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August 07, 2005

Linky Lovin' XIII

This week's word was calumny. I gave ya'll two weeks to accomplish this one. Let's see how ya did...

T1G of Drunken Wisdom gave his usual drunken definition in the comments. I think he may have made an honest attempt at following the rules and using it in a post...but no trackback, and it's been two weeks, so he gets an honorable mention :-)

Ogre found a use for the word when asking, "How will the left NOT attack Supreme Court nominee John Roberts?"

Even Blog Bruncle Contagion was able to use this weeks word when explaining that there is nothing wrong with being a blogger. Finally, his therapy his paying off!

Since it's been two weeks since the last Word of the Week...I'm not sure if anyone else was able to use it and just didn't trackback. So if you did, my apologies....blame my job!

Posted by Sissy at August 7, 2005 08:45 PM | TrackBack