October 23, 2006
Where's the Salt?
This weekend, I am off to Kansas City. I have a Chiefs game to go to as well as a Halloween party.
Before it was even known that I would be at this party, the two I am going with had decided to be a...
and a...

So I found this to wear...

See What's Next... »
I want pictures!
posted by Mo at October 24, 2006 08:17 PM
A question for Tequila Boy up there...is that a cactus on his label or is he just happy to be in a blogpost?
posted by
zonker at October 26, 2006 03:06 PM
« Nevermind
October 22, 2006
A Winning Weekend!
What a great weekend!
I made the haul to SC this weekend to spend time with my blog kids, Spurs & Napster. I'm so happy they are only a 2 1/2 hour drive now instead of a 12 hour drive. Although, when you don't leave Atlanta early enough, a 2 1/2 hour drive turns into 5!
Saturday was full of good games, food and drinks! Mizzou won, the Gamecocks won and my Cardinals won! Couldn't ask for more!
Now, I will tell you, no matter how drunk you are, if your gallbladder only functions at 6%, no amount of alcohol can dull the complete misery of eating like a complete idiot. My ability to say no to that fatty cheeseburger and hotdog was weakened by my consumption of alcohol starting at 2pm!
Right around 1am, I was ready to remove this miserable, useless thing myself! I'm not sure it could have been much more painful then the spasms, abdominal/back pain, vomiting and indigestion that followed the consumption of my blogson's cooking!
It was hard to leave with a view like this...
See What's Next... »
Thanks for coming to see us. We had a great time!!!
posted by
Napster at October 23, 2006 07:58 AM
I was privy to some recent pictures of you...and despite being ill, can I tell you your color looked great, you looked gorgeous!!
That burnt pumpkin top, looked fantastic...
oh and I liked your hair too...
* I will point out, I am not a lesbian, and am married, but you did look nice, and when a woman looks nice, someone ought to tell her!!
posted by
armywifetoddlermom at October 23, 2006 09:51 AM
« Nevermind
October 03, 2005
Sissy CAN Cook
Back this spring, Sissy made the drive and came to visit me up here in the frozen tundra of Northern Illinois.
We took the opportunity to gather a few bloggers together and make an event of it.
Being new to my job, I couldn't take off of work so, well, everyone beat me home. I needed help cooking and Sissy made the mistake of offering.
Well....this is what I'm gonna need for you to do......
And I had her make dessert. And it ROCKED!! So, just to prove to everyone that Sissy really IS a domestic goddess - I'm going to post the recipe for that infamous dessert right here on her blog.
Turtle Cake
1 box of Chocolate cake mix (milk chocolate)
mix according to the directions on the box
put 1/2 of the cake mix in a 9 x 13 greased pan and bake at 350 degrees for 15 mins.
Melt in microwave til creamy: 14 oz bag of carmels, 1/2 cutp Eagle Brand milk and 1/4 cup of butter. Pour over the cake mix already baked.
Add remaining cake mix on top of carmel. Put 6 oz (or more) chocolate chips and 3/4 cut NUTS (heheh) on top. (couldn't resist)
Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 mins or until done.
It's good folks. It's REALLY good. Enjoy!!!
See What's Next... »
I made it today!
posted by
Sissy at October 4, 2005 04:20 PM
It sounds fabulous!
I will definitely make it someday!
Thanks for the recipe!
posted by
Susan at October 4, 2005 07:22 PM
My sister who is picky as hell and thin as a toothpick ate 4 pieces, so I'm guessing it turned out.
posted by
Sissy at October 4, 2005 10:17 PM
NO... NUTS!!!
posted by
Harvey at October 6, 2005 10:11 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Tammi at
11:03 PM
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Tammi's World links with:
Saturday Question
September 25, 2005
The Fire Starter
Yes, as I reflect, I have a history of starting fires.
