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June 16, 2007

Happy Hour

It's been a long ass week. The most I've worked since being in retail...and maybe even more so.

Tonight a bunch of us went to happy hour around 4pm. I just got home. That would be 8 hours of straight drinking. We ALL had a long week.

And all I can say, is checking your missed calls on the way home and returning the call to your mother is probably not the best idea. I'm not quite sure how I will recover from that tomorrow.

On another note, happy hour should be a highly suggested part of work as I feel that I learn more from time spent out of work with co-workers than during work. Life is crazy like that.

Posted by Sissy at June 16, 2007 12:54 AM | TrackBack

And all I can say, is checking your missed calls on the way home and returning the call to your mother is probably not the best idea. I'm not quite sure how I will recover from that tomorrow.

Are you sure your mother will recover???

Posted by: Mrs. Who at June 16, 2007 10:06 AM

Hello! Good Site! Thanks you! hwlnhbcvvs

Posted by: mzrrdpfoop at June 21, 2007 05:24 PM
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