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August 16, 2005


My stepmom has always been a shopper! She loves to shop! She passed it along to me as we had a ritual of getting up early for shopping the day after Thanksgiving.

Well, she has a new hobby, also dealing with shopping!

She belongs to a network called Coupon Cents (I think, or something like that). They have people that go through the paper and label the sections of coupons. As you get the Sunday paper (which you get a discount on through them), you also label these according to the letter and number they give you, and you file them away.

Then there is this forum where people tell you where all the sales are! People talk about what their savings were, what they found, etc. They'll tell you to go back to a certain section of coupons to pull that coupon to get a product for nearly nothing.

My stepmom has 3 Sunday papers delivered for this reason.

So, as we were out shopping, we had a list. She ended up getting 4 tubes of Colgate toothpaste for 50 cents each (which she will send to the troops as our family uses Crest). She got 4 of my dad's deodorants for like $1.00 each. Six bottles of Pantene were also purchased for $15. There was plenty more and this was all just while I was there!

This went on....tons of savings! It's all very well organized! Their idea is that you should never have to pay for toothpaste, shampoo (at least the cheaper stuff) and little things like that.

Every time we went somewhere, my dad and I would ask "Do you have a coupon for that?"

Well, on Monday, she sent me the following email:

Just had to share my exciting shopping trip today….mostly for Sissy to laugh at me! If you blog about this Sissy you better make sure you include the deals I've been getting!!

Bought 4 rolls of scotch tape for 50 cents (used 4 coupons)!

6 Ragu Sauce
3 Wishbone salad dressings
1 skippy peanut butter

Total cost: $26.40
Total savings: $25.20 (coupons & club card)
What I paid: $1.20 (95% SAVINGS!!)

Sissy I tried to take a picture with my phone but it didn't come out clear enough to send!!

Okay enough of my exciting day!! Now I have to go rest! LOL

The program is only in Arizona and Utah although I'm sure there are some like it in other areas.


Posted by Sissy at August 16, 2005 05:13 PM | TrackBack

That cracks me up! My Mom doesn't do coupons, but man, she has this innate knack for finding THE BEST things on sale. I think it's a gift or something. Like a 6th sense. Going shopping with her is fun.... oh and add Mo to the shopping expedition and I nearly pee my pants every time.

Posted by: Bou at August 16, 2005 10:39 PM

Can I borrow your step mom? I need someone to teach me how to use coupons that well!!!

Posted by: VW Bug at August 17, 2005 08:45 AM

I need help with coupons too!

Posted by: Oddybobo at August 17, 2005 10:25 AM

Just send me the peanut butter, I'm hungry.

Posted by: Ogre at August 17, 2005 10:47 AM

I am so not good at coupons or sales. If it's on sale great if not I'm buying it anyway if I want it. Morrigan is the best shopper. Everytime she goes I hear stories of how she got wonderful stuff from our favorite stores/labels dirt cheap! I miss shopping with her for that savings aspect. Some people just have Sale Radar. Not me.

Posted by: Napster at August 17, 2005 06:25 PM

I learned everything from Mom, she's the best.

Posted by: Morrigan at August 17, 2005 10:31 PM