In college, I lived on the 8th floor, known as "The Penthouse". My roommate and I were always doing goofy things; stealing pumpkins and squash outside of a restaurant at Thanksgiving, bringing other dorm girls to the adult store at 2am in our pajamas for the fun of it (the naive fun of it), sneaking vodka in our huge 44 oz slushes from Sonic, going out to the Quad in our PJs to climb the columns and take goofy pictures. Ah, good times! I'll have to see if I can dig up some pictures!
So, with all of this late (or early) behavior, I obviously did not have time for an 8 am class. Especially Geology!
So I dropped it! I was failing anyway...so I dropped it! No more Geology hassle and no more feeling guilty for skipping that 8 am class!
After I dropped the class, my roommate and I had to celebrate. We took all my Geology notes (more like the 1st day of notes and all the work sheets that had been handed out) and took them to the balcony where the smokers went to smoke. We put them in the "butt can" and set them on fire. We took pictures and laughed and made sure the fire went out!
The dorm had a very strict fire policy. If you were caught smoking in your rooms, lighting something on fire or anything to that effect, you would get kicked out of the dorm and have to do tons of community service.
As my roommate and I were walking back to our room, we thought we could smell weed. It seemed to be coming from the room of this girl we really despised. So, we paged the RA and told them what we were smelling in the halls, and went back to our room.
Then, there was a knock on our door. It was our RA and the RA from the guys floor. My RA was pissed! She said they just spent the last 15 minutes putting out a fire on the balcony. My name had been on the notes that were supposed to be burnt!
She sent the male RA back to his floor and chewed us a new one! It could have been worse, she could have turned us in and I would have gotten a new asshole courtesy of my father!
So, we had to kiss her ass for a little while and "volunteer" at some of the floor meetings for tasks....but better than the alternative!
What's sad....this isn't the worst thing we did....and I have more fire starting stories from after college!
See What's Next... »
September 21, 2005
It's On!!
One of my favorite bloggers is not going to like me for a little while....but it's on.
Mizzou VS Texas!!
Oct 1st at 11am!
Texas got us last year 28-20, but it's not going to happen this year! It's On!

See What's Next... »
You know I have love for you girl....but this is going to be a Texas beat down.
posted by
spurs at September 21, 2005 08:58 PM
« Nevermind
September 19, 2005
How To Have Fun at Costco
Run by the membership card checker before he can catch you.
Laugh at everyone in line for gas with their huge SUVs.
Watch someone push a huge ass shopping cart that weighs more than they do.
Go on the search for the two things you were looking for.
Realize there are more than two things in your cart.
Bask in your brilliance that Costco should have a map.
Pass through the cheese aisle.....twice!!
Imagine what you could do with huge gallon tubs of butter.
Feel anything that looks like it would be soft to the touch.
Curse as you see everyone push their carts full of paper products as you have been in the building for an hour and still can't find the paper products!
Buy stuff because you will be able to share it with others.
"Oh, those look good. Let's try them" is great because you can never use too many of something that you are not sure you will like.
Plan the letter to the Costco CEO that the aisles should have traffic lights...
...and carts should have horns and blinkers.
Don't go when you are hungry unless you really wanted 20 lbs of chicken and a case of turkey burgers!
Do go when you are hungry if you are cheap and want samples for lunch.
Laugh at others filling their carts with crap that will take them decades to use.
Blush when you realize others are laughing at you.
Buy more then what was intended and try to fit it in a small convertible.
Carry 40 lbs of Kitty Litter up the stairs while the cat sleeps in the corner.
Start divvying up your purchases.
Dream up future menus that consist of chicken tenderloin, turkey burgers or cheese.
Realize the only thing that is really worth buying in bulk is toilet paper and alcohol!
See What's Next... »
LMAO! I go for the TP and Kleenex first, for it fills up the cart. The bag of chicken I can eat in a month. The salmon fillets are good too.
I also love their canadian bacon.
