April 11, 2006
I find it funny that my 50,000th hit today was from somebody googling "USMC" where I was the 4th result with this post.
The post was a prize for T1G for being my 10,000th hit last July.
His prize? The picture in the extended entry:

» basil's blog links with: Picnic 2006-04-11
Nice gift for T1G. Ummm...by the way, I just wanted to point out that I'm visitor #50,071. There's a prize, right? I'd hate to think that I'm being discriminated against simply because I'm easily-divisible-challenged. That'd be wrong.
Posted by: zonker at April 11, 2006 08:17 AMmmmm... excessive air conditioning during the photo shoot... :-)
Posted by: Harvey at April 12, 2006 03:14 AM... good God.. two brunettes in white cotton panties... I think this is the best post ever on "And what Next"... holy shit.... AND they are dressing themselves in the remnants of my uniform!....
Posted by: Eric at April 12, 2006 09:43 PM