair and rides a motorcycle)
Employee: "Nope, Jay"
Me: "Geez, I don't mind helping him if he's a customer but I'm afraid I'm supposed to know him and I can't think of who he might be."
While I'm wondering when the last time I went out and was drunk....it hasn't been any time recent.
I then ask my assistant manager to go out there and see if she knows who it is. She jokes that she's going to pretend to talk on her phone and take a picture of him and makes her way out there.
Asst: "Employee must need glasses. This guy is in his 30's and Mexican."
Me: "Ooohhhh, that's the DJ at the bar I go to!"
So I go out there where he gives me a hug and asks if I have an extra headset for his phone as he vacuumed his up. He asked why I hadn't been at the bar for a while and when I was coming to see him. I told him I was moving in a week, and he made me promise to come by before I leave.
I told him it'd have to wait until next week as this weekend was tight. That's when he said, "Girl, you know you don't have to worry about drinks when I'm there!"
Damn! I would have been there a lot more if I knew that!! My weekend is looking up!
So needless to say, I have an employee who needs some serious vision correction and a hook up I've been wasting the past several months!
See What's Next... »
Hey! 30's *is* young! ;-P
posted by
zonker at June 24, 2006 09:02 AM
Earbuds for drinks? What a deal! have fun!
posted by Morrigan at June 24, 2006 01:57 PM
Wish *I* were young & pretty enough to get hugged by Mexican bikers :-(
posted by
Harvey at June 26, 2006 03:37 PM
« Nevermind
My 17 Kids
I love my team, I really do! But I swear I am raising children!
Out of 17 employees, all but 2 are under the age of 24. The other 2 are around 26.
I've had to laugh at myself lately as I have had to get creative in getting them to listen.
The break room has been a horrific mess. There was food on the floor and on the wall. Wrappers and containers everywhere, loads and loads of cups, etc.
I asked the cleaning crew to grab every cup and put it in a trash bag in my office. They had 48 hours to collect their cups and then they went in the dumpster!
Oh, and if I caught the break room like that again, it was off limits.
Not 2 days later, did someone leave their Jack in the Box food out. I promptly threw it away, turned the break room table upside down, as well as the chairs. They went the weekend without a break room.
The break room has been clean ever since!
I have also been fighting with them on sitting down while with a customer. In the days that I was a rep, I would work open to close, 6 days a week (I was an overtime hog) without a seat. These guys complain about standing for an hour. I give them plenty of breaks, but I constantly see a chair mysteriously wind up at their POS stations.
Today, I had enough. I promptly propped open the back door, asked my technician if he needed to release some aggression, and we took all the chairs but 2 and went outside and threw them in the dumpster. The 2 we kept are for one employee that is pregnant and for a customer if needed.
Wearing their name tag is the next thing I'm battling. I'm thinking of making a name tag that has this really awful name or something that they have to wear when they forget theirs.
No wonder I don't want children...I'm frickin' raising 17 of them!
See What's Next... »
I dunno if "The Sissy Bunch" has quite the same ring to it...
posted by
zonker at June 24, 2006 09:00 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
11:40 PM
Comments (1)
TrackBack (1)
Bad Example links with:
June 12, 2006
Didn't Know Wal-Mart Sold THOSE Toys
I lost a bet and had to go to Wal-Mart the other day.
I was roaming the toy aisles for two reasons: my friend just had a baby and I have a training class coming up and need supplies!
As I was roaming through the game aisle, this caught my eye and made me wonder for a second if I was in the right place:
A little obscene for a toy aisle don't ya think?
I couldn't help but giggle, alone in the game aisle. See what the Bad Example Family does to you!?!!
And for a better picture of what the toy really is, see below:

It's a Plug in Play *giggle* Dora the Explorer Joystick *giggle* to play Dora the Explorer Video Games on the TV.
If I wouldn't have known any better, I would have thought I was looking through a novelty magazine!
Then I thought, hmmm....does someone actually sell what I thought I saw??? I may have found my golden egg!
See What's Next... »
Now we know what Harvey is busy inventing in his off time!
posted by
Mrs_Who at June 12, 2006 12:31 PM
*snicker, snicker*
posted by
oddybobo at June 12, 2006 02:58 PM
Dora's a MAN!
It's like "The Crying Game" in cheap plastic packaging :-/
posted by
Harvey at June 12, 2006 05:17 PM
ROTFLMAO! My hubby got upset when we couldn't find the 'bob the builder' diapers for the boy... it's made for lots of p up front.... we had to put 'dora' diapers on the boy. I finally looked at him and asked whether he wanted 'dora' or 'bob' on his boy's pe-nis. The look was priceless. And then he smiled. Of course the bob diapers do hold boys p better.
Must say I thought you were joking and were in a x rated store when I saw the pictures... I'll have to look when I'm in Walmart today.
posted by at June 13, 2006 07:13 AM
First of all, we own this game.
and no, I had never thought of "it" that way
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at June 14, 2006 08:45 AM
« Nevermind
May 27, 2006
Was That Part of the Job Description?
I have had to drive to Phoenix about twice a month for the past few months for meeting.
6 Hours round trip!
Thursday morning, I woke up at 5:30am to hit the road by 6am. The events started at 9:30am.
The fore casted weather for the day? Clear, Sunny and 108 degrees!!
On the agenda? 6 hours of Elementary Field Day like games with 60 other managers.
I like team builders, and I like being active. Not necessarily in 100+ degree weather though.
The director of my area says, "Sissy, this must be a vacation for you from Yuma."
My reply, "Well, it would be except I don't do this kind of shit in Yuma!"
There's nothing like being drenched in sweat, covered in sand, not being able to get a brush through your hair, sunburned, thirsty and covered in water balloons on a 3 hour drive home.
See What's Next... »
Nice... the organizer of that little shin dig should be shot!!!
posted by
Napster at May 27, 2006 06:56 PM
« Nevermind
May 23, 2006
Evolution of Dance
You must see this video....to freaking funny!
How many of these dances do you admit to have done sometime in your past? ( won't ask you to admit if you presently do them!)
See What's Next... »
R O T M F F L M A O!!!!!!!! Let me elaborate... Rolling on the mother fucking floor laughing my ass off!!! This was great! I won't say how many of these I have seen Spurs do.....
posted by
Napster at May 24, 2006 01:31 PM
... I can honestly say that I have never performed any of those dances.... honestly... (I don't get out much.. and I'm too white... and straight.. ) ....
posted by
Eric at May 25, 2006 05:27 PM
I only do the Rythmless White Boy Shuffle
posted by
Harvey at May 30, 2006 08:54 AM
« Nevermind
May 22, 2006
The Freak Show
I have noticed that my patience with people is slowly deteriorating. Sometimes, I'm among the public and find myself seriously wanting to ask others what their problem is. This isn't like me...or at least it wasn't.
Today, I was doing a little shopping at Target. As I was grabbing some bottled water, there was a man, probably in his late thirties/early forties, with a cart full of crap groceries. I noticed him munching loudly on something and looked over to see him eating a bag of chips while shopping. A big bag, not paid for.
Then I hear singing. I change aisles to see a guy, in his early twenties, rapping...badly. He had his iPod on and was rapping like he was in his car or in the shower. No shame. And it wasn't quiet. I moved over a couple of aisles and could still hear him.
And as I was escaping, I was on one of the main pathways and saw a girl walking backwards....and a guy practically molesting her as they walked. They looked as if they were glued at the stomach...or other areas I suppose.
I don't know when Target started attracting the freak shows, but I'm starting to shop online more and more!
See What's Next... »
I always heard that Target was on the upscale end of Big Box stores.
Are you sure you weren't in a Wal-Mart?
posted by
Harvey at May 23, 2006 06:54 AM
Yeah, I'm with you on this one....Unless you're in Kohl's or the like, you pretty much get the freaks.
posted by
Rave at May 23, 2006 09:22 AM
I just see it as free entertainment while I shop...
posted by
Napster at May 23, 2006 09:48 AM
I'm with Napster on this one... as long as they don't try to follow me home, it's all good.
posted by
That 1 Guy at May 23, 2006 12:10 PM
« Nevermind
May 21, 2006
An Eventful Day
I had to call the police twice yesterday while at work.
As I drove up to the back of my store, I noticed the driver's side rear window was busted. There was glass all around the outside of the car and inside on the seat.
I went inside to let the employee know. We were able to narrow down the time it happened, within a 45 minute time frame. She noticed a bag of tool worth about $700 were stolen. So, I called the police to come check it out. This is the 4th vehicle break-in in the past year. So from now on, no parking or hanging out in the back.
Then, as I was walking out to my car for lunch, an elderly lady ran into the store asking us to call 911 as another lady locked her baby in her truck. So I ran out there while calling the police, who is now programmed in my phone due to all the bad customers in the past. This lady had a huge Yukon Denali. She was leaning against the windows to see inside, where there was a 2 year old little girl sipping on her water cup. Did I mention it was 104 degrees outside?While I'm talking to the dispatch, they ask how long the kid has been in there and I ask the lady, and she replies about 4 minutes. While waiting, I'm trying the comfort the lady. After a couple of minutes, I realized she didn't understand a word I was saying as she didn't understand English. The police arrived quickly. The police officer was trying to ask her if she had On-Star after noticing the antenna on the truck. She wasn't understanding that. I ran into my store to get a translator. In the 30 seconds I was gone, another police car, 2 fire trucks and an ambulance were there. While the police officer was on the phone trying to get to On-Star while the firemen started taping up a window and trying to wedge something between the door and the frame while tons of other rescue people were looking into the window to see if the baby was okay.
The firemen told the police officer he had 60 seconds to get On-Star to pop the locks or they were breaking the window. Meanwhile, the lady is crying and not understanding one bit what is going on. Then the doors were unlocked. Every door was opened by a rescue person and the baby was removed.
I hope and pray that the lady seriously just stepped out of her truck and shut the door before getting the baby instead of leaving her in there while going inside the store. The baby was smart, sipping on her water. I can't sit in my truck with no air for 5 minutes...I couldn't imagine being the kid!
