April 17, 2005
Family Gun Lessons
Bou wrote about her and TGOO going shopping for a gun and all the lessons along with such a big responsibility.
Well, my dad the retired Marine, has always made sure his girls knew how to handle guns responsibly. This past Christmas Eve, we packed up the Excursion with guns, the slingshot, bow and arrows and a picnic lunch of ring bologna and chips, and drove up into the mountains to go shooting.
But before hand, he insisted on giving us the lesson on each gun. What each one was, what it was used for, the history behind it, how to hold it, what each piece does, etc. We did this with EACH GUN. Each of us girls had to hold each one and show dad that we had understood what he just explained to us. Being the oldest, this was only like the 5th time I had listened to this lesson :-)
The following pictures are from that lesson and the day in the mountains.