I agree about the lights and horns though. It's such a zoo on weekends! I find that if I go after work during the week, it is MUCH less crowded.
posted by
Sue at September 19, 2005 07:44 PM
Oddly, half these suggestions would work well for my "How to liven up a wedding" post
posted by
Harvey at September 19, 2005 08:20 PM
LOL! Add to it, stay away from the chocolate muffins. ;-)
posted by at September 19, 2005 09:13 PM
"Realize the only thing that is really worth buying in bulk is toilet paper and alcohol!"
OhNo! You've discovered the secret!!
LOL - funny stuff!!
posted by
Tammi at September 20, 2005 07:43 AM
"Imagine what you could do with huge gallon tubs of butter."
(closing eyes and smiling)
Oh yeah... that's it baby... just like that...
(opens eyes)
Sorry, you told me to.
posted by
Contagion at September 20, 2005 08:51 AM
You went shopping with my sister to Costco, didn't you?
posted by
Bou at September 20, 2005 03:19 PM
Ah, good fun had by all!
So far I am enjoying my 24 packs of gum, the 150 clorex wipes...ooo and the chicken quesadillas are pretty good. The TP should last me a while and Mom and TGOO get to use the 500 thread count sheets when they visit on Thurs. The cheese and 20 lbs of chicken will be eaten at some point- hopefully before frost bite.
Thanks for going with me! Good times.
posted by Morrigan at September 20, 2005 09:56 PM
Very funny...I can see you two bumbling around Costco. Hell, I can here Mo's voice...
No way Napster can get me in the Costco. It just will not happen...
posted by
spurs at September 21, 2005 12:14 PM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
06:34 PM
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Boudicca's Voice links with:
Shoppin' with Mo
September 16, 2005
Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break My Stride...
...Nobody's gonna slow me down, oh no
I got to keep on moving
Ain't nothin' gonna break my stride
I'm running and I won't touch ground, oh no
I got to keep on moving.
Oh, sorry, 80's flashback!
Things are really picking up in the life of Sissy! Things are looking up, out and falling into place! There's still a lot to go, but the days are getting better!
With that being said...I'm out of here for the weekend! I am off to Morrigan's to spend a weekend with her before I leave.
I am both excited and sad. Excited because, hello, I get to see Morrigan and we're going to have a blast!
Sad because this is the last time that I'll be just 3 hours away. No spontaneous weekend trips down there. Hell, the next time I'll see her is in Vegas for New Years (if she'd hurry up and book the trip already).
But enough of that! It's all good times!
Meanwhile, go pick on my blog spawn Spurs & Napster.
Or, if you are really bored....you can play with Harvey's birthday presents below...
See What's Next... »
You're going to meet Mo's main squeeze before I do. There's something inherently wrong with that!
posted by
Bou at September 15, 2005 11:01 PM
Um, yeah. Same feelings from me Bou. I've already told her to get us the scoop on him when she gets back from Mo's
posted by
Nap at September 16, 2005 01:03 PM
Hey you two...I haven't met him either!
Keep your expectations low. Mo hates having too much fun...............NOT.
posted by
Mo's mom at September 16, 2005 05:04 PM
« Nevermind
September 10, 2005
A Day of Success
It's been a long time since I've had a day like this! If we can make it a full weekend, I'll be on cloud nine!
I didn't have to travel at all this weekend! No commitments! A weekend to myself!
I started off by sleeping in! You have no idea how great it felt to not wake up to a screaming buzzer! I took a nice, unrushed, hot shower!
The weather was great, so I decided to spend a little time outside....laying out by the pool! It was perfect! Mid 80's, low humidity, no clouds and a light breeze! I did a little reading and a little napping! It was great!
I spent some time online looking for a place to live. Not much luck yet. We'll see what phone calls I get back Monday.
We finished our team project in class and I completed my final...two days ahead of schedule! That means I have two days to not even think about school until Tuesday, when my next class starts!!
I've gotten miscellaneous cleaning and laundry done. Not quite done, but made a good dent!
And then....what I've been putting off so long....BLOG MAINTENANCE!! I was able to figure out how to add a module for my side bars so I didn't have to update 4 templates every time I made a change to my side bar. I did some tiddying up of blogrolls, pictures, links and fonts. Wow, I feel so much better!