See What's Next... »
Scary stuff. Glad to hear it was you helping and not you being a part of it... vw bug
posted by at May 22, 2006 09:29 AM
There's a REASON that I normally carry a spare set of car keys when I go out.
posted by
Harvey at May 23, 2006 06:56 AM
Holy crap - how scary is that - I've seen way too many stories about people leaving their kids in the backseat and parking and going to work - forgetting that they had the baby in the back because it wasn't their day to take the kid to daycare - scary, scary stuff...
posted by
Napster at May 23, 2006 09:52 AM
« Nevermind
May 17, 2006
Life & Chocolate
Heard from Angel today:
"Life is like a box of chocolates....
...you never know when you're gonna get the shitty piece with the cherry in it."
Or in my case....
the one that's dark chocolate.
the one with nuts.
the one with with fruit.
See What's Next... »
Heh heh heh... in my case its either the one with the cherry or the one with that crappy fruity cream stuff. Blech.
posted by
Bou at May 18, 2006 08:17 AM
I always get the one with the coconut - eeeewww!
posted by
Carmen at May 18, 2006 12:14 PM
I never get enough of the dark chocolate ones. It ain't fair...
posted by
That 1 Guy at May 19, 2006 06:09 PM
« Nevermind
May 13, 2006
DUI Car Wash
My friend's brother (we'll call him Nemo) made a BIG mistake the other night. He's in his early twenties, has a 2 year old at home that his mom takes care of and still lives at home.
He was driving home from a party after a night of drinking last weekend. While on the road, he thought he closed his eyes just for a second...and then woke up in the canal!
He was arrested and put in jail overnight, where he got the nickname Nemo for "swimming" in the canal.
His punishment? They will send him to Phoenix where he will spend a weekend in jail...the weekend has yet to be determined. He pays a $2000-$3000 fine and will be on probation for the next 2 or 3 years and his license suspended for the next few months.
His vehicle has also been impounded and will take almost another $1000 to get it out, not to mention how much it will cost to fix the damage to it.
When she told me this, I didn't feel sorry for him. He made a stupid, stupid decision....one that not only hurts him but hurts a lot of other people in his life and could of potentially hurt many others.
But this isn't what shocked me. Nope.... The following is what did the trick!
His buddies, probably the same ones that were at the party, are holding a car wash to help him pay for this!
I had to laugh! What are the signs going to say? What are they going to tell the establishment when they ask to have their car wash there?
I just don't get it...
See What's Next... »
Oh holy cow! I am so glad that he is okay!!
Have you thought of posting a "send $5" address for the rest of us to contribute??
posted by
Richmond at May 13, 2006 09:09 PM
Um, because I think he should have to pay every dime! ;-)
posted by
Sissy at May 13, 2006 09:32 PM
It's the symbolism - drying off the wet car
posted by
Harvey at May 16, 2006 09:34 AM
Good design!
posted by
Steven at June 28, 2006 03:06 PM
Great work!
posted by
Veronica at July 2, 2006 05:11 AM
« Nevermind
May 01, 2006
The Day Is Done
CalTechGirl says it best here. Short and funny!
Last night, I thought I had driven into Mexico when stopping to get gas at a station right up the street. Tons of Mexicans getting as, blaring Mexican music. I'm guessing Sunday's financial statements may look decent for some businesses!
I had one person call-in today at 5:15 this morning. I still do not know if today's protest was the reason, or something else. But trust me, he has an appointment with me tomorrow and you can guaran-damn-tee that he's not going to like it. It is our right to protest...I have no problem with that. But you tell me that then. You tell me that today is important to you and that you will find someone to cover your shift....especially when you are in a supervisory role!
And BTW, calling me at 5:15 in the morning sure as hell is not going to make me want to help you out!
So thanks to my early wake up call, I went to the gym in the morning. All the old ladies going around the circuit could talk about was this protest. I even overheard one say that she was considering not crossing the border to by her medication anymore. CONSIDERING?!? hahahah
When I arrived at my store and opened the doors for business, I saw on the main drag a parade of white shirts with American and Mexican flags hootin' and hollerin' down the road.
There were a few stragglers stopping, in their white shirts and posters, at the corner coffee shop.... haha
And then it's a good thing I am dieting and didn't want McDonalds today because they were closed!! Yea, that's right, closed!
You know who I'd really like to protest? The snowbirds! I want them to boycott the businesses and walk down the streets.
Then I could get through town and get shopping done any a normal, speedy fashion!
See What's Next... »
fry his ass honey!
posted by
oddybobo at May 2, 2006 08:31 AM
Perhaps if they contiue to hit my car I can scare them one by one into heart attacks and they will warn their friends not to come here. Pretty soon there would be no more snowbirds!!! What a wonderful thought!
posted by Ang at May 3, 2006 12:14 AM
Ohhhh WTF was he thinkin'?!?!
Screwed up on EVERY level.
You go get 'em darlin'!!!
posted by
Tammi at May 4, 2006 09:09 AM
« Nevermind
April 28, 2006
Update to "Uno de Mayo"
I posted on the little protest going here Monday right here.
Well, on the news tonight, they were reporting on the planned protest and what streets they will be on and that they will be wearing all white.
Recently, we had an issue here with kids skipping school to protest this whole thing. On the news, they said the schools are staying open and that kids are expected to be at school.
Right after that....they said that if teachers don't show up, they will be considered on personal leave.
Somehow....that just doesn't seem to make sense to me.
And by the way, even though it's only supposed to be illegal Mexicans....legal Mexicans are going to show their support.
Anyone what to place any bets on how many people I end up firing on Tuesday?
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My guess...several!
posted by Ang at April 28, 2006 02:52 AM
Zero will get fired... for fear of
reprecussions. Sigh. vw bug (just in case it doesn't show up, I'm signing here)
posted by at April 28, 2006 02:59 PM
« Nevermind
April 26, 2006
Uno de Mayo
I was told today by one of my assistants that May 1st, Mexicans are not going to work to show how Mexicans are needed in America and to be appreciated. The source, I do not know...
Out of 17 of my employees, 12 are Mexican.
I find it funny!
I'll let you know the results.
See What's Next... »
Are you kidding me with this??? I guess all citizens shouldn't bother to show up on the 2nd and then we'll see where they have to go to work! Seems silly and very unapprecitive if you ask me.
posted by Ang at April 27, 2006 01:51 AM
I thought it was only illegals that weren't suppose to go to work to show us horrible americans how much we need their illegal services.
posted by
Quality Weenie at April 27, 2006 07:17 AM
Stupid; they are now in the United States. It is their choice to be here. If they want to be Americans, they need to adopt the long-standing customs of THIS country, the country they choose to be in. If they want to celebrate Mexican holidays, they need to go back to Mexico.
posted by
Chris at April 27, 2006 10:24 AM
That's what I thought too QW. But supposedly some of the legals are doing it too.
I honestly don't think I'll be affected by it. My people get paid WAY too good to consider screwing it up like that!
posted by
Sissy at April 27, 2006 11:12 AM
I'd heard the same thing - that it was supposed to be the illegals showing us how much we need them... of course, the stupid thing is that it's only one day, so it inconveniences everyone, but they'll all be back the next day gloating that they proved their point about how much we need them. If they stayed away for longer, Americans would find a way to adjust - employers may have to raise the wages somewhat, or find another way to accomplish some of the manual labor... but we'd adjust to it. The one-day walkout doesn't give anyone time to make that adjustment.
People of Mexican descent who are here legally should not be taking part in this protest - it's not about them, for pity's sake. For the vast majority of Americans who are concerned about the illegal immigration issue, it's not about race or national heritage, it's about legal immigration status, and those who don't play by the rules.
This is a hot button for me, sorry - I should probably be blogging about it at my own place instead of ranting in your comments, Sissy!
posted by
songstress7 at April 27, 2006 01:16 PM
Yep, it's supposed to only be illegals who stay away from work. To which I say- it just makes it easier to round them up the day after.
I don't deny that the US needs immigrants- LEGAL immigrants. The illegal ones should not be allowed US rights and services. Period.
posted by
Jody Halsted at April 27, 2006 05:36 PM
Good design!
My homepage | Please visit
posted by
Ingrid at May 15, 2006 07:34 AM
« Nevermind
March 28, 2006
My Personal Microwave
How often do you cook shellfish?
How often do you cook shellfish in your microwave?
As I was waiting the 90 seconds for my Beef-a-roni, I saw one of the quick buttons for "shellfish."
How often do people cook shellfish to justify it's own quick button?
If they made a microwave for me it would have:
- Beef-a-roni
- Easy Mac
- Hot Pocket
- Pizza
Shellfish? No!
See What's Next... »
What? No 'Warm Coffee' button? No 'popcorn' button? Not even the 'reheat mystery meat' button?
ACK! I'm appalled!
posted by
Rave at March 28, 2006 12:16 AM
Darlin' you got took on that machine!!!
Shellfish? In the microwave??? No - not so much.
posted by
Tammi at March 28, 2006 07:49 AM
I think it's funny that you even noticed it had a shellfish button - how weird - I wonder who does cook shellfish in a microwave - ack!
posted by
Napster at March 28, 2006 05:31 PM
My ideal microwave would have a "Beer" button on it, and the various settings would allow you to get beers from all over the world.
Wait... that's my ideal fridge.
posted by
That 1 Guy at March 28, 2006 06:50 PM
I've made shellfish in the microwave. Not much faster than on the stove and it leaves a distinct odor in the microwave.
posted by
spurs at March 29, 2006 12:43 PM
My microwave has a "hamster" button.
Don't ask...
posted by
Harvey at March 29, 2006 07:29 PM
Yeah the ideal microwave has three settings: poptart, baked potato, and popcorn.
And eating shellfish? Flirtin' with the Devil, y'ask me.
posted by
Barry at March 31, 2006 06:15 AM
« Nevermind
January 27, 2006
Gay to Straight in Two!
Conversation at work yesterday:
Guy: You are so great! (hugging his assistant manager from behind)
AM: Get off of me! Come back when you are straight.
Guy: All it takes is 2 Forties and I'm as straight as they come.
Hmmm...is that all it takes???
