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July 10, 2005

Linky Lovin' X

This week's word was unctuous. I figured we have all met someone like this, so it was appropriate.

Blog sis VW may seem unctuous in her attempt to beat Bou in the competition. It's getting brutal out there ;-)

Triticale found a new way to use the words in my comments.

Blog Bruncle Contagion uses this week's word to describe his blog-pa. He was the outcast of the blogmeet...go give him some love!

Blog Uncle That 1 Guy had a run in with the law. No insurance card, no drivers license. The only thing he could hand the officer was a beer. Go see what happened!

That's all for this week! Blog reading has been light this week so if I missed you, speak up!

Thanks to those who participated this week! Ahh, the love of the family!

Posted by Sissy at July 10, 2005 09:53 AM | TrackBack