Now that I have the module put in, I can consider doing the Word of the Week again. Haven't made up my mind yet...we'll see...
I love successful days!!
See What's Next... »
So tell me more about the module.....
posted by
caltechgirl at September 11, 2005 12:19 AM
Sounds like a wonderful day and I am glad you had it.
posted by
Susan at September 11, 2005 09:51 AM
I hate blog maintenance. I still haven't brought my blogger posts over... which I need to do.
posted by
Bou at September 11, 2005 10:14 AM
« Nevermind
August 22, 2005
Neon Sign
As I was driving from Kansas City, east to Columbia, MO, I went through a town by the name of Sedalia.
Ooh, memory!
In college, my roommate would use my laptop a lot to chat with her friends. She was from Missouri and knew a lot of people around here. She started talking to a guy that she didn't know, but that knew a friend of hers.
When I'd be using my laptop, he'd pop up on messenger and start chatting. I'd tell him that Maria wasn't there, so he'd start chatting with me.
He was really into music, like I was...especially 80s! We talked more and more and it got to where he would ask for me when Maria was online.
Maria and I went to a party at a hotel in Sedalia, thrown by some locals she knew. And there he was, Brian. Back then, I didn't drink. At least not at parties. I was too scared....I always wanted to know where I was and have control of the situation.
But everyone else was drinking. I'm not sure anyone was of age except for Brian who was 21.
We talked the whole night while everyone else got boozed up. I know at one time Maria was hugging the vodka bottle in the dark, locked bathroom. It was routine!
Brian and I talked about the music videos that were on MTV. I drove him to the store (I wasn't getting in a car with him, I didn't know him!) to get more soda for the rest of the gang. The band LIVE was playing in my car and he was hooked!
After that, we went on a few dates. He'd take me to dinner; we'd go to a movie, stuff like that. He drove this small purple pick up truck and always had the best music playing.
Hmmmm....I forgot to mention what Brian looked like. He was about 6 feet tall, with the best eyes and the cutest smile. Oh...and piercings! Ear piercings, an eye brow piercing, oh, and the tongue piercing (oh how I miss the tongue piercing...uh, oh...moving right along) Needless to say, not the typical guy I dated.
This whole relationship was based of our love for music. Really, it was. It was all we talked about. I soon found out he could sing and I was hooked! "Our song" that he would always sing to me was "Keeper of the Stars" by Tracy Byrd. He'd make me mix tapes of songs he knew I loved and be sure they were playing in his truck when we went somewhere.
Just a fun, sweet guy!
I soon found out he had dropped out of high school and didn't have his GED. So I tried to help him get ready for that (which didn't end up working). We went to a 311 concert with my roommate, which happened to be the first time I smelled weed. I remember saying "something smells like ass" and Brian and Maria laughed at my innocents.
He was the cause of me skipping several classes that fall! But then, he lied to me.
He told me he used to smoke weed. Ok, no biggy...he USED to do it. Come to find out, from my roommate, he still did. That was it for me! I didn't want any part of it. He lied and he did something that I didn't like to be around. That was enough for me.
Unfortunately, I couldn't take back the days I had skipped class to be with him. Or the friendships I had screwed up to be with him. Or the mistakes I made while with him. But hell, it was fun while it lasted!!
Believe it or not, this is one of the more fun, lighter memories of being back here. I'll add a picture of him to this post when I get back home...just for shits and giggles.
Brian is now referred to as the "Neon Sign" by my friends. They think the piercings and the lack of education were a neon sign of who he was.
What can I say? I was like a month drawn to the light!
See What's Next... »
Well... I could get past some ear piercings. The eye brow piercing? Yeah, I'd question why, but accept it. The tongue? Yeah, not for me. As soon as he opened his mouth and I saw a big bolt in his tongue, I'd think, "Friend.Only.If.That."