See What's Next... »
Uhhhh. Not sure what to say to this one. vw bug
posted by at January 27, 2006 03:12 PM
.. whoa.. sounds like you've found a keeper....
posted by
Eric at January 27, 2006 07:48 PM
Hmm, not for me Eric! I can't afford that kind of habit ;-)
posted by
Sissy at January 28, 2006 12:21 AM
Well I suppose it's better than the reverse... Maybe?
posted by
songstress7 at January 28, 2006 02:23 AM
Well it's good to see that the HR policies are in force in your store
That was too funny!
posted by
Napster at February 1, 2006 05:31 PM
« Nevermind
December 12, 2005
Chile Pepper
There is a restaurant here in Yuma that everyone has been addicted to at one time or another. When I lived here 3 years ago, it was a weekly, sometimes daily routine! Rolled Tacos, delicious salsa, bean and cheese burritos (if you like beans), carne asada burritos...good stuff.
People from Phoenix, Tuscon and Sierra Vista are sure to stop by Chile Pepper and pick up food to take home. It's quite possibly an addiction. You can see some reviews here.
Customers who ate at Chile Pepper between May 25th and June 2nd of this year were exposed to Hepatitis A due to an infected employee.
...Officials estimated between 6,000 and 8,000 persons could have been exposed to the infection and said anyone who ate or drank at Chile Pepper, 1030 W. 24th St., between May 25 and June 2, may have been exposed....
...Regarding the restaurant, despite repeated statements by public health officials that the restaurant remains a safe place to patronize and has a good record, business at Chile Pepper is down considerably.
John Gutierrez, whose family owns the restaurant and two others in the area, said: "It's probably (down) by 80 percent."
The restaurant typically serves 1,200 to 2,000 people per day.
I wasn't here for this...but I heard about it from everyone. When I got back to Yuma, one of the first places I stopped was Chile Pepper. I was warned...but hey, shit happens.
Then, a few weeks ago, some of my employees ordered from there to find a worm in their salsa.

My employees called the health department and someone met them at the restaurant. The manager gave my employees their money back and said they were sorry but that they couldn't help it that the worms came in with the chili's they use for the salsa.
And that was it....
So needless to say, my employees have been showing EVERYONE these pictures.
Well, Saturday, I had a serious craving for some Chile Pepper. No one would join me. When I was teased, I joked that I needed some time off so I was going to eat Chile Pepper. I went and ordered my tacos and brought them to work. I dissected the tacos and investigated the salsa for worms or any other weird things...
This brings us to today. Where I am blogging after being at the hospital for 3 hours with food poisoning. Misery is all I can say! I've never had it before and don't wish it upon my worst enemy. Terrible stomach pains like someone was stabbing me, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, dizziness. Ugh!!
So, after a shot in the ass, and some drugs, I am not bent over into the bathtub or stuck to the toilet.
So I would say this was strike three for Chile Pepper! Not just that, I got my days off....but I'm not sure it was quite worth it!
See What's Next... »
You're not a quick learner are you?
Actually if their food was that good, I'd probably still go back. I'm kind of stupid that way.
posted by
Contagion at December 12, 2005 08:49 AM
OMG! I almost hurled at the picture of the worm - I can't believe you went back there!! You are going to get a stern talking to in Vegas missy!! YUCK! Please don't ever eat there again. It's making me sick just thinking about it.
posted by
Napster at December 12, 2005 01:54 PM
Maybe it was a tequlia worm? If the food is excellent I would probably go back, too. I'm crazy that way. Now I want Mexican food....
posted by
Jody Halsted at December 12, 2005 02:17 PM
Yikes... I'd be done with that place too!
posted by
Princess Cat at December 12, 2005 04:51 PM
Yep, I'm not eating there!
posted by
oddybobo at December 12, 2005 06:37 PM
You couldn't make up a story like that!!!!
posted by
Amy at December 12, 2005 10:20 PM
And you won't eat condiments?.........
posted by
Tammi at December 13, 2005 06:49 AM
And I bet your employees are rubbing it in to no end! I guess you better learn to cook Mexican and make it at home. Hope you are feeling better!
posted by
Susan at December 13, 2005 05:05 PM
I just look at that & think, "as long as it's thoroughly cooked, it should be both safe and fairly tasty".
posted by
Harvey at December 13, 2005 06:02 PM
GADS! That beats Taco Hell. I got food poisoning once, don't remember what I ate, but I remember the butt shot and hugging a toilet for days.
I also got group-A-streptoccus not too long ago, not sure how that happened either. That one took over a year to heal from, and I am still not right.
So I would certainly say, shit happens, but you have to pick yourself up afterwords. Though I would have to say that those restaurant owners (and health dept.) should get a clue.
posted by
lco at December 15, 2005 09:45 AM
Ooooh.... poor Sissy! That sounds decidedly unpleasant. Remind me not to go to Chile Pepper when I go visit you in Yuma.
posted by
songstress7 at December 17, 2005 02:01 AM
shit pants free scat movies shit talker asian scat free scat shake that shit scat pics weird shit scat movies piece of shit car girls go shit cool shit scat clips scat clips scat fetish free shit scat mpegs shit eating scat funniest shit in the world shit sex scat mpeg
posted by
stupid shit at January 20, 2006 04:16 PM
« Nevermind
December 07, 2005
Saved By Forwards
As the holidays approach, my heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you who
have taken the time and trouble to send me "forwards" over the past 12 months.
Thank you for making me feel safe, secure, blessed, and wealthy.
Extra thanks to whoever sent me the one about rat crap in the glue on
envelopes 'cause I now have to go get a wet towel every time I need to
seal an envelope.
Also, I scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason. Because
of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr Pepper since the people who make these
products are atheists who refuse to put "Under God" on their cans.
I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.
I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be
pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a
water buffalo on a hot day.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone might drug me with a
perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from nor send packages by UPS or FedEx
since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a
number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica, Uganda,
Singapore, and Uzbekistan.
I no longer eat KFC because their "chickens" are actually horrible
mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.
I no longer have any sneakers -- but that will change once I receive
my free replacement pair from Nike.
I no longer have to go hungry because Red Lobster and Applebee's will be
sending me gift cards.
I no longer worry about my soul because at last count I have 363,214
Angels looking out for me.
Thanks to you, I have learned that God only answers my prayers if I
Forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl who is
about to die in the hospital (for the 1,387,258th time).
I no longer have any money at all - but that will change once I
Receive the $15,000 that Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special email program.
Yes, I want to thank you so much for looking out for me that I will
Now return the favor!
If you don't send this to at least 144,000 people in the next 7
minutes, a large pigeon with a wicked case of diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM (CDT) this afternoon.
I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my
next-door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician.
Happy Holidays in advance!
See What's Next... »
Oh I am so glad I don't read those emails! I love your list, I am sure there are some missing, for instance, you won't be poor because some guy from Uganda is sending all his money through your bank account. . .
posted by
oddybobo at December 8, 2005 09:50 AM
You crack me up!
posted by
Susan at December 8, 2005 07:10 PM
Don't forget to wash your dryer lint catcher with soapy water and an old tooth brush to get the hidden lint out of the tiny holes and save lots of money on your electric bill because the dryer will dry your clothes faster, not to mention the cost of a new dryer and a new house if the new dryer overheats and catches on fire. Be sure to forward this to anyone who does the laundry or anyone who knows someone who does luandry.
posted by
PrimoDonna at December 9, 2005 03:47 PM
« Nevermind
October 10, 2005
Can you cure a cat from pissing on the floor?
I thought that since Sissy gave me the keys, I should use them.
Espy, my beloved 9 year old cat periodically pees on my floor. She has designated places, typically corners. Often times though, she enjoys peeing on my belongings, such as a purse or an electric screw driver. I can sometimes link the pungent gift to retaliation; like the time she peed in my overnight bag 10 minutes before I was to leave or the time she peed on Bou’s boys’ swim suits when she was packing them up to leave. I’ve just decided she is neurotic and it’s best to keep things off the floor.
Flam, my love interest, is a huge cat lover and accepts Espy with all of her quirks. He’s heard me complain about the clean ups and all the past stories. I told him that I needed to spend time with her so we split our sleep-overs evenly between his and my house.
Saturday night.
Flam: Mo- have you noticed that Espy hasn’t peed lately?
Me: Yes, she’s been really good.
Flam: Hmmm, why do you think that is?
Me: (knowing what he was getting at, but playing stupid) I don’t know. I just never know with her.
Flam: Well, we have been spending a lot of time here. I think it’s because of me. I’m a good influence, she likes me.
Me: (not believing a word of this) That could be it, you never know with her.
Jump to Sunday morning. I’m in the other room and Flam is putting his shoes on.
Flam: MO! I think Espy peed on my shoes!
Me: Really? I am so sorry. (thinking – I told you so many times not to leave your bag on the floor)
Flam leaves and I clean the over night bag of the cat scent. Later Sunday night Flam explains to me that he just can’t get over Espy peeing on his shoes.
Flam: Why would she do this to me? More than anything, I’m just so hurt. I’ve stood up for her.
So I wonder, did he really think that he had cured her? That his presence for a couple months had done away with years of neurotic behavior? I’ve just learned to take her one day at a time, keep plenty of bottles of Nature’s Miracle around and keep my Coach purses off the floor.
See What's Next... »
My old cat Samantha pissed all over my ex's clothes. She would also wait until I made up his kid's beds and then take a dump and cover it up with the blanket. All of which I kept hidden - it was just her way. BUT...she also thought she was a guard dog. Wouldn't let anyone in the house if I wasn't there. I ended up putting her on phenobarbtyl (spelling). Every time I took her to the vet she'd hiss and roll over and show her belly (while still hissing). Doc said she was psycotic. I say she was just picking up my personality. ;-)
posted by
Tammi at October 10, 2005 09:50 PM
I can't believe you don't have that damn cat on Kitty Prozac yet. She's a complete whack job. Really.
Tell Flam not to take it personally. She is a LUN-A-TIC. Afterall, she peed on your cordless screw driver. Who pees on a frickin' power tool?!!!
posted by
Bou at October 10, 2005 10:44 PM
Notice, she has NEVER peed on my stuff!! AND she sat with me and let me pet her!
Tell Flam that I'm her favorite
posted by
Sissy at October 11, 2005 02:56 AM
I took care of a cat for one year who pooped everywhere. She was definitely a wacko cat.
