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February 19, 2005

About Sissy

So I guess it's about time that I shed some light on who I am. The name is easy enough to explain. I have two darling younger sisters that I love with all my heart that call me Sis or Sissy.

Sis #1 is 16 and a senior in high school. She is a brilliant artist and is tons of fun. She has me playing the protective sister constantly because she is a bombshell and I know the guys are going to be trouble!

Sis #2 is 7 going on 13. She is a social butterfly. She cheerleads, is in Girl Scouts (those damn cookies), and loves to sing to Hillary Duff. I have a feeling that I will have to play the protective sister with this one too.

And now I guess it's time to share a little bit about me. I'm going to borrow Machelle's Ten Layers of Me, that she got from her Blog Mom Tammi. No sense in re-inventing the wheel here.

Ten Layers of Me

Name: Sissy
Birth date: July 17
Birthplace: Twentynine Palms, CA
Current Location: Columbia, SC
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Blonde
Height: 5'6"
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Your heritage: Mutt - Some Irish, some French (althought I don't freely admit that) and some others that my Grandmother has researched
The shoes you wore today: None - Don't wear them when I don't have to
Your weakness: Kiki pouting
Your fears: All bugs, needles (although you wouldn't believe it later in this post)
Your perfect pizza: Thin Crust with ham, bacon, and red onion
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get my Bachelors

Your most overused phrase on IM: hahahahhaha
Your thoughts first waking up: Those damn cats mating outside my window!
Your best physical feature: Eyes
Your most missed memory: Huh?

Pepsi or Coke: Water
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's
Single or group dates: Group dates
Adidas or Nike: Nike
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither, don't like tea
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate, but I think you guessed that one
Cappuccino or coffee: Neither, don't like coffee drinks

Smoke: Second hand - it's cheaper (no I don't smoke)
Cuss: ya damn right
Sing: In my car or after some drinks
Take a shower everyday: Yes, sometimes twice
Do you think you've been in love: Yes
Want to go to college: Doing that now - UoP
Like(d) high school: Loved it at the time - would never go back
Want to get married: Maybe one day
Believe in yourself: Most of the time
Get motion sickness: Only when going around in circles or backwards
Think you're attractive: Not quite...but there a couple attractive qualities about me
Think you're a health freak: No but I am known as the Water Nazi
Get along with your parent(s): Yes
Like thunderstorms: Love them
Play an instrument: Clarinet, Euphonium/Baritone, Bassoon and messed around with the Soprano Sax, Trombone and Piano. I'm trying to get back into piano now and maybe some guitar.

In the past month...
Drank alcohol: Um, Yes
Smoked: 2nd hand smoke
Done a drug: Legal - yes ... Illegal - No
Made Out: Yes
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall?: Of course
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: No...but those damn Girl Scout Cookies, now that's another story
Eaten sushi: No...but I'm sure Morrigan will make me some time
Been on stage: For a good portion of my life
Been dumped: Yes
Gone skating: Yes
Made homemade cookies: Yes
Gone skinny dipping: Yes
Dyed your hair: Yes
Stolen anything: I stole this "10 Layers" :-)

Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
If so, was it mixed company: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes
Been caught "doing something": Yes
Been called a tease: Yes
Gotten beaten up: No
Shoplifted: No
Changed who you were to fit in: All the time - good old military moves!

Age you hope to be married: I'm no rush
Numbers and Names of Children: Kiki - 2 (my pup)
Describe your Dream Wedding: I want a casual, comfortable wedding on the beach
How do you want to die: I don't really have that desire
Where you want to go to college: I'm very happy at University of Phoenix Online
What do you want to be when you grow up: Still struggling with that
What country would you most like to visit: I'd like to visit Geneva, Switzerland again

Opposite sex (or the same?) Opposite
Best eye color? Blue
Best hair color? Blonde/Brown
Short or long hair: Short
Best Height? At least 6'
Best weight: More than me
Best articles of clothing: Jeans and T-shirt
Best first date location: Bowling
Best first kiss location: Front Seat

Number of drugs taken illegally: Never
Number of people I could trust with my life: There are a couple
Number of CDs that I own: approx 300
Number of piercings: 7 at one it's 5
Number of tattoos: 2
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A few, I don't remember
Number of scars on my body: This is getting weird....
Number of things in my past that I regret: There are a couple...

In addition....FIRSTS:
* FIRST JOB: An Ice Cream Shoppe in the hospital at 15
* FIRST SELF-PURCHASED CD: Celine Dion - The Colour of My Love
* FIRST ENEMY: The Dentist

* LAST KISS: A week ago
* LAST LIBRARY BOOK: Oh my, I'm sure it was something for school
* LAST MOVIE SEEN: Watching Raising Helen right now on ON Demand
* LAST FOOD CONSUMED: White Cheddar popcorn
* LAST PHONE CALL: KR to give me the scoop on her weekend
* LAST CD PLAYED: The Killers - Hot Fuss
* LAST ANNOYANCE: This morning, those damn cats!
* LAST SODA DRINK: Diet Mt. Dew yesterday
* LAST ICE CREAM EATEN: Wow, it's been over a month...might need to fix that tonight!
* LAST TIME SCOLDED: I blocked that out of my memory

* I AM: still trying to figure that out
* I WANT: to be happy, and I am
* I HAVE: the best dog in the world
* I WISH: I knew more people
* I HATE: Hypocrites
* I FEAR: screwing up
* I HEAR: music constantly
* I SEARCH: for more music
* I WONDER: why people can't accept people for who they are
* I REGRET: not being so open when I was younger
* I LOVE: my friends and family
* I ALWAYS: try to be a good person to be around
* I AM NOT: talkative around people I don't know
* I DANCE: after drinking way too much
* I SING: In the Car or after drinking way too much
* I CRY: every Sunday night at 8pm while watching ABC's Extreme Home Makeover

* NUMBER: 17
* COLOR: Blue
* DAY: Friday
* MONTH: July
* SONG(S): I have way too many - you will learn a lot of them on future posts
* SEASON: Fall
* DRINK: Margaritas!

Okay...well, I think that pretty much covers it!!

Posted by Sissy at February 19, 2005 03:00 PM