I just know too much about the long term effects of tongue piercings and I would question someone's logical thinking. Blech.
posted by
Bou at August 23, 2005 07:35 AM
Yea, I don't really dig the piercings. I don't even really care for ear piercings in guys.
Now, I'd see this and run....but the tongue piercing did have it's advantages!
posted by
Sissy at August 23, 2005 07:56 AM
Careful....AWTM used to sport a mohawk back in the day.....
posted by
ArmyWifeToddlerMom at August 23, 2005 10:07 AM
And the Ogre used to have an afro...
posted by
Ogre at August 23, 2005 10:16 AM
I had a thing for alternative guys before I met Doug. Tattoos, piercings... and if they were a musician, all the better. Sometimes a girl just has to let loose. Besides, haw can you know when you've got a prince unless you hang out with frogs?
posted by
Jody Halsted at August 24, 2005 11:12 PM
« Nevermind
August 18, 2005
A Heart Attack
I just finished reading a book a couple of weeks ago called Mind Hunters. Morrigan loaned it to me, knowing the Law & Order, behavioral psychology fan I am. Great book on the beginning of the FBI's behavioral psychology department and the cases they worked.
Three of the cases were here in Columbia. They named roads and areas I am familiar with. Kinda creepy.
Tonight, I was bumming around, covered up on the couch, watching E! True Hollywood Stories on Serial Killers with an emphasis on BTK.
Now, a little background here. I am single! I live on my own and I don't know anyone! I pay attention to sounds, people and my surroundings. I also get easily freaked out by sounds outside or things I think I see. I hate walking to my truck at night (although I don't let that stop me), as their are many possible hiding places around my apartment. I miss having Kiki here to alert me when she heard something or to scare intruders. Yes, she is small and couldn't hurt anyone, but she made me feel better.
I've also been getting 1 hang up call a day from a guy in Florida for the past 3 days. They call my phone and when I answer Hello, this is..", before I get to my name they hang up. I looked the phone number up on Google and it is a residence. A guy's residence. I don't know him nor do I know anyone in his area.
So yes, I am paranoid and a little on edge!
To add one more thing to it, a month ago, my 17 year old sister was purposely searching to find my blog, AND FOUND IT! After talking to her and my mother about how that was wrong and I didn't want her reading it...she took it as a challenge. She left comments at two of the blogs of my blog family with personal information (real names).
I ended up blocking her IP!
So now that you have a little history...on to why I'm cleaning my desk chair right now!
I was on the phone with Napster, laughing up a storm about Mr. Balls and all of a sudden saw a comment email pop up for a post of "If You See Her..." That post didn't ring a bell to me and I was curious as to what it was about and when I wrote it.
I didn't know it was from just a few moments ago! I interrupt Napster to tell her what has happened, and she is trying to help me find out who could do it or how.
My first thought was my stepmom. It's something she would do. I'm sure I will get an email or a letter (or something crafty) from Kiki soon that she did. BUT, I never accessed my blog while I was in Phoenix, nor would she know where to go to post or even how to. That option was out.
A couple of people have admin rights to my blog. People I trust and want around. But it wasn't their username. The name was under Kiki. So, someone had to create a profile. I looked up the info and it said the profile was created by me. Huh?
I'm looking at my sitemeter to determine who was on my site and what time, looking at IP addresses and such....meanwhile, Napster is ready to drive to SC to protect me! LOL (Yes, two paranoid friends should not be on the phone at the same time in situations like this! hehe)
So, I send an email out to the people I have given rights. I believe the exact words of the email were, "Please tell me one of you did this or I’m freaking fuck out…..http://andwhatnext.mu.nu/archives/112851.php spooky shit!"
If I would have just calmed down a moment, I could have figured it out. But no! After reading/watching stuff on serial killers, getting hang up calls and my sister trying to show of her hacking skills...I was a paranoid chic!
Someone fessed up! I'm not saying who. But after I knew that someone wasn't trying to scare the shit out of me, I was smiling big and laughing up a storm! They conferred with other people that know me to be sure it would be okay. They all just wanted to make me smile!