When I moved out I found old poop in hidden places!
posted by
Susan at October 11, 2005 05:35 AM
Hmmm, perhaps she was just teaching him a lesson to never underestimate the power of the Cat!
posted by
oddybobo at October 11, 2005 08:24 AM
Hahahahaha! Flam actually thought he had cured her? I think it's a man thing with her and you. Notice - she never peed on my stuff and how many times did I stay at your house? Like a million.. She never peed on Sissy's stuff. But yet, she pees on your stuff and anything guy related. I agree with Bou, maybe kitty prozac may be the answer. Poor Espy..
posted by
Napster at October 11, 2005 11:07 AM
I'm not a cat lover... there are some cool cats, hence the phrase, but most of them are just part of a horrendous infection spreading across the world.
I don't know exactly how your cat acts, but I do think that Napster has it pegged. My brother, who used to love cats, has been the target of his girlfriend's cats. And if she spends any serious time with him, she gets it as well.
Further proof that cats are evil, spiteful, demons from hell...
posted by
That 1 Guy at October 11, 2005 11:36 AM
This one's simple. Flam was leaving, and Espy was mad. Since she's associated the shoes with Flam leaving, post hoc, ergo hoc it's the shoes' fault. The purse may well be suffering the same fate.
You have a cat with seperation anxiety....
posted by
Kentucky Packrat at October 11, 2005 11:40 AM
LOL! Glad it is your pet and not mine!
posted by
vw bug at October 11, 2005 01:08 PM
I think Kentucky Packrat is onto something. It doesn't explain the power tool, but it sure as hell explains EVERYTHING else she's ever peed on.
Only one cure for that, my friend. Kitty Prozac!!! Get thee to the Vet!
posted by
Bou at October 11, 2005 05:12 PM
posted by
Toluca Nole at October 12, 2005 04:53 PM
the toddlers have yet to pee on my coach purse, however they did get peppermint stick fingerprints all over it.....
lesson here is peppermint smells better than pee...
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at October 15, 2005 01:00 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Morrigan at
09:03 PM
Comments (12)
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Boudicca's Voice links with:
Sissy Rules!
October 08, 2005
Another Quick Update
I hit 20,000! Yeah! But I can't see who got it as sitemeter only holds the last 100 visitors and I've had 105 since then :-( So if you know who you are, SPEAK UP!
Meanwhile, Oddybobo also hit 20,000 and got us each a present! All I can say is Oddybobo might be my new favorite!
I'm in The Land That Time Forgot. Spurs' description of it is:
Contagion: Okay, I'm bad but what does TLTTF stand for? I forgot.
Spurs: The Land That Time Forgot
It's kind of a small, not quite ready for the current century kind of town.
383 churches listed in the yellow pages(I counted)
2 Gentlemens Clubs(again, I counted)
Oh yeah, and it's a dry county. Well, you can buy drinks in a bar, just no package stores unless you go to the next county. Which thankfully, isn't too far away...
Contagion: And were do you live. (Pulls out pen and paper to make a note of places not to visit.)
Lubbock Texas
Where the men are men
And the cows are afraid....
...and he's pretty much right. I would not step foot here if my two darling blogchildren didn't live here!
Spurs promised me a hangover but all I really got was indigestion. That's what happens when you stroll through the drive thru Mexican place at 12:30am and order $30 worth of Mexican food!
I'm spending one more day here to go shopping with Napster and watch the Cardinals kick some ass today, and then tomorrow I'm off to El Paso, TX. Tuesday I will be leaving El Paso for Yuma.
Want to hear how the blogmeet went with Amy and Donna? Go read Amy's review. I'll get mine up soon, hopefully!
Today I'm making Tammi's Turtle Cake for Spurs and Napster. Tammi told the world I can cook and now look what everyone expects from me ;-)
Alright...this will most likely be the end of the updates until I get settled in Yuma. I think Morrigan has some embarrassing Sissy stories she might post, I'm sure Bou has something up her sleeve, Spurs & Napster need a little push, and Tammi and Amy are doing a great job of keeping me from having a naked blog.
See What's Next... »
If you've got any of that turtle cake left, I want some
posted by
Harvey at October 9, 2005 11:26 AM
Congrats on reaching 20,000!
posted by
Richmond at October 9, 2005 03:58 PM
I'm dyin' over here, Sis. My computer is on the major fritz. I'm feeling lucky I'm getting any posts up at all. I'm about ready to throw my damn computer out the window... I joke not.
posted by
Bou at October 9, 2005 08:48 PM
Glad you could stop by to see us! We enjoyed having you here. And yes, the turtle cake is still being eaten by Spurs. I've managed to step away from it but man it was sooo good!
posted by
Napster at October 10, 2005 06:02 PM
« Nevermind
October 07, 2005
Really Quick Update
Tropical Storm Tammy was a bitch and stayed with me until Mississippi.
(I just had to say M-I-crooked letter crooked letter - I - crooked letter crooked letter - I - hunchback hunchback - I to spell Mississippi)
I drove from Atlanta to Dallas in 11 hours.
I hated leaving Morrigan.
I'm in Ft. Worth.
I hate Texas (sorry Amy)
They don't know how to build roads.
And it's flat and boring.
Gas is gradually getting cheaper.
I forgot there were Jack in the Box's out here.
I met Amy, her family and Donna and her husband. Nice people! Will post more later about the meet!
My hotel room smells like pee.
Yes, I changed rooms.
It still smells like pee.
And there are two cigarette burned holes in my comforter.
I slept on a blanket that was in my truck and my own pillow.
I considered nose plugs.
I'm headed to TLTTF to see Spurs & Napster. Spurs has promised me a hangover.
I should be hitting 20,000 visitors today but probably won't be around to see it.
Thank God for XM Radio and cell phones!
See What's Next... »
Wanna race to 20,000?
posted by
oddybobo at October 7, 2005 09:23 AM
Been waiting for your next story!
Nose plugs sound like a good idea!
Hope you arrive safely.
20,000! Afew months ago I remember when you were up to 10,000. But I am not surprised, for your blog is the most entertaining MUST READ!
Carry on, Little Trooper!
posted by
Sue at October 7, 2005 12:33 PM
That hotel went down fast. I think it is only 3 years old.... sorry I did not recommend something better.
posted by
Amy at October 7, 2005 02:43 PM
Ok Sissy, I have a little surprise for you over at my place!!
posted by
oddybobo at October 7, 2005 11:19 PM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
07:47 AM
Comments (4)
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Not Exactly Rocket Science links with:
Life around the B-sphere
October 01, 2005
What WAS She Thinking?!?!
Sissy, Sissy, Sissy. Given us access to your site like that! Silly Girl.
So - in an effort to liven things up and offer good strong advise to my darling blog niece - I offer up this picture as a warning..........

Just keep that in mind!
More later.......................
See What's Next... »
September 27, 2005
15 Minute Rule!
In college, we had the 15 minute rule...
...if the professor didn't show up within 15 minutes of the class start time, we left!
Well, the instructor for my online class hasn't posted since the evening of 9/24. This is my 13th class and I've never seen that happen. The school has very strict rules on how often the instructors post.
So, what do you think the rule is with online 5 week classes? ;-)
See What's Next... »
Hurricane Rita hit landfall the afternoon of the 24th.
posted by
Amy at September 27, 2005 09:54 PM
Oh yeah. He may not have power... Or a house. That would kinda suck to dis your Prof only to find out he's now homeless. Just sayin'...
posted by
Bou at September 27, 2005 10:05 PM
Nope...no Rita. She lives in Kansas!
posted by
Sissy at September 27, 2005 10:30 PM
I would have to say a 5 day rule would apply.
That is strange, maybe you should tell the school just in case she is lying dead in a pool of her own vomit or something like that.
posted by
Machelle at September 28, 2005 08:22 AM
« Nevermind
Not All Needles Are The Same!
It is 9:00 and I just got back from the doctor. Got there at 6:15, left at 8:15. Joy!
Let me tell you something! I have two tattoos and have been pierced 10 times and I still get light-headed and ill when they go to take blood! I warn them first to not let me see the needle. Hell, my head is turned while they are cleaning the area!
My veins are a little hard to find in the usual arm area (what's that called? an elbow pit?) She tied one arm and poked around...no luck. She tied the other arm, and poked around...no luck.
Then she tied my lower arm and every vein in my freaking body pokes up in my hand. I start to flip and start poking my "elbow-pit" and saying "come on out guys...no more hiding". She starts cracking up and decides to give the initial location one more try! Good girl! She got it in one shot! I was impressed!
So, to skip a long boring story...I'm on some sort of antibiotics and can't drink for a week! WTF! I have a going away dinner Thursday night, I'm supposed to be stopping to see Morrigan on my out, supposed to stop and see Amy (and she has insisted she must be in the "Did a shot with Sissy" club) and then I'm off to see Spurs & Napster. Wait, I cannot be in TLTTF (also the bellybutton of America) without a drink! So I am planning to be there after Wed! Otherwise, they better give me some better drugs than these damn antibiotics :-D
See What's Next... »
I will just have your shot!!!!
posted by
Amy at September 27, 2005 09:55 PM
Well, you don't ever want gestational diabetes. I got it two out of three pregnancies, but still had to do the big tst for all three. Drawing blood, 4 times in 3 hours. Blech. And they all want to take from the easy pokey outy vein in my left arm. By the 4th time I was yelling at them, "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE THIS ARM!" BAh!
Not all phlebotomists are created equal. For sure.
posted by
Bou at September 27, 2005 10:08 PM
I have to have blood drawn every month (2 vials worth) for my arthritis to make sure my drugs arn't killing me.
Thank god I have awesome veins.
I switch arms every month so as to not wear out one arm.
