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August 07, 2005

This Is Going to Be Tough

I woke up this morning to Kiki laying on her pillow at my side. It was so comforting to know she was there. She may be small and just a dog, but she makes me feel safe and not alone.

We went outside and I opened the truck door for her where she excitedly jumped into the drivers seat and then hopped into the passenger seat. She knows the drill!

We went to go get breakfast. She got a McDonalds Breakfast Platter; egg, sausage, hashbrown and a biscuit. It'll last her all day.

We came home and I ate my breakfast as she ate hers. Then it's our lazy Sunday time. Lay on the couch with her laying on my back or on the back of the couch....but she's there.

This is going to be the last Sunday we'll get to do this.

In one week, I have to send her to my dad's in Phoenix....permanently. With my travels and my mom refusing to watch her (for no apparent reason), it's what's best for Kiki.

But it hurts like hell!!

I already have to leave out of Atlanta on Monday the 15th. And Atlanta is the closest airport that they will "ship" pets. So, depending on flight schedules, she will be flying on Continental either Sunday or Monday evening to Phoenix. They have a rule, when shipping pets to Phoenix, that they must arrive after 9pm due to the heat.

I'm looking for the logic in this. I travel a lot. I won't have to worry about rushing home from work to let her out. I won't have puppy pads spread through the department for when I do stay late at work. No huge boarding fees.

But, ya just doesn't seem worth it! I would much rather keep her and deal with all of that.

Next weekend is going to be hard!

Posted by Sissy at August 7, 2005 10:16 AM | TrackBack

Oh, I'm so sorry, Sissy! I had to do that once with a little dog I loved very much... It's a tough decision and hard as heck to do, but only you know what's right for you and for Kiki... :,(


Posted by: pam at August 7, 2005 10:41 AM

If there was any way possible I'd foster care her for you here in Charleston for as long as it took. Unfortunately I'm not sure how she and Psycho would hit it off and, since I'll be travelling once or twice a month between Labor Day and New Year's Day to watch Kentucky gets its ass beat at football and to see my daughter in NYC, I couldn't take her until early January. At least you know that she'll have a good home.

Posted by: Mike at August 7, 2005 01:23 PM

That's so tough! The Hubster and I had a springer spaniel for a few years, and finally concluded that the little guy needed a family with kids, not to overworked adults who never got time with him. SO, my Mother in law found a good home for him, and the hubby had to take him to the airport and ship him to Mom. I was sad he was shipped off while I was out of town, but kinda glad I missed the goodbye. Hubby cried - and he's the tough one!!!
At least you will get to see Kiki again -- that should help a little! *Hugs*

Posted by: Barb at August 7, 2005 05:55 PM

Awww, how sad.

I couldn't imagine my life without Lance and Maggie now.

Posted by: Machelle at August 8, 2005 09:32 AM

I am so sorry. I hope it all works out!

Posted by: Oddybobo at August 8, 2005 11:26 AM