Which they did! I miss Kiki a bunch and I know if she could type, she'd be on here as much as me! I look forward to more messages from her!
Now....I'm off to make me a drink and check under the bed, in all the closets and behind the shower curtain. Just to make me feel better!
See What's Next... »
Oh holy cow, that would trip me out! Glad it has a happy ending...
posted by
songstress7 at August 19, 2005 12:02 AM
That would piss me off.... but at least it was done with love....
posted by
caltechgirl at August 19, 2005 01:12 AM
Well, this person is someone I gave access to my blog and we have discussed them helping me out before since I'm so busy!
No being pissed off! Just scared shitless
posted by
Sissy at August 19, 2005 01:30 AM
When your note popped up in my e-mail, I'm sorry, but I started to laugh. It was just the way you phrased it.
Wish I could say I had that good of a sense of humor to have thought of it... But I don't.
posted by
Bou at August 19, 2005 07:10 AM
That's just kind of funny/amusing... once you get past the scared shitless part.
posted by
Contagion at August 19, 2005 08:47 AM
I am the guilty one! I knew there was a potential for it to go bad, but had no idea this bad!!! I should have left more clues in the post.
posted by
Amy at August 19, 2005 11:12 AM
It didn't go bad Amy! It just gave my heart a little work out
Like I said, I loved it (after I figured no one hacked in)
You always are welcome on my blog! As you or as Kiki!
posted by
Sissy at August 19, 2005 11:25 AM
Well it's funny now but not when we were on the phone together last night when it happened. Not only were you freaked out but I was freaking out too! It is very cute and I'm glad I didn't have to drive 12 hours to come rescue you
posted by
Napster at August 19, 2005 11:29 AM
I would have freaked, too. Glad you figured out who did it...
posted by
Jody Halsted at August 19, 2005 03:11 PM
« Nevermind
August 02, 2005
Still in the Belly Button
Yea, I know...the word of the week is supposed to be up by now. Sorry, not a lot of time and a little too much to drink.
Obviously, we all know about the blog crawl this past weekend! Well, it seemed to continue a little bit for me. Monday night, I had several drinks throughout the evening with my former boss 2 years ago. It was good times! I miss her and was glad I got to spend time with her...if only for 2 hours. How many drinks we consumed in those two hours is the question. I think our hotel is questioning the whole "happy hour" idea!
We had a very long bug great training today on design and development from one of my favorite trainers. Afterward, it was time for team building with the 5 other people on my team and the outside trainer. I unfortunately had an upsetting phonecall before the event which rained on my parade for a little bit before dinner. But then we went bowling and the alcohol was a flowing!
The more I drank, the better I got...and it was apparent! My first frame, I bowled a big fat goose egg! By the second game, and after about 4-5 drinks, I bowled a 160. We had a great time and I'm glad we got to get together. I only broke 3 nails.
Then some of us went to the lounge to chat, drink and play table soccer (I'm not going to attempt to spell foosball while drunk...oh wait...nevermind). I got the new guy to the team to do a tequila shot with me while my boss and the others did a "club soda" shot.
All in all...not too bad. Makes my job seem a little better after all the crap for the past 6 months. It may also be the alcohol talking
So, hopefully, I'll around to doing some sober psoting, the Word of the Week and some substantial posts.
Excuse me...I must pass out in time to wake up for an 8am meeting.
See What's Next... »
Geez, one weekend with me and Spurs and your a certified professional drinker
Now you know that's all we have to do out here in the BBOA or TLTTF is DRINK
posted by
Napster at August 3, 2005 03:11 PM
"bug training?" Cool!
posted by
Ogre at August 4, 2005 10:19 AM
« Nevermind
July 30, 2005
Off to the Belly Button of America!!
I have 4 hours until I should be waking up to get on a plane to Kill Me (TLTTFG), TX. And I'm still not finished packing! I've been running around all day!
I got laundry done, but it'll have to wait until I get back to put away.
I got some unpacking done, but the two boxes of trash will have to wait until I get back.