It really sucks when they poke through the vein, that causes one nasty bruse.
posted by
Machelle at September 28, 2005 08:25 AM
I agree. A needle for tattooing or piercing gives me a rush. And, although I have very good veins, I have having blood taken. {{shudder}}
posted by
Jody Halsted at September 28, 2005 12:32 PM
like machelle, I have to go through the drill once a month for my arthritis meds. Except that my veins are small, like a little kid's. So I have to request someone who draws peds and have them use a butterfly needle. Usually in my wrist or the back of my hand. I haven't had a draw from my elbow pit in years..... And I once got poked 12 times before they just told me to go home and come back another day....
posted by
caltechgirl at September 28, 2005 02:24 PM
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posted by
charles baker at December 3, 2005 08:28 PM
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posted by
charles baker at December 3, 2005 08:28 PM
« Nevermind
September 18, 2005
I Fell Far From That Tree!
My dad is extremely structured and organized. I'm the opposite. If I had to guess at his MBTI, I would guess INTJ.
On Christmas, dad has the video camera in one hand and a trash bag in the other to collect all the wrapping paper.
He has my stepmom ready with Ziploc bags, Rubbermaid containers and the label maker.
My sister has all of her toys in containers or bags, with labels.
Each light switch in the house has a label to what it controls.
Every charger (cell phone chargers and such) has a label.
I got a label maker for Christmas last year.
They keep a notebook with every password they have for computer stuff.
Growing up, my bedroom door had to be all the way closed or all the way open...no in-between or I owed him a dollar!
He made me write him an essay at 13 when he found out I was wearing my contacts to bed and not taking them out every night.
He makes sure to have fingernail clippers and Camphophenique in his desk at work, at home, next to his recliner, next to the bed, in the truck, and in my stepmoms purse.
Dad's rule #1 - Plenty of hugs for daddy! Rule #2 - No messes in the truck!
As organized as this man is, he still calls my sisters and me by each others names. Usually, we end up being #1, #2 and #3.
Speaking of which, he is surrounded by girls and got a male dog and male rabbit for some testosterone in the house....
...he forgets their names too!
See What's Next... »
If he confuses your names, it just means he loves you all equally
By the way, keep this one handy for re-posting on Father's Day.
posted by
Harvey at September 19, 2005 08:22 PM
TGOO is an ISTJ. Very structured. My husband is an ESTJ. Very structured. I'm not as much.
posted by
Bou at September 19, 2005 10:16 PM
I am already getting the dogs names mixed up.
I've been calling them Mance and Laggie lately.
I'm thinking I need to cut back on the alcohol.
posted by
Machelle at September 20, 2005 08:06 AM
« Nevermind
September 11, 2005
Do You Like Cherry Popsicles?
If so, I have a whole box of them!
I don't like them. I don't like anything really with a cherry flavor.
Cherry flavoring smells and taste like Children's Tylenol.
See What's Next... »
#1, why do you have a box of cherry popsicles if you hate them. #2... I'm too old to know what children's tylenol tastes like.
Back in the OLD days, they only had aspirin.
And if you were lucky, you got the little pink ones called... get this... baby aspirin. Heh.
posted by
Bou at September 12, 2005 07:16 AM
Because I ate all the other flavors and left the cherry.
posted by
Sissy at September 12, 2005 08:12 AM
I have a strong aversion to artificial banana flavors because when I was about 5, I took some banana-flavored medicine and promptly threw up on the floor.
That smell just scarred me.
posted by
Harvey at September 12, 2005 10:47 PM
« Nevermind
Cleaning Out the Fridge
One of the many things I accomplished yesterday, was cleaning out the fridge and the cabinets.
Why you ask? I'm not moving for another 3 weeks.
Well, when you are single, not home, and don't cook much...food tends to go bad. I'm talking some of the stuff you all by every time you go to the store, it goes bad in my house.
Butter - 1 tub only half used and 1 box of sticks of butter. Expired!
Pork chops - Were in the freezer...purchased them back in April.
Fajita steak - In the freezer, purchased back in February.
Frozen Chicken Breasts - In the freezer, purchased back in February. (full bag)
Frozen Chicken Tenderloins - In the freezer, purchased back in April. (full bag)
Box of 2 fish fillet I was going to try - never tried them...purchased back in February.
Box of Sausage links - tried them...nasty...purchased back in February
Jello! Expired!
Sliced cheese and sandwich meat - purchased who knows when
I threw away a few other things that I won't eat between now and when I move. Just to get things cleaned up.
In my freezer, we now have:
1 Tostinos Pizza
1 box of popsicles
1 box of fudgesicles
half a bottle of vodka (which I can hardly look at right now with wanting to ralph)
In my fridge:
6 bottles of smirnoff ice (see comment above on vodka)
1 bag of grapes
1 package of deli cheese (that doesn't go bad until November, yeah!!
1 bottle of jelly
2 Tupperware containers of leftover Beefaroni (Bou's kids won't eat it, but I will! hehe)
1 huge ass jar of applesauce! 50 oz for 97 cents!! I love applesauce!
In the cabinets are a couple of cans of soup and some seasonings.
I want to get rid of all of this before I leave.
One last thought......Grilled Cheese Sandwiches SUCK without butter!!
See What's Next... »
Ooh, yeah.
I don't know what I bother to buy vegetables sometimes. Last time I cleaned out the fridge, I had 3 unopened bags of salad greens, all wilted and brown. Ugh.
posted by
songstress7 at September 11, 2005 06:15 PM
Songstress- you didn't wait long enough, my friend. If you wait longer, it all turns to water. Blech.
I still don't think Jello goes bad.
I have science experiments in the back of my fridge.
BTW, I think if you put mayo on your bread before grilling, it works the same way as butter... which I also don't think truly expires.
posted by
Bou at September 12, 2005 07:19 AM
Looks like meat -- could be cake...
posted by
Ogre at September 12, 2005 07:39 AM
I hate to say it, but Bou's right about the lettuce! Eck!!
Ogre ~ Do you put icing on that?
posted by
Sissy at September 12, 2005 08:13 AM
Sissy - Ogre's making a George Carlin reference
posted by
Harvey at September 12, 2005 10:51 PM
« Nevermind
September 02, 2005
Address Books
If you ever enter me in your address book, let me warn you now....
Here are few scenarios from friends:
B wrote my info in pen. BIG mistake. What does she use now? Computer labels (like address labels) and just sticks them over my previous address. How many does she have? 10 How long have I known her? 10 years (4 of those while in high school and 1 of those years she was my English teacher)
V, who I have known for 5 years, was smart and wrote it in pencil. She was used to military families. Well, she wore a hole through the page and had to buy a new address book and re-write all of her addresses.
S just assigns all the "odd" pages to me. Q, X, Y, and Z. Those are my pages
Then I have a couple of friends that just write it on a post-it note and stick it in the back of their address book.
They all have better records of my previous addresses than I do!!
See What's Next... »
For my paper address book, I use pencil. I also have two on my computer (desktop and Outlook).
posted by
Susan at September 3, 2005 01:11 PM
That's what my PDA is for
posted by
Harvey at September 3, 2005 02:08 PM
In my address book, I have every address that Morrigan has lived in since college. That's a long damn time!
posted by
Bou at September 3, 2005 03:53 PM
« Nevermind
August 31, 2005
I am laughing my ass of right now! You know me and looking for signs to be sure I'm doing the right thing.
Today, I found someone to clean my apartment for me when I move for $60. I took that as a sign. Other little things happened that I would wonder, "Is that a sign?"
But the signs of all signs has me rolling!
I listen to Yahoo Launchcast while on my computer. You can create your own radio station. It's pretty cool since my music taste is so diverse.
I've been using this thing for like 3 years, so it pretty much has everything I want down, and I don't have to rate songs anymore for it to figure out what I like.
Today, it played some Mariachi music. Now, I like some latin music, but I have never told Launchcast I liked Mariachi. The only time I like Mariachi is when I'm in Mexico eating tacos de asada and drinking margaritas! So, I skipped the song and rated it as "Never Play Again".
Well, a few hours later, what do I hear?? ANOTHER Mariachi song! I just started laughing!
Well...I'm either supposed to make this move or join a Mariachi band!
See What's Next... »
It means to make sure the person who cleans your house after you move will be Mexican!
posted by
Bou at August 31, 2005 11:13 PM
Definitely sounds like you are headed in the right direction.
posted by
VW Bug at September 1, 2005 06:22 AM
« Nevermind
August 30, 2005
Do you ever look at a word and just think that it doesn't look right?
Tonight, I was writing a paper for school, and I was looking at the word WHITE. For some reason, it just wasn't looking right to me. I even went so far to make sure I wasn't having a brain fart and checked the spelling.
I do this with very basic words. It drives me nuts. I wonder what crazy things are going on in my brain when this happens!
See What's Next... »
Occasionally. Words sometimes just look wrong... like occasionally is starting to do.
I do it more often with my phone number. Sometimes I'll have to grab a phone book to double check! (It's not like I call myself!)
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 30, 2005 04:47 AM
Sissy - you misspelled wite in that post
posted by
Harvey at August 30, 2005 02:44 PM
Stop messing with me Harvey! See, I doubted myself so much, after your comment I ran that thing through spell check...TWICE!
I need to send my brain on a vacation!
posted by
Sissy at August 30, 2005 06:12 PM
It's happened to me with the word "log". I mean, three letters. How many ways to spell it can there be?
posted by
songstress7 at August 30, 2005 11:22 PM
« Nevermind
August 25, 2005
Here We Go Again!
Wow, I can't believe I'm actually going to make this leap...
...but I'm moving.
I told my future boss I wanted the job and I told my current boss tonight that I was going to do it.
My future boss is excited! She knows we are going to rock with that market!
My current boss understands but doesn't like it. She says I can only leave if I find her my replacement.
It was hard to tell her I wanted to go, even after all the bullshit going on with this job and department. I still felt guilty.
Is it bad I'm crossing my fingers that my dad doesn't get this job in Memphis????
So, I am sure to have more details as the days go by. I am probably looking at going out there around October.
Everything is very up in the air. My family understands. It's a great opportunity for me.
I need to make this long term. My definition of long term might be a little different from yours. I'm thinking like 2-3 years. By then, I will be done with my degree, will have a few years of multi-store management and training on my resume. I'll be ready for something big then!
So, I look around my house, depressed by the fact that I will have to start packing...again....soon. I just finished unpacking just recently. I just got my SC registration and tags in June.
Damn, I hope I'm not making a big mistake! But I could not find much wrong with moving to Arizona to take this job.
