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October 07, 2005

Really Quick Update

Tropical Storm Tammy was a bitch and stayed with me until Mississippi.

(I just had to say M-I-crooked letter crooked letter - I - crooked letter crooked letter - I - hunchback hunchback - I to spell Mississippi)

I drove from Atlanta to Dallas in 11 hours.

I hated leaving Morrigan.

I'm in Ft. Worth.

I hate Texas (sorry Amy)

They don't know how to build roads.

And it's flat and boring.

Gas is gradually getting cheaper.

I forgot there were Jack in the Box's out here.

I met Amy, her family and Donna and her husband. Nice people! Will post more later about the meet!

My hotel room smells like pee.

Yes, I changed rooms.

It still smells like pee.

And there are two cigarette burned holes in my comforter.

I slept on a blanket that was in my truck and my own pillow.

I considered nose plugs.

I'm headed to TLTTF to see Spurs & Napster. Spurs has promised me a hangover.

I should be hitting 20,000 visitors today but probably won't be around to see it.

Thank God for XM Radio and cell phones!

Posted by Sissy at October 7, 2005 07:47 AM | TrackBack

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Wanna race to 20,000?

Posted by: oddybobo at October 7, 2005 09:23 AM

Been waiting for your next story!
Nose plugs sound like a good idea!
Hope you arrive safely.

20,000! Afew months ago I remember when you were up to 10,000. But I am not surprised, for your blog is the most entertaining MUST READ!

Carry on, Little Trooper!

Posted by: Sue at October 7, 2005 12:33 PM

That hotel went down fast. I think it is only 3 years old.... sorry I did not recommend something better.

Posted by: Amy at October 7, 2005 02:43 PM

Ok Sissy, I have a little surprise for you over at my place!!

Posted by: oddybobo at October 7, 2005 11:19 PM