Bathroom, vacuuming, etc....all when I get back!
I hate leaving a dirty house!
I also hate leaving a dirty blog. I have tons of maintenance to do....but no time at the moment. So if you notice the different size fonts or the bad links, please close your eyes! I'll get them fixed ASAP!
But, it's all worth it. Because Napster will be picking up at the airport! Yeah!! Napster, Spurs and I will be celebrating her birthday and the Blog Crawl together!
Hell, I may even have a margarita on the plane!
See What's Next... »
*A* margarita? Don't make me forget that you're my blogkindred, Sissy!
posted by
Sally at July 30, 2005 02:21 PM
Look about two hundred miles just a little east of due north. See that tiny speck in the distance? That's me waving at you in Kileen.
posted by
Peter at July 30, 2005 04:42 PM
And you're way behind. Drink now.
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 07:34 PM
Hey, wasn't I just here?
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 07:47 PM
Howdy...dirty house...dirty blogger...Yes! Have some!
posted by
Sarah the penguin at July 30, 2005 08:58 PM
She's dirty? And the drunks are coming!
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 08:59 PM
Hey Sarah, I think we're alone in here...
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 09:00 PM
I need the childerbeasts to go to bed so I can get drunk... or at least the small one, the older one can bring me beer
posted by
Graumagus at July 30, 2005 09:03 PM
The smaller one can be taught. Start early.
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 09:03 PM
My children are asleep... and goodness am I tired. Can I camp out here?
posted by
VW Bug at July 30, 2005 09:18 PM
Just watch out for the pee puddles, Contagion seems to have left quite a few...
posted by
Ogre at July 30, 2005 10:15 PM
*stumbles in*
*stumbles out*
posted by
Harvey at July 30, 2005 11:16 PM
(Leaves vomit on floor, walks out)
posted by
Graumagus at July 31, 2005 12:24 AM
where is everyone? I hate drinking alone. ***hick up***
posted by
Morrigan at July 31, 2005 12:37 AM
Hell Ya! pass the booze!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 31, 2005 01:00 AM
HAHAHAH Drink bastafds, drinlkQ
posted by
That 1 Guy at July 31, 2005 01:32 AM
*Wraps t.p. around blog space*
Nannynannybooboo ...
posted by
Barb at July 31, 2005 01:50 AM
posted by
Susie at July 31, 2005 02:02 AM
I'm nmt onoticing shit right now. Hey, next time you make uit up here. I defingiat have to meet you.
blg crawl
posted by
Contagion at July 31, 2005 02:13 AM
« Nevermind
Posted by Sissy at
12:26 AM
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Ogre's Politics & Views links with:
Blog Crawl '05: Remains
July 29, 2005
Blog Crawl 2005
Oh, is the blogosphere in trouble!
I can already tell you that Spurs, Napster and I are gearing up! I will be at there place (after the bar at least) for the event and they have a router all set up and ready to go!

Do you want to know the rules? GO HERE!!
Everybody else is doing it!! GO ENJOY THE DRUNKEN FUN!!
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I expect pictures from you!
posted by
Contagion at July 29, 2005 08:39 AM
That might be possible Contagion! For the right price
I don't really give a flying fuck about putting my pictures on here anymore. If someone finds me...they find me!
posted by
Sissy at July 29, 2005 08:42 AM
I guess nekkid pictures are out then?
posted by
Anathematized1 at July 31, 2005 02:16 AM
« Nevermind
July 23, 2005
Unanswered Prayers
My stepmom called on my birthday to tell me I had a package coming. She said that it was all in fun and that I would take it one of two ways; I'd laugh or I'd get mad.
I got it the other day. There was a letter stating what she had said on the phone and that her feelings wouldn't be hurt if I threw it away.