See What's Next... »
{{hugs}} You'll do fine.
posted by
VW Bug at August 26, 2005 06:41 AM
*fingers crossed for luck* Sending luck to you!
posted by
Oddybobo at August 26, 2005 09:56 AM
Sounds like your family is being very understanding...don't worry chickee you will be fine.....
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at August 26, 2005 10:08 AM
There are no mistakes... only alternate paths!
posted by
Bou at August 26, 2005 09:01 PM
Whee! Here's hoping this works out great for you... I'll come visit you in Yuma! (It's not that big of a deal to drive there from Phoenix after all.)
posted by
songstress7 at August 26, 2005 11:24 PM
Like Bou said, there are no mistakes.
And get some boxes and start packing a few things now. Also take the opportunity to unclutter a bit. Don't be afraid to throw stuff away, give stuff away, or sell stuff.
It will make the move easier.
posted by
Allan at August 27, 2005 08:47 AM
Blogsis or not, I'm not helping you move!
posted by
Contagion at August 27, 2005 09:49 AM
I love moving. Well, except for the packing and unpacking. I love being unknown; getting to "start over". You'll be great!
posted by
Jody Halsted at August 27, 2005 09:27 PM
I am so very happy for you.
You'll be awsome in AZ.
posted by
Tuck at August 29, 2005 08:58 PM
« Nevermind
August 22, 2005
Blogging vs. Critical Thinking
Why is it, that I can write 1000 words for my blog in less than 20 minutes but I am trying to write a 1000 word paper and it has taken me several hours and I'm still on the 2nd paragraph?
I so need to get on the ball with this class! Not to mention, Critical Thinking is probably something I could use!
See What's Next... »
...because nobody is going to leave witty comments on your class paper, that's why
posted by
Harvey at August 23, 2005 12:32 AM
I took a critical reasoning class a couple of semesters ago. Made A's on the papers. If I send them to you will you have more time to concentrate on what's really important? You know, your blogging!
posted by
Joan at August 23, 2005 08:29 AM
« Nevermind
August 19, 2005
More Travel
Saturday morning I have to drive to Atlanta AGAIN! This time I don't have to do it at 3am...more like 11am this time.
I will then fly to Kansas City, arriving at about 6pm. I'll get to spend the night at a friend of mine's place that I haven't seen since November. Then, Sunday, I will drive 2 hours to Columbia Missouri (where I went to college for a year), to get ready for training Monday.
I will train for 3 days, and then drive back to KC on Thursday, departing at about 11am and arriving back in Atlanta at about 2:30pm. Then I will proceed to drive 3 hours home.
Trust me, this is MUCH better than some of the alternatives to getting to Columbia, MO.
So tonight, I must pack, do laundry, and do homework since I will be traveling for most of the weekend.
Too bad lunch mad me sick today and I feel like I'm going to ralph any moment.
See What's Next... »
Eww, Ralphing is not good on any occasion. I'm glad you get to see your friend. Is this the one with the Schmoopie baby we got to see last time we were in KC? What a cutie
At least Spurs will be there too. You can commisurate with him over dinner
posted by
Napster at August 19, 2005 09:06 PM
« Nevermind
August 17, 2005
For Sale
A friend of mine is selling throws. You know what they are, the thingy that you throw over your bed to keep you warm. I have a sample in the extended entry.
They are $63.00 each. I know it sounds expensive, but they are really good quality. I am getting 2 - one for my bed and one for my sofa.
Take a look and let me know if you are interested. Orders are due by this weekend so she can ship them out Monday.
Read More "For Sale" »
See What's Next... »
Oh my god...was I ever duped...laughing so hard I can't even write
posted by
wc at August 17, 2005 07:57 PM
I'll take two. One for now, and the other for when this one wears out. ;-)
posted by
Tammi at August 17, 2005 08:05 PM
She should be charging 69 dollars.
posted by
Amy at August 17, 2005 10:00 PM
Dammit, Amy beat me to it.
Yeah, I'll take a dozen... alternating through each month.
posted by
Bou at August 17, 2005 10:32 PM
I was thinking 7...
...1 for each day of the week!
posted by
Sissy at August 17, 2005 10:34 PM
Oh Yeah! 7 sounds great!
posted by
Oddybobo at August 18, 2005 08:54 AM
Okay, you know I was all ready to see some throws and buy them up! Hee Hee! Yummy!
posted by
Napster at August 18, 2005 08:23 PM
That was so unfunny. Ugh.
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 18, 2005 08:30 PM
« Nevermind
Today's Savings
A little background to this email from my stepmom. We went to Circuit City to use a coupon my stepmom had that would give her a gift card for 10% of her purchase.
My dad LOVES his electronics (maybe that's where I get it from). He especially loves his TV. He has surround sound set up to his command chair (the recliner) to be the sweet spot.
Well, he has been eyeing this 70 inch Sony Wega (with everything). I think the thing cost like $7000.
My stepmom had it figured out that if they bought the TV that day she would get a gift card that could practically pay for the new computer they are also shopping for.
Needless to say, they didn't make the purchase. But here's my stepmom's savings for today!
Okay here's my deal for today!
6 boxes of the new Chocolate Lucky Charms
2 boxes of Cheerios
2 boxes of Nature Valley Granola Bars
Total cost: $44.05
Total savings: 38.70
What I paid: $5.35 (that's 50 cents a box for both the cereals and granola bars!!)
So Sissy with all these savings I might be able to get Dad his big TV by xmas!! LOL
See What's Next... »
August 16, 2005
My stepmom has always been a shopper! She loves to shop! She passed it along to me as we had a ritual of getting up early for shopping the day after Thanksgiving.
Well, she has a new hobby, also dealing with shopping!
She belongs to a network called Coupon Cents (I think, or something like that). They have people that go through the paper and label the sections of coupons. As you get the Sunday paper (which you get a discount on through them), you also label these according to the letter and number they give you, and you file them away.
Then there is this forum where people tell you where all the sales are! People talk about what their savings were, what they found, etc. They'll tell you to go back to a certain section of coupons to pull that coupon to get a product for nearly nothing.
My stepmom has 3 Sunday papers delivered for this reason.
So, as we were out shopping, we had a list. She ended up getting 4 tubes of Colgate toothpaste for 50 cents each (which she will send to the troops as our family uses Crest). She got 4 of my dad's deodorants for like $1.00 each. Six bottles of Pantene were also purchased for $15. There was plenty more and this was all just while I was there!
This went on....tons of savings! It's all very well organized! Their idea is that you should never have to pay for toothpaste, shampoo (at least the cheaper stuff) and little things like that.
Every time we went somewhere, my dad and I would ask "Do you have a coupon for that?"
Well, on Monday, she sent me the following email:
Just had to share my exciting shopping trip today….mostly for Sissy to laugh at me! If you blog about this Sissy you better make sure you include the deals I've been getting!!
Bought 4 rolls of scotch tape for 50 cents (used 4 coupons)!
6 Ragu Sauce
3 Wishbone salad dressings
1 skippy peanut butter
Total cost: $26.40
Total savings: $25.20 (coupons & club card)
What I paid: $1.20 (95% SAVINGS!!)
Sissy I tried to take a picture with my phone but it didn't come out clear enough to send!!
Okay enough of my exciting day!! Now I have to go rest! LOL
The program is only in Arizona and Utah although I'm sure there are some like it in other areas.
See What's Next... »
That cracks me up! My Mom doesn't do coupons, but man, she has this innate knack for finding THE BEST things on sale. I think it's a gift or something. Like a 6th sense. Going shopping with her is fun.... oh and add Mo to the shopping expedition and I nearly pee my pants every time.
posted by
Bou at August 16, 2005 10:39 PM
Can I borrow your step mom? I need someone to teach me how to use coupons that well!!!
posted by
VW Bug at August 17, 2005 08:45 AM
I need help with coupons too!
posted by
Oddybobo at August 17, 2005 10:25 AM
Just send me the peanut butter, I'm hungry.
posted by
Ogre at August 17, 2005 10:47 AM
I am so not good at coupons or sales. If it's on sale great if not I'm buying it anyway if I want it. Morrigan is the best shopper. Everytime she goes I hear stories of how she got wonderful stuff from our favorite stores/labels dirt cheap! I miss shopping with her for that savings aspect. Some people just have Sale Radar. Not me.
posted by
Napster at August 17, 2005 06:25 PM
I learned everything from Mom, she's the best.
posted by
Morrigan at August 17, 2005 10:31 PM
« Nevermind
Changes in the Church
As my stepmom was making breakfast for us Sunday morning, she asked if anyone wanted to go to church with her.
Me: I've got homework...sorry!
Sis #2: I'm staying with Sissy
Dad: Nope....but tell them to start singing some traditional hymns.
Stepmom: Then would you go?
Dad: Mmmm, no.
Stepmom: Alright then, leave it up to me to save you all!
Later in the day as we were driving back from the movies:
Stepmom: While I was at church today, trying to save you all, they menitoned....
Dad: That reminds me, we need to get Sis #2 baptized.
Stepmom: *laughs* Well, ok...I'll have to see how they do it.
Dad: What do you mean? They just take her out to the river and dunk her.
Mom: No, they have like a backyard pool where they do it now. You'd know this if you went to church.
Dad: Whatever...just get her baptized.
I needed a quote pen while I was in Phoenix!
See What's Next... »
OK, that's classic.
Seriously, my favorite part is "While I was at church today, trying to save you all..." ROFLMAO. Thankfully she doesn't think it's a hopeless cause!
posted by
Bou at August 16, 2005 10:40 PM
« Nevermind
August 13, 2005
You'll Never Guess!!!
I got a call from my boss yesterday morning.
My trip to Kansas City was cancelled.
Yes, you heard me right!
It was pointless for me to come out here (excpet to see my family
It was pointless for me to buy a new suitcase to hold 2 weeks worth of stuff.
It was pointelss for me to pack 2 weeks worth of stuff.
It's cool....they basically paid for half my trip out here to see my family for the weekend!
So, I will fly all day Monday, getting to ATL at about 8pm and then will continue to drive home to Columbia...getting home about midnight!
I still have to fly out on the following Saturday to Columbia, MO...but at least I can go home for a few days! And more airline miles for me
My job is ever changing! Nothing is EVER constant!
