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April 03, 2005

Oh How I Miss Them...

...the yummy Marines!

I grew up on Marine Corps bases. And when I graduated high school and moved, I was still near Marine Corps bases...all until 8 months ago. So, it was nice to visit Jacksonville, NC - home of Camp Lejeune, Camp Geiger, Camp Johnson and the New River Air Station - all Marine Corps bases.

In a small town like Jacksonville, with 4 Marine Corps bases supporting it, the Marines swarm "out-in-town" like ants to a BBQ! You cannot drive down the main drag without being surrounded by young Marines in their hot cars with the bumping systems that take up the majority of their paychecks, a van with a Marine, his wife, and 2-5 kiddies, or a taxi cab filled with 15 Marines - watching them file out like clowns out of a clown car at the circus!

Forget going to the only Walmart in town, the mall or any restaurant on the 1st or the 15th! There's no point! You won't find parking and you won't get in!

You see groups of young Marines walking the main drag with their bags from Best Buy, Walmart or shops from the mall - miles away from the main gate.

This was vacation enough for me....a weekend full of sweet eye candy! Sadly souvenirs!

Posted by Sissy at April 3, 2005 05:49 PM