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July 19, 2005

Moving to Arizona

On Moving to Arizona:

May 30th: Just moved to Arizona. Now this is a state that knows how to
live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy evenings. What a place! It is
beautiful. I've finally found my home. I love it here!

June 14th: Really heating up. Got to 100 today. Not a problem. Live in
an air-conditioned home, drive an air-conditioned car. What a pleasure
to see the sun everyday like this. I'm turning into a sun worshipper.

June 30th: Had the backyard landscaped with western plants today. Lots
of cactus and rocks What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing lawn for
me. Another scorcher today, but I love it here.

July 10th: The temperature hasn't been below 100 all week. How do people
get used to this kind of heat? At least it's kind of windy though. But
getting used to the heat is taking longer than I expected.

July 15th: Fell asleep by the community pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over
60% of my body). Missed 3 days of work. What a dumb thing to do. I
learned my lesson though. Got to respect the ol' sun in a climate like

July 20th: I missed Lomita (my cat) sneaking into the car when I left
this morning. By the time I got to the hot car at noon, Lomita had died
and swollen up to the size of a shopping bag and stank up the
upholstery. The car now smells like Kibbles and shit... I learned my
lesson though. No more pets in this heat.

July 25th: The wind sucks. It feels like a giant freaking blow dryer!!
And it's hot as hell. The home air-conditioner is on the fritz and the
AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he needed to
order parts.

July 30th: Been sleeping outside on the patio for 3 nights now. $225,000
house and I can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here?

Aug. 4th: Its 115 degrees. Finally got the air-conditioner fixed today.
It cost $500 and gets the temperature down to 85. I hate this stupid

Aug. 8th: If another wise ass cracks, 'Hot enough for you today?' I'm
going to strangle him. Damn heat. By the time I get to work the radiator
is boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like baked

Aug. 9th: Tried to run some errands after work. Wore shorts, and when I
sat on the seats in the car, I thought my butt was on fire. I lost 2
layers of flesh and all the hair on the back of my legs and butt. Now my
car smells like burnt hair, fried butt, and baked cat.

Aug 10th: The weather report might as well be a damn recording. Hot and
sunny. Hot and sunny. Hot and sunny. It's been too hot to do crap for 2
damn months and the weatherman says it might really warm up next week.
Doesn't it ever rain in this damn desert? Water rationing will be next,
so my $1700 worth of cactus will just dry up and blow over. Even the
cactus can't live in this damn heat.

Aug. 14th: Welcome to HELL! Temperature got to 115 today. Forgot to
crack the window and blew the damn windshield out of the car. The
installer came to fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?" Well, my
sister had to spend $1500 to bail me out of jail. Freaking Arizona. What
kind of a sick demented idiot would want to live here?? Will write later
to let you know how the trial goes."

Posted by Sissy at July 19, 2005 08:40 PM | TrackBack

You need to link this with Spurs last post. He is in Yuma and says it's FREAKIN HOT!! The white people are melting hot!! I thought Texas was hot but I guess I've never experienced the Arizona heat:)

Posted by: Napster at July 19, 2005 10:18 PM

Yea... it got to 95 here last Sunday setting a record high for the day. I think I lost 5 pounds sweating my ass off... I hate the heat. Give me cold any day!

Posted by: Contagion at July 19, 2005 10:56 PM

LOL... I'm feeling it, Sissy. 116 yesterday, 11 people have died of the heat (mostly transients) in the last week or so.

Thank God for air conditioning.

Posted by: songstress7 at July 19, 2005 11:07 PM

LOL! I guess I'm not allowed to complain that it's 32 degrees here after all. (I don't know what that is in American)

Has Harvey written "Fun Facts" about Arizona yet? He should do Arizona next :-)

Posted by: Sally at July 20, 2005 05:30 AM

My sister and her husband lived in Yuma for a couple of years. I went to visit. Youch it gets hot there. Towels on the steering wheels, don't touch belt buckles that haven't been covered, open your car door but touching underneath the handle... it was wild.

Posted by: vw bug at July 20, 2005 06:50 AM

Just because I can --

Sally's 32 degrees is 89.6 in America.

And Sally, their 116 is 46.6 for you.


It was only 92 (that's 33 for you, Sally) here yesterday (and all this week) here where I am, but then again, the humidity was about 85%...for a grand total of "feels like" 115. And I'm working in the yard landscaping this week!

Anyone have any stock in Gatorade?

Posted by: Ogre at July 21, 2005 10:38 AM