See What's Next... »
Hey, there's nothing wrong with NOT having to go to KC. At least you don't have to visit Shawshank again
I'm glad you will have some time at home before you hit the road again. You will have to rest up since Spurs will be in MO too - I see shots in your future
posted by
Napster at August 13, 2005 03:07 PM
Ew, that sounded bad. Spurs won't be in MO as in Morrigan - I meant Missouri
posted by
Napster at August 13, 2005 03:09 PM
Be grateful you don't have to go to KC. I was just through there on vacation. I think it ranks #1 on my list of cities to never go back to.
posted by
Contagion at August 15, 2005 10:00 AM
Thanks for the correction Napster. *shiver*
posted by Morrigan at August 15, 2005 11:09 PM
« Nevermind
August 10, 2005
Here We Go...
I am packing, doing laundry and trying to drink until I get VERY SLEEPY to get ready for my trip tomorrow. Yes, I have to leave my house by 3am tomorrow to drive to ATL for a 9:15 am flight. *Hmmm, maybe I should stop drinking*
Kiki will be traveling on the plane with me in a soft kennel. One of the great things about having a small dog! I also want to bring her hard kennel as she loves to sleep in it with her blanket. So, to make sure it would be allowed, I called both Continental and Delta (both airlines that I will be on tomorrow) to make sure it would be ok, it would count as one of my checked bags and I wouldn't be charged.
They kept thinking my dog was going to be in it! They couldn't grasp the concept that my dog was coming with me in a soft kennel and I wanted the hard kennel for when I got there. They both said yes, I could take it, as one of my checked bags and at no additional charge.
How much do you want to bet I get hell for it somewhere tomorrow? We've got 2 shots...Atlanta and Kansas City.
The downside to this is how I'm going to carry everything. Tomorrow when I get to the Atlanta Airport, I will have to park in one of the lots that shuttles you to the airport. When doing this, I will have 1 large suitcase, a hard kennel, my rolling laptop bag, and Kiki in her soft kennel. I will throw my purse in my laptop bag!
So, let's say I make it ok. Then, when I get to KC, I have to go to baggage claim, pick up all these items, and then go check in with Continental with all these things.
Hmmm...I'm kind of wondering if I should buy another $20 kennel when I get to Phoenix. I think it'd be worth it! Then I'll just have to pack her blanket.
I should arrive in Phoenix at about 6:30 their time. My sister (3rd grade) is so very excited. She called today and said, "Sissy, what's your itinerary for tomorrow?" She cracks me up!
Hey...at least I'll save on electricity, water, food and gas while I'm gone for 2 weeks. Damn, too bad I can't save on rent and cable!
See What's Next... »
I would buy a kennel in Phoenix. You already have enough to deal with even without taking the hard kennel.
posted by
Amy at August 10, 2005 10:23 PM
« Nevermind
August 09, 2005
What's That Smell?
You know those times you search for shit you haven't worn in forever because you didn't feel like doing laundry last night? Yea...I did a little bit worse today!
I didn't feel like doing laundry last night, so this morning, I pulled a pair of slacks and a top out of my suitcase from my trip to TLTTF. Hey, I didn't wear them last week, they were clean....or so I thought...
I was sitting at my desk at work, dealing with our online meeting environment crashing, trying to get it back up for a 4 hour training I was conducting. During this, I smelled something funny. I sniffed around to realize it smelled like pee!
I'm smelling around my office and then I finally smell my shirt and pants to figure out it was coming from me. WTF?? I couldn't figure out what it was...it just stunk.
After a few moments, it was starting to nauseate me. But I couldn't leave to change/shower because I had this 4 hour training to do. I tried to think what the hell it was that made my clothes smell like pee.
Yea, remember here where I said my boss's baby peed on me? Well, those pants were in my suitcase wrapped in a towel.
Eck! Once I figured it out, I felt nasty all day. I was sure not to talk to anyone at a close proximity! Just plain NARSTY!
Needless to say, laundry MUST be done tongiht!
See What's Next... »
Damn, I hate when that happens!
posted by
That 1 Guy at August 9, 2005 07:49 PM
LOL. You don't cook. You don't do laundry. I hope you plan on marrying for money the first time.
posted by
Mike at August 9, 2005 08:48 PM
Remember this when you have kids. Gotta to do laundry, even if it ends up sitting on the couch!
posted by
VW Bug at August 9, 2005 09:34 PM
I just flat out adore you sweetie! ;-)
You made me smile. Thank you!
posted by
Tammi at August 9, 2005 09:59 PM
ROTFLMAO!!! I hope you had perfume in your desk!
posted by
Susan at August 9, 2005 10:18 PM
Ohhh, man. I know that feeling.
I had a pile of clean clothes on the floor of my bedroom one time, and one of our kittens (this was like 7 years ago) had peed on the pile without my knowledge. That realization came to me after about an hour sitting there at my office smelling cat pee.
I drove 35 minutes home and 35 minutes back so I could change. No way was I going to smell like cat pee all day.
posted by
songstress7 at August 9, 2005 10:26 PM
Febreeze or Ozium, knocks the smell right out!
posted by
Oddybobo at August 10, 2005 09:27 AM
posted by
Boudicca at August 10, 2005 11:00 PM
« Nevermind
August 05, 2005
This Blows!
What is it with liquor laws?
I just came from The Belly Button of America, where they are a dry county. Yes, you heard me right...a dry county! You have to drive to the next county to get ANY kind of alcohol! You can't even get beer at the grocery store or gas station!
Here in The Gates of Hell, they do not serve ANY type of alcohol on Sundays. The grocery stores will tape off the area to keep you from getting to it.
I don't like this...but I can live with it. I don't think I should be told when I am allowed to buy alcohol...but I will choose my battles...
But tonight is what put me over the edge! All I wanted was some damn vodka for vodka and red bulls tonight! I've had a rough day, I'm pissed/upset and have to stay up and do some cleaning before I have unexpected company tomorrow.
I go to one package store, and they close at 7 (it was 7:55). I go to another that is open, but have the side with all the liquors (and my vodka in sight) locked away. This fucking retard of a state stops selling liquor at 7pm! WTF? I don't start wanting it until then!
I don't get it....what do these limits do for the state other than piss a bunch of people off! Tell me if I'm missing something...
I remember living in the Left Sweaty Armpit of America (Yuma), and being able to walk across the street to the gas station and get beer, liquor...anything! Not time restrictions!
The only thing that *did* suck is that the bars closed at 1am. BUT, that just meant we crossed the border to California to go to another bar for an hour (time difference), and once that bar closed at 1am, we crossed over into Mexico.
So, I'm settling for Smirnoff Ice. Not what I wanted...but at least it's not freaking Sunday!
See What's Next... »
I'm so sorry........drive on up here! I got Vodka, reg. and flavored and TEQUILLA!!!
posted by
Tammi at August 5, 2005 10:08 PM
You should call me ma. I know folks. One phone call could've hooked you up.
posted by
spurs at August 6, 2005 05:04 PM
.. preach it, sister...
posted by
Eric at August 7, 2005 11:39 AM
I'd have a lot more respect for the ACLU (ok, I'd have ANY respect for the commie bastards) if they went after religion-based liquor sale ordinances instead of the damn Boy Scouts....
You can't buy alcohol here before noon on Sunday. Hello?!?! If I'm buying beer, I'm obviously NOT a church goer, and goddamnit I need to pick up a case before football starts....
posted by
Graumagus at August 7, 2005 01:55 PM
« Nevermind
July 26, 2005
Bank Hassle
I get a letter from my bank that says the following:
You may have recently read or heard about a security breach at a company that processes debit and credit card transactions for thousands of merchants. We have been advised by this processor that your Check Card may have been compromised as a result.......
[Something about they are monitoring my account and nothing unusual has happened]
To ensure that you are completely protected from fraudulent activity, we have issued you a new Check Card. ....receive new pin....in a few days...Your old card will remain active until Monday, 8 August 2005. Please destroy your old card once your new PIN is received and you have successfully activated your new card.
It goes on to tell me they understand that this may be an inconvenience however my account security is their first priority. I'm not responsible for unauthorized charges....so on and so forth.
Now first, let me explain, I LOVE my bank! Truly! I have been a member for 11 years and will never change. No problems, good interest rates, good people running the place. The only issue...there aren't a lot of round. It's a military credit union, so you have to be near a base to go to a branch.
I want to get mad. I hate the fact that I have to call EVERYONE I have set up on automatic payment to switch this account number. I have everything on automatic so I don't have to deal with it! I HATE balancing checkbooks, I HATE doing budgets, I HATE paying bills. So if you want your money, YOU take it out of my account each month. Yea, not the most responsible thing. But my shit gets paid.
But I can't get mad because I appreciate the fact that they are proactive in protecting me.
But I want to get mad...really really bad!
See What's Next... »
hmm, I know how you feel . . . too bad you can't change it online or something.
posted by
Andrew (Aris Ravencroft) at July 27, 2005 03:36 PM
I got that too. And a few days later got my new debit card. And a few days after that, my PIN. A hassle, but at least they got on it and took care of me.
posted by
Jody Halsted at July 27, 2005 05:37 PM
Sissy, you are among ALOT of people that are experiencing the same inconvenience. I work at a Credit Union, and we are in the process of ordering the new debit cards for our member's whose numbers were compromised. If your partial to your old PIN number, and your credit union has the capability to set your PIN number, you can always give them a call to request the same PIN you used to have.
I do feel for ya having to contact those that take money out of your account by using the debit card number, however, they should be able to do the same with your routing number and account number.
Cheer up hon! Don't worry, be happy! And know that your friendly credit union is looking out for your safety against fraudulant activity.
posted by
Denise at July 27, 2005 08:06 PM
« Nevermind
Another Grown-up Question
I open the fridge to see that I had put down steaks last night.
Hmmm....I should probably do something with them
Can I refreeze them? Can they sit in the fridge for another day? Should I cook them and save them to microwave later?
When did I buy these?
Sell by: April 26th 2005
Hmmm...I'm thinking no good...but the jury is out until my mom calls me back or one of you frantically attack my comments with "DON'T EAT THAT!"