Hahahah! I LOVED IT!! And I just have to share it! (BTW, not the highest quality pictures as I had to take pictures of what she did. But you'll get the point)
The wallet she put the album in. It says "Special Memories"

The Album Cover
The next page is the lyrics to Garth Brooks' Unanswered Prayers. In case you are not a country fan or have never heard the lyrics, here they are:
Unanswered Prayers
by Garth brooks
Just the other night at a hometown football game
My wife and I ran into my old high school falme
And as I introduced them the past came back to me
And I couldn't help but think of the way things used to be
She was the one that I'd wanted for all times
And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
And if he'd only grand me this wish I wised back then
I'd never ask for anything again
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
She wasn't quite the angel that I remembered in my dreams
And I could tell that time had change me in her eyes too it seemed
We tried to talk abou tthe old days
There wasn't much we could recall
I guess the Lord knows what he's doin' after all
And as she walked away and I looked at my wife
And then and there I thanked the good Lord
For the gifts in my life
Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered...
Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers
Want to see what else was in the album...
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What my stepmom wrote is in quotations.
"First true boyfriend"
(This is at homecoming my freshman year. We were together for 2 years)
"Sharing a special moment together!"
(We were at a Patty Loveless/Clay Walker concert for 4th of July)
(His Junior Prom my freshman year)
"Went to Senior Prom with Tony" "Was very excited when he asked" "He was a really nice guy but very shy"
(Obviously, my taste in men improved with this one)
"First boyfriend brought home for Christmas!" "Sis#2 still talks about Tim!"
(Okay, this was Christmas morning. The whole blogosphere knows what I look like when I wake up now)
"Attended Marine Corps Ball with Tim"
(Damn, thos Dress Blues can make anyone look good!)
(Yes, that is a gun he's holding)
There's one boyfriend missing that I brought home for Christmas. I think the whole family is trying to forget him!
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Actually that's a pretty cool idea. Heh - I like the way your stepmom thinks!
posted by
Tammi at July 24, 2005 09:07 AM
Oh I have a whole mess of 'thank God for unanswered prayers'! LOL!!!
What a great gift!
posted by
Bou at July 24, 2005 10:52 AM
That is great! and you, my dear, are beautiful!
posted by
Oddybobo at July 25, 2005 10:55 AM
What a wonderful surprise.
posted by
VW Bug at August 1, 2005 12:44 PM
« Nevermind
July 20, 2005
Coyote Ugly Pictures
While in Denver last week, we got the opportunity to go to Coyote Ugly. We were still in business attire and had just went to dinner.
All the bouncers were wearing shirts that said BMF on the back with steel toed boots.
The bartenders were fun and full of smart ass remarks. I went up to the bar to order drinks and a guy that looked like creepy snitch from Erin Brokovich asked me if I was one of the girls that danced on the bars. My reply was a big not hardly. He then gave me a $1 to go play him something in the jukebox. Weirdo!
The 5 of us sat there listening to music, watching the girls dance and chatting. Then, they announced my birthday. I had the choice to either let someone do a body shot off of me or do a body shot off of one of the girls.
I had two thoughts that went through my mind: I did not want to be laying on the bar showing my stomach. And if I did, I didn't want the skeezy dollar dude to get to do the body shot. So, I chose to do the body shot off one of the bartenders. Boy did the guys like that! I'm not sure how that was a birthday present for me, but hey, whatever! Oh darn, no one got pictures!!
But, we did get pictures of the bar...check them out. Some of the pictures are dark so you will have to click on them to make them bigger.
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Hee,hee. The ceiling with all of the bras hanging off of it made me think of the semi-annual Victoria's Secret sale. Everyone for themselves - bra's flying everywhere
posted by
Napster at July 20, 2005 07:31 PM
I love Coyote Ugly!!
Danced on the bar...will never do it again but for an aging bar dancer it is the mecca.
I'm glad you had a good time!
posted by
Tammi at July 20, 2005 11:59 PM
What!?!?!?! No pictures of the body shot!?!?!?! That sucks!
posted by
Contagion at July 21, 2005 08:37 AM
Gotta get me some of that "Caution" tape
posted by
Harvey at July 21, 2005 10:45 PM
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