July 13, 2005
I used to be brave. Not scared of bumps and bruises. Standing up on the seat of my bike, hanging upside down on monkey bars, jumping ramps on skateboards.

I miss those days when you were invincible!
You could always try Marine Corps boot camp -- they convince you that you are invincible again.
Posted by: Ogre at July 14, 2005 07:26 AMI thought I was invincible when I was a kid. Then I went to college and was taught that I wasn't. Later in life I became a re-enactor and now I'm convinced I am. How else do you explain being killed twice a day on the weekends and still being here? :)
Posted by: Contagion at July 14, 2005 08:27 AMI think any ounce of invincibility I ever had (I never had much of it... I always had a very healthy appreciation for my inevitable death and questioned the timeline in hopes it was far far away), were destroyed when I had kids. Kids will do it.
Posted by: Bou at July 15, 2005 09:35 AM