See What's Next... »
First - I made the turtle cake tonite. I thought of you...it won't be as good as yours but what the hell....
NOW - DO NOT REFREEZE THOSE STEAKS. 'mkay. Please - don't make T1G draw another picture....LOL
Seriously - marinate them. In Italian dressing. Then you can broil, bake grill - what ever. It buys you time.
posted by
Tammi at July 26, 2005 09:40 PM
I agree. Put them in a marinade. I don't refreeze meat. That's a bad thing... I heard... from somewhere. But I follow it!
posted by
Bou at July 26, 2005 10:17 PM
Eeek! We throw away meat that has been in our fridge for more than a few days
Then again, I'm not the cook in the family as we all know!
posted by
Napster at July 26, 2005 10:40 PM
I'm more concerned about the fact that you had to "put down" the steaks last night. When I'm from, to "put down" means to shoot it and put it out of it's misery. If the steaks were wandering around your house to the point where you had to put them down, either you have live cows running around your apartment, or you have REALLY, REALLY old steaks...
posted by
Ogre at July 27, 2005 11:36 AM
Just cook it real good. That'll kill the bad parts.
Cowboy up, girl
posted by
Harvey at July 27, 2005 02:15 PM
« Nevermind
July 24, 2005
Up for Sale
While I was unpacking today, I found 4 figurines that belonged to the dude who was living with me while still married. That was 3 years ago. He's had plenty of time to claim them. He's the dummy who left them (along with his Marine Corps Dress Blues, Cammies, etc in which I donated to Saigon Sams).
So, what to do with these? They are cute!

I'd love to keep them, but it feels weird to do so. I've got plenty of patriotic and Marine Corps memorabilia. So...
They are now listed on EBay! The money made will be used as a donation to support our troops.
Hmmm, I wonder if he might see them.
See What's Next... »
I was gonna say, 'Ebay!'
What kind of jerk leaves his Marine Corps dress blues and cammies somewhere? That's too weird.
posted by
Boudicca at July 24, 2005 08:53 PM
I love your idea! Ebay and give the money away!
posted by
VW Bug at July 24, 2005 09:33 PM
« Nevermind
Never Under Estimate Me! - Updated
I am staying up late tonight to get stuff done! One of things I did today was buy a desk.
The guy is loading it in my truck and says, "Make sure you have help carrying this in."
I laughed and said I would be doing it on my own. He said that it wasn't that cheap stuff, it was heavy. There was no way I could do it on my own.
Hmmm...that sounds like a challenge.
I have lived on my own, by myself for the past 6 years. I have moved on my own, driven cross country on my own, loaded and unloaded Uhauls on my own. I will ALWAYS find a way!
So I get home and back my truck into it's spot. I drag the huge box from the back and realize it is a little heavier than I thought. But I had no choice, I had to get it in the house! Wouldn't do me a lot of good sitting in the truck!
So, I dragged it about 10 feet. The bottom of the box is now tore up....but no biggy. Then I did the "lean on one corner walk" until I got down the 3 stairs to my front door.
Never tell me I can't do something!
I have the instructions out, getting ready to put the thing together, and it says:
To make the assemble easier and more pleasant, ask a friend to help you! 2 people required !
Haha! I will have a picture of this thing posted by morning!
It is done! And with only ONE person!
Tammi- There's 3 extra pieces. I'll bring them for the bonfire next time I'm up there. Don't tell Teresa ;-)
See What's Next... »
I use a blanket to drag heavy stuff like that. When I bought my other dining room table it was my cousin and I moving it. Upstairs. Solid wood - sets 10. It took us 3 hours, but we got it up there and without a scratch.
As to the assembly - hell yeah we want pictures!!!
posted by
Tammi at July 23, 2005 11:21 PM
She just left!!
And you did an excellent job! Yeah Sissy!
posted by
Tammi at July 24, 2005 07:07 PM
That must've sucked to put together :-/
posted by
Harvey at July 24, 2005 07:46 PM
I'm like you. Don't tell me I can't do something. It'll only piss me off and make me more determined.
Looks great! Just remember... when you burn it on the bonfire, don't breathe the fumes.
posted by
Boudicca at July 24, 2005 08:54 PM
« Nevermind
Family Feud - UPDATED
I was playing Family Feud Online and lost on this question:
Give me a slang term you'd use to describe a good-looking guy.
I can't believe this stumped me...how sad!
There are 7 answers...let's see if ya'll can get them. I'll post their answers this weekend.
100 people were surveyed...let's see what they came up with...

See What's Next... »
posted by
Amy at July 21, 2005 09:46 PM
Not fair! Amy beat me to Hunk! Gorgeous! Babe! Hot!
posted by
VW Bug at July 21, 2005 10:08 PM
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at July 21, 2005 11:04 PM
posted by
songstress7 at July 21, 2005 11:18 PM
posted by
Boudicca at July 22, 2005 12:03 AM
OMG! That is too funny! I was playing it yesterday online and got the same question, so I put HOT of course. Nooo, it was Fine? Huh? Guys say fine, women say HOT. I don't think they polled the right people to get those answers. Oh and FYI - Betty's Beer Bar is fun too! I love Chicken Invaders but it won't let me play anymore for free
Geez, working from home = let's find other stuff to do like play games on Yahoo
posted by
Napster at July 22, 2005 10:19 AM
Napster- I have to say hot and fine were the first 2 in my head. Fine is just a little dated... 80's/ early 90's lingo...remember?
posted by Morrigan at July 22, 2005 08:18 PM
AW - you absolutely read my mind!!!
posted by
Tammi at July 24, 2005 04:10 PM
It saddens me more than I can express that "Da Bomb" was the #2 answer... sigh...
posted by
Graumagus at July 24, 2005 07:39 PM
Where the Hell was "That 1 Guy?"
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 25, 2005 12:15 AM
« Nevermind
July 20, 2005
CRS = Can't Remember Shit (Napster's term.)
Blogmom Bou was talking about not being able to remember simple words such as shed or counter.
Many people in her comments agreed they have this problem. Along with me. I have it bad!
I'm not even sure I talk English sometimes. Here are a few of the ways I corrupt the English language:
I forget words. Easy words. Words I should know. This then keeps me from thinking at all as I'm trying to remember the word I have forgotten! Sucks when you are in front of people!
I talk backwards. I had a teacher one time tell me that I talked like a Mexican (nouns before adjetives). Things that I say don't come out in the order that they should. You know the saying, "Putting the cart before the horse"? Yea, my horse is pushing the damn cart!
Common sayings - I screw those up all the time! And you'll know it because I'll be talking and one I realize I can't figure out the rest of the saying or cliche', I start speaking quieter and mumbling. What's worse is the times I don't catch myself! Then I just sound like an uneducated idiot!
Train of thought. I miss this train a lot! I have my own permanent seat at the damn train station I forget where I'm going so many times.
Let's take this last point for a moment. I tell a lot of stories in my classes. We all have times that we forget where we are going with something, but when I'm training selling, I usually know that's what I'm relating my story to. Easy to do....normally!
Today, for some odd reason, I was forgetting why I was telling these stories. I'd start telling a story and then stop, think silently, and ask, "where was I going with that"? Everyone giggles and then someone we'll say, "we were talking about..." Oh yea!! And I'll continue on with my story.
I didn't do this once today. Not just twice. NO! I did it like 4 times!
My brain transplant is scheduled next week!
See What's Next... »
Maybe you can turn it into a game for class - "Okay, everyone guess where this story was going". Good fun for all
posted by
Napster at July 20, 2005 05:54 PM
I talk backwards, but it is because my mom speaks such broken English, I find myself speaking like her sometimes.
posted by
Oddybobo at July 20, 2005 06:14 PM
You know what I say, "Don't do for the trainees, what they can do for themselves". Clearly they need to figure out what you are thinking. ;-)
posted by Morrigan at July 20, 2005 10:41 PM
How does Morrigan handle this in class? Surely it happens to her too! She forgets words.
And my Mom is queen of screwing up phrases. Holy cow. Mo got that from her too.
posted by
Bou at July 20, 2005 11:31 PM
May I mambo dog face to the banana patch?
posted by
Ogre at July 21, 2005 10:40 AM
Nope, the times I watched Morrigan train the main thing she would do is say a phrase or answer a question in a way that could be construed as really dirty to those that were dirty minded
That was about it.
posted by
Napster at July 21, 2005 11:53 AM
Eh, Sissy, what you have is not even uncommon enough to be abnormal. Google the Reverend William Archibald Spooner sometime. Especially when you need a grin.
Your aren't sitting at the train station with that train of thought, it's just a matter of your brain being finished with that TOT before your mouth is.
posted by
Peter at July 22, 2005 11:26 AM
« Nevermind
July 19, 2005
Did You Know...
...it's impossible to lick your elbow?
Read More "Did You Know..." »
See What's Next... »
No it's not... (licks elbow)
It's one of the reasons my wife married me.
posted by
Contagion at July 19, 2005 08:32 AM
No it isn't. Here...lick away.
posted by
Ogre at July 19, 2005 10:33 AM
Nope, sorry (lops arm off at shoulder with machete and licks elbow before passing out from shock and blood loss)
posted by
Graumagus at July 20, 2005 02:27 PM
« Nevermind
July 17, 2005
The Toilet Seat Debate
My blogson Spurs is learning the language of marriage.
He says, "Now if I can just remember to put the seat down..."
I'm proud of the boy!
Here's my theory....
Girls need the seat down for 2 reasons.
Boys need the seat up for 1 reason.
Girls win 2-1!
'nuff said!
See What's Next... »
I have the perfect graphic for him.....I'll post it this week.....
posted by
Tammi at July 18, 2005 08:17 AM
The wife used to fuss at me about the toilet seat. My reply: If you don't want me peeing the seat, leave it up.
Yes it truly is a wonder I'm still married.
posted by
phin at July 18, 2005 12:35 PM
I agree with you completely!
posted by
PrimoDonna at July 18, 2005 01:17 PM
Secret to a happy marriage:
His & hers bathrooms.
posted by
Harvey at July 18, 2005 02:19 PM
What is this "toy-let" thing of which you speak?
posted by
Ogre at July 19, 2005 10:43 AM
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