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May 27, 2005

Sissy's Gotta Plan

1 Day until vacation and so much to do!! So here's the plan...

Tonight, I do laundry, clean up (don't want stinky trash stinkin' up over 2 weeks), and pack. I will be going to bed quite late tonight or maybe not even at all. But for a reason...

Go to Curves at 6am to do my monthly measurements and tan. I won't be working out as I need to let my muscles rest. Then I've got to go and get the oil changed in my truck.

I'll go to work and get my project done that I've been procrastinating all week. After my conference call at 1pm, I'm taking Tylenol PM, going straight home and going to bed.

I'll wake up when I wake up...I'm assuming between 12am and 2am and start my drive to Chicago.

It's about 830 miles. I'm thinking about 12 hours. We'll see.

I've got CDs, XM Radio and my phone to keep me company! It'll be a piece of cake!

A week in Chicago to spend time with my mom, Sis #1 (16), stepdad, uncle, aunt and 2 cousins, attend Sis #1's high school graduation, meet some of the Bad Example Family, see a couple baseball games, see Dave Matthews Band, do some touristy Chicago stuff, and take all my uncle's money when we play Texas Hold 'Em!

Then it's off to Phoenix to see my dad, stepmom and Sis #2 (7). Swealtering in the Phoenix sun, hopefully catch a Diamondbacks game, get some great Mexican food and spend tons of time in the pool!!

Then it's back to Chicago on Saturday to drive back to SC on Sunday. I'm hoping after 2 weeks away from work, I can come back and not feel so postal!

I may be taking a vacation, but not from blogging. I have a BIG announcement this weekend, the Word of the Week and it's Linky Lovin', I have the Karnival of Kidz on Monday, and plus anything else fun!

Posted by Sissy at May 27, 2005 12:21 AM

Vacation... Ahhh. Meeting BE Family... Ahhh. Manomanoman. I want to be in the truck with you.

They have Curves all over, so you can work out everywhere you go. I think.

Posted by: Boudicca at May 27, 2005 07:34 AM

I'm still waiting for your agenda while you are up here. I'm still trying to figure out when and where your going to be in Chicago.

Posted by: Contagion at May 27, 2005 08:58 AM

There's gonna be Texas Hold'em? Dang it! I love that game. I love it even more when real money is involved . . .

Now I really wish I could go . . .

Posted by: Aris_Ravencroft at May 27, 2005 11:00 AM

Ooh, Diamondbacks game... that sounds like a good idear :)

Posted by: songstress7 at May 27, 2005 06:32 PM