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March 18, 2006


I got an email from a friend that I haven't talked to in several years. We went to high school together for about 2 years and of course I have moved 8 times since then.

She is getting married to my high school boyfriend's, best friend's younger brother. Kind of funny!

And she asked me to be a bridesmaid. I am flattered!

But there are a couple of funny things about that.

First of all, the wedding is in June of 2007. I can barely plan ahead next month, let alone next year! I have no idea where I will be, what I will be doing or how much I will weigh then!

Secondly, weddings require dresses. My roommate said she'd fly from Hawaii to the wedding just to see me in a dress. The last time I wore a dress was in 2000 or 2001 to the Marine Corps Ball.

Thirdly, I've been to one wedding! My dad's and stepmom's. I was 12, my stepmom's Maid of Honor and had no idea what a big deal that was! Needless to say, I'm a little under educated in these types of affairs.

Those that know me should get a good laugh. I'm going to write her back tonight. Don't know my decision yet but I will tell her my concerns. I would just hate to say yes and then end up moving to frickin' Japan or something! It's just scary to commit to something so much in the future. But hell, I can't commit to plans for a month from now!

Posted by Sissy at March 18, 2006 05:10 PM | TrackBack

Ask Mo about being a bridesmaid! She knows ALL ABOUT it! heh heh heh...

Posted by: bou at March 18, 2006 11:14 PM

I have been a Bridemaid 7 times, asked 8 but the groom backed out 2 months before the wedding. Lets see all of the emerald green(Bou's wedding), black, seafoam green, 2 Navy Blue, deep purple (very slutty)and I'm racking my brain thinking of the other... strange I can't remember. The Purple one was see through on the bottom. As the Bridemaids walked up the aisle the groomsmen were all smiles.

Posted by: Morrigan at March 19, 2006 06:34 PM

How do people plan weddings for that long? I would kill someone by then! I've been a bridesmaid a few times. Wear comfortable shoes.

Posted by: Jody Halsted at March 21, 2006 03:29 PM

You've only had to go to one wedding?

I envy you :-)

Posted by: Harvey at March 23, 2